• 认真听取了科尔马邦先生海森尼先生的发言

    I have also listened attentively to the statements made by Mr. DE Kermabon and Mr. Hyseni.


  • 中的这个情节蒂普拉王公戈宾尼克耶历史中,写成篇短篇小说贤哲》①,《儿童》上连载。

    This dream episode I worked into the annals of King Gobinda Manikya of Tipperah and made out of it a little serial story, Rajarshi, for the Balaka.


  • 坦率地说一点上,最大困难障碍之一就是俄罗斯,”哈佛修·恩说

    "One of the biggest and most difficult stumbling blocks at this point is Russia, frankly," says Harvard's Matthew Bunn.


  • 例如哈拉施特拉护理学院学生保留了20%名额

    For example, Maharashtra State has reserved 20% of places in its nursing colleges for male students.


  • 第四次怀孕的时候,桑杰村子(印度西部哈拉施特拉)附近的座小城里找一位放射医生。这他们妇科医生推荐的。

    During Anu's fourth pregnancy she and Sanjay went to a radiologist, who had been recommended by their gynecologist, in a town outside their village in Maharashtra in western India.


  • 哈拉施特拉农村地区针对儿童死亡率综合农村健康项目长期效应开展首次严格评估

    To conduct the first rigorous evaluation of the long-term effect of the Comprehensive rural Health Project on childhood mortality in rural Maharashtra.


  • 新南威尔士昆士兰橄榄球维多利亚澳大利亚塔斯尼亚西澳大利亚和北领地则是澳式足球根据地。

    New South Wales and Queensland are the rugby states; Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory are strongholds of Australian rules football.


  • 哈拉施特拉个村子里, 巴呼卢比游牧部落的一位表演者为了演出需要而在身上让人觉得恐怖的伤痕,将化成魔鬼状。

    Hishorrific wounds and demonic face all paint and fakery for the sake ofthe show, a performer belonging to the Bahurupi nomad communityprepares to entertain villagers in the state of Maharashtra.


  • 与此同时·拉斯·特拉正在迅速走向城市化工业化稀缺资源压力不断增大

    At the same time, Maharashtra is moving rapidly into urbanization and industrialization, increasing the pressure on scarce resources.


  • 优质的拉尼耐久拉贾斯坦在豪华住宅之间的旅行异国情调的旅行。

    The palace-to-palace ride in Rajasthan on fine Marwari endurance horses is considered an exotic tour.


  • 哈拉施特拉首席部长阿育王查文保证采取措施,让记者不必担惊受怕,可以安心工作挫败一切企图恐吓媒体作法。

    Maharashtra's chief minister, Prithviraj Chavan, has promised steps to ensure that journalists can work without fear, and foil all efforts to "terrorize" the media.


  • 位于加州特奥塞拉高中,二年级学生兹的棒球生涯始于中外三个赛季中的安打率是0.404。

    At Serra High School in San Mateo, Calif., Bonds started in center field as a sophomore and batted.404 in three seasons.


  • 这种争议哈拉施特拉不是一回。

    It is not the first time that Maharashtra state is facing such a controversy.


  • 哈拉施特拉虽然不在之列,的人口数量也在飞速增长之中

    Maharashtra is not in that category, but its population is still growing too fast.


  • 西部地区其他人大来自哈拉斯特

    People of the rest of the western region are mostly from the state of Maharashtra.


  • 数千哈拉施特拉首府孟买的人生活赤贫

    Thousands live destitute in Mumbai, Maharashtra’s capital.


  • 一个明亮的载着面纱女人参观拉贾斯坦比卡内尔卡的尔尼寺庙

    A brightly veiled woman visits the Karni Mata temple in Bikaner, Rajasthan.


  • :“前些天看了这部电影,我的嘴唇的嘴唇一样,向突出,还张得很大,使劲想把她的下唇全包住所以妮,我得你道个歉。”

    He said: "I saw the film a couple of nights ago and my lips are like the lips of a horse, kind of distending away from my face, trying to encompass the lower half of hers. So I apologise, Bonnie."


  • 因为电影里会一个JamesBond火车顶上跳进大海湖里的镜头,所以他们请求古吉拉特的萨巴尔提(Sabarmati)河或果阿进行拍摄

    They had asked for Sabarmati in Gujarat or Goa for a site to shoot in, since the film has to show Bond jumping into a sea or a big water body from the train top.


  • 据印度税务部长达尔纳·普拉萨达·拉奥(Dharmana PrasadaRao)邻近安得拉有60遇难还有100万人暂时安身在100顶援助帐篷里。

    In neighbouring Andhra Pradesh, 60 people had died and more than 1 million had sought shelter in 100 relief camps, Dharmana Prasada Rao, the state's revenue minister, said.


  • 哈·拉斯·特拉人口9600万,印度第二

    Home to 96 million people, Maharashtra is India's second largest state.


  • 不足为奇:早1967年老戈自己是戴高乐任命的,同样地雅克·希拉克(Jacques Chirac)在2005年支持了纳辛贝·埃亚德(Gnassingbé Eyadéma)将军儿子

    No wonder: Bongo senior was himself installed by de Gaulle back in 1967. Jacques Chirac similarly backed the son of Togo's Gen. Gnassingbé Eyadéma in 2005.


  • 这样海报也印度哈拉施特拉Bhigwan附近展出,那里隶属于印度波拉普尔工业有限责任公司的一个工厂

    A copy is on display near the town of Bhigwan in the Indian state of Maharashtra, in a factory belonging to Ballarpur Industries Limited (BILT).


  • 十月下旬写信给北方瓦蒂(Mayawati),管理部门已经22项来自部门监督员要求置之不理,他们要求亚瓦蒂调查贪污事件。

    In late October he sent an open letter to its chief minister, Mayawati, saying her administration had ignored 22 demands from monitors in his ministry that she look into graft.


  • 该法农场餐桌监管食品,”位于哈拉施特拉普纳市国家农业食品分析研究院院长VinayOswal

    The law will regulate production of food from farm to fork,” said Vinay Oswal, director at National Agriculture and Food Analysis and Research Institute, based in the city of Pune in Maharashtra.


  • 六月热浪使数以百计人丧生古吉拉特100哈拉施特拉90人,拉贾斯坦35人,比哈尔34人。

    By the beginning of June, the heat wave had claimed the lives of more than 100 people in the state of Gujarat, 90 in Maharashtra, 35 in Rajasthan, and 34 in Bihar.


  • 印度孟买广播电台大清早就会播放演唱中世纪地语的圣诗改编abhang或者颂歌哈拉施特拉上百万的居民每天就是他的歌声中醒来的。

    Millions of homes in Maharashtra woke up to him singing the abhangs, or hymns, of the medieval Marathi saint-poets on the early-morning programme on All India Radio's Bombay station.


  • 印度孟买广播电台大清早就会播放演唱中世纪地语的圣诗改编abhang或者颂歌哈拉施特拉上百万的居民每天就是他的歌声中醒来的。

    Millions of homes in Maharashtra woke up to him singing the abhangs, or hymns, of the medieval Marathi saint-poets on the early-morning programme on All India Radio's Bombay station.


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