• 经过马维斯遍又一遍游说,史密斯这个系列变得痴迷

    After a lot of convincing from Mewes, Smith became a devoted fan of the series.


  • 经过马维斯遍又一遍地游说,他自己又了第二引出了金·这个角色狂怒火爆”。 从此,史密斯这个系列变得痴迷

    After a lot of convincing from Mewes and a viewing of the Season 2 episode "The Fury of Firestorm, " which introduced King Shark into the world, Smith became a devoted fan of the series.


  • 迈阿密大学附属医院物理治疗博士、理疗师库斯·杰克维兹每天运动分钟一个好的开始

    Ten minutes of activity per day is a good start, says Marcus Jackovitz, DPT, a physical therapist at the University of Miami Hospital.


  • 基雅维利奉献开场白让人回想希腊修辞学家伊索卡特(Isocrates组成经典演说《尼科莱斯》。

    The opening lines of Machiavelli’sdedication recall the classical oration To Nicoles composed by the Greek rhetorician Isocrates.


  • 不过民权活动家库斯·加维投诉一家报纸报纸报道破产孤独不受欢迎中与世长辞

    The civil rights activist Marcus Garvey, though, had to complain to a paper that reported he had died "broke, alone and unpopular".


  • 鲁尼妻子埃米听到噩耗的时候,“口里出来的一句话就是,‘这样的话,安葬在特拉维斯旁边,’”尼恩-柏雷克说道

    When Looney's wife Amy first heard the news, "the first thing that came out of her mouth was, 'well then he has to be buried next to Travis,'" Manion-Borek said.


  • 死后家人成立特拉维斯·尼恩基金会,旨在帮助那些执行完任务返乡军人退伍老兵

    Following Manion's death, his family founded the Travis Manion Foundation, which helps soldiers who are returning home after deployments and veterans.


  • 我们还要谈到吕斯珂赛特他们离开家,他们过维尔

    Let us also say that, on their side, Cosette and Marius had also been absent. They had been to Vernon.


  • ·可·维迪斯看来康尼莱顿海滩九英亩大小的公园时候做一些改变

    The way Marty Markowitz sees it, the rundown nine-acre park where Coney Island and Brighton Beach meet is ripe for a sparkling transformation.


  • 世界足球先生罗纳尔多奔赴、特维斯跳槽曼城以来,曼联一直试图副无所畏惧面孔

    United have been trying to put on a brave face ever since the world footballer of the year left for Real Madrid and Carlos Tevez jumped ship to Manchester City.


  • 获悉特拉维斯的挚友布兰登·鲁尼,于不久前阿富汗阵亡的信息,特拉维斯·恩的家人决定遗体转移阿灵顿国家公墓

    Travis Manion's family decided to relocate his remains to Arlington National Cemetery after learning his best friend, Brendan Looney, was recently killed in Afghanistan.


  • 一家报纸报道库斯·加维死的时候“穷困潦倒、孤苦无依、不得人心”,而这位民权活动家不得不对这家报纸提起诉讼。

    The civil rights activist Marcus Garvey though had to complain to a paper that reported he had died "broke alone and unpopular".


  • 如果教练依然拒绝改变阵型把他们同时派上场的话,亚斯·费尔南得斯乔治·巴尔迪维亚就要继续球队组织者的位置而竞争

    Matias Fernandez and Jorge Valdivia are still competing for the playmaker position, as the coach refuses to change the shape and pick both.


  • 俄亥俄州托莱多市贝尤维公园剧场的拳赛中,“纳萨的击鼓者”杰克·邓普西经回合激战, 粗暴地击倒了6英尺6英寸的卫冕者杰斯·威拉德,将他拉拳王宝座。

    The Manassa Mauler' Jack Dempsey brutally beat down and dethroned reigning 6'6 champion Jess Willard in three violent rounds at the Bay View Park Arena in Toledo, Ohio.


  • 绝大部分主流莎士比亚研究者对此嗤之以鼻,值得一提的显然现在认为作者是弗兰西斯培根爱德华维尔克里斯多夫·的看法正逐渐深入人心。

    Most mainstream Shakespeareans stand aloof from it. But apparently the claims of Francis Bacon, Edward DE Vere and Christopher Marlowe, among others, are on the rise.


  • 不用问,这次意义非凡皇家聚会中,当然兰普取代了维拉斯盖兹画作中那士提夫獒犬

    Naturally it is Lump who replaces Velázquez's noble mastiff in this extraordinary, parodical royal assemblage.


  • 五十年代末那时还是个孩子肯塔基州路易斯维尔长大,我生活灰尘贝类番茄的恐惧之中

    When I was child growing up in Louisville, Kentucky, in the late 1950s, I lived in constant fear of horses, cats, dust, shellfish and tomatoes.


  • 走向微笑五个人每个眼睛都冒着烈火,一如古代坚守莫皮莱的英维的目光,都吕斯喊道

    He advanced towards the five, who smiled upon him, and each, with his eyes full of that grand flame which one beholds in the depths of history hovering over Thermopylae, cried to him.


  • 意大利雷斯卡切万顿的进球帮助塞维利亚2球击败对手,西班牙人赛季第一场失败积分滑落第8

    Italian Enzo Maresca and Ernesto Chevanton were on target to help Sevilla move two points off the lead, while Espanyol slip to eighth after their first defeat of the season.


  • 媒体报道,GaGa收入为30,556,342美元,排邦.乔维罗杰斯特,大卫乐队贾斯汀.比伯之后。

    According to the publication, Gaga made $30,556,342 followed by Bon Jovi, Roger Waters, Dave Matthews Band and Justin Bieber.


  • Mashable编辑劳伦•尹德维克、购物网站GiltGroup创始人亚历克斯•梅班克、L2研究员莫琳·以及《时尚先生》杂志(Esquire)主编大卫·格兰杰讨论内容商务模式

    Mashable editor Lauren Indvik, Gilt Group founder Alexis Maybank, L2 researcher Maureen Mullen and Esquire's editor in chief David Granger discussed the new model of content and commerce.


  • 基雅维里本可以在奥维德的《变形记》(4.460)里找到西西弗斯。

    Machiavelli would have found Sisyphusin Ovid's Metamorphoses 4.


  • 最能讨君主欢心的事物: 基雅维里篇“题献”的开场白让人想起《致尼科洛》里的经典致辞古希腊修辞学家埃索克里特斯所写。

    willmost please him: the opening lines of Machiavelli’sdedication recall the classical oration ToNicoles composed by the Greek rhetorician Isocrates.


  • 只是星期一个2岁的小母丘吉尔·唐斯路易斯维尔碰撞后另一

    Just on Monday, a 2-year-old filly died at Churchill Downs in Louisville following a collision with another horse.


  • 斯波的研究组中,具有基雅维利主义特征的在职场上高度成功

    The people with a Machiavellian streak in Spurk's study group enjoyed high degrees of career success.


  • SV别墅位于西班牙塞维利亚华金·托雷斯拉斐尔·利亚萨雷斯所负责项目成果

    The SV House, located in Sevilla, Spain, was the result of a project managed by joaquin Torres and Rafael Llamazares.


  • 拉萨大桥奥斯阿曼设计连结着布鲁克林斯塔顿

    The Verrazano Bridge, which was designed by Othmar Ammann, joins Brooklyn to Staten Island.


  • 劳里先生走近老人。“内特医生,记得我了吗,贾维斯·劳里?”轻声地问道

    Mr Lorry moved closer to the old man. 'Dr Manette, don't you remember me, Jarvis Lorry?' he asked gently.


  • 劳里先生走近老人。“内特医生,记得我了吗,贾维斯·劳里?”轻声地问道

    Mr Lorry moved closer to the old man. 'Dr Manette, don't you remember me, Jarvis Lorry?' he asked gently.


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