• 银行可以创造利润因为整个马维拉巨大客户群他们银行交易成本

    The bank can make a profit because it has a large customer base across Malawi and because the bank's transaction costs are low.


  • 整个撒哈拉非洲土地一样马维拉土地极度贫瘠,而大多数农民因为贫穷,根本无力市场价格购买化肥

    Malawi's soil, like that across sub-Saharan Africa, is gravely depleted, and many, if not most, of its farmers are too poor to afford fertilizer at market prices.


  • 曾今也经历过烦躁入关手续(吉布提布隆迪里兰马维拉瓦努阿图巴布亚新几内亚),没有次像这次这样花费如此长的时间进入一个国家

    Seriously. I’ve been off the beaten track before (Djibouti, Burundi, Somaliland, Malawi, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea...), but never have I waited so long simply to get into a country.


  • 彼得拉克庆祝他们征服财富登上顶峰伟大成就就是尼科诺·基雅维利所颠覆的传记传统

    Petrarch celebrated their greatness in conquering fortune and rising to the top. This was the biographical tradition which Niccolò Machiavelli turned on its head.


  • 鲁尼妻子埃米听到噩耗的时候,“口里出来的一句话就是,‘这样的话,安葬在特拉维斯旁边,’”尼恩-柏雷克说道

    When Looney's wife Amy first heard the news, "the first thing that came out of her mouth was, 'well then he has to be buried next to Travis,'" Manion-Borek said.


  • 死后家人成立特拉维斯·尼恩基金会,旨在帮助那些执行完任务返乡军人退伍老兵

    Following Manion's death, his family founded the Travis Manion Foundation, which helps soldiers who are returning home after deployments and veterans.


  • 出现最新发布录像中的那名男子被确认姆.哈利勒.阿布-穆拉勒.巴拉维。 他在阿富汗东部与巴基斯坦接壤地区主要美军基地引爆了身上的炸弹。

    The man in the newly released video is identified as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, who blew himself up inside a key U.S base in an eastern Afghan region bordering Pakistan.


  • 获悉特拉维斯的挚友布兰登·鲁尼,于不久前阿富汗阵亡的信息,特拉维斯·恩的家人决定遗体转移阿灵顿国家公墓

    Travis Manion's family decided to relocate his remains to Arlington National Cemetery after learning his best friend, Brendan Looney, was recently killed in Afghanistan.


  • 不用问,这次意义非凡皇家聚会中,当然兰普取代了维拉斯盖兹画作中那士提夫獒犬

    Naturally it is Lump who replaces Velázquez's noble mastiff in this extraordinary, parodical royal assemblage.


  • 这样阻止了亲维克拉辛哈泰米尔人参加选举以确保帕克萨能当选

    Thus he prevented pro-Wickremesinghe Tamils from voting, ensuring Mr Rajapakse's election.


  • 报告登革热/登革出血热病例的县包考、帝力、埃尔梅拉、利基萨、利亚纳纳图托奎奎,其中帝力报告病例占76%(以前报告)。

    Districts reporting DF/DHF cases are Baucau, Dili, Ermera, Liquica, Maliana, Manatuto and Viqueque, with 76% of the cases reported from Dili ( see previous report).


  • 巴黎报纸论坛报》(LaTribune)称,德拉维耶伊谢上周一直在试图挽回部分多夫诈骗资金

    The Paris newspaper la Tribune said that Mr Magon DE la Villehuchet had spent the last week trying to recover some of the funds lost to Mr Madoff.


  • 朋友拉和的朋友塔,还有西索。

    There was me and my friend Marv, Lola and her friend Lotta, and Sizzles.


  • 莎乐美式的卡丽塔·拉,理查德·阿维顿摄影来自奥秘”,刊登于2004年5月5

    Karita Mattila as Salome, photographed by Richard Avedon, from "Mysteries of Love," in the issue of April 5, 2004.


  • 菲尔德联系的名字包括维拉双塔埃米利·赫斯基、约翰·卡鲁以及路德·范尼斯特鲁伊。

    Among the names to have been linked with a move to Anfield are Aston Villa pair Emile Heskey and John Carew and Real Madrid's Ruud van Nistelrooy.


  • 厄普森安顿•费迪南德能够周日维拉的比赛之前复出

    Matthew Upson and Anton Ferdinand could return from injury against Villa on Sunday.


  • 除了正在进行的卡萨诺谈判的外,我们开始与讨论关于德伦小兔子萨维奥拉的引进事宜。

    Tuttosport says Samp are in advanced talks with Real over a fee for Cassano and during discussions have also been offered the chance to sign Royston Drenthe and Javier Saviola.


  • 维拉-写道:“就所有恋爱中的人一样,既是一个吸血鬼又是一位牺牲者。”

    "Like all those in love", Vila-Matas writes, "he is both vampire and martyr".


  • 出生于巴塞罗那维拉-塔斯已经出版了20本小说2014年获得了福明托文学奖。

    Barcelona-born Vila-Matas has published more than 20 novels, and won the 2014 Prix Formentor.


  • 其中一任妻子露佩。琳在和初次见面之后曾:“就是伟大迭戈维拉

    When one of his wives, Lupe Marin, met him for the first time she asked, "Is this the great Diego Rivera?"


  • 拉维国家银行公共关系部经理安妮·告诉烟农核实自己在银行帐户

    National bank of Malawi (NBM) Public Relations Manager Annie Magola told the farmers to verify their bank accounts with the bank.


  • 维尔还不太确定不过应该也没有什么大关于不可用的球员特纳不能上场,斯拉奇布斯都还不行。

    There is a little doubt about Vermaelen but he should be alright. on the players who are not available… Bendtner is out, Squillaci is out and Gibbs will just fall short.


  • 费尔周三晚上维拉公园被抬担架离场,阿森纳0:0打平维拉上半场受伤

    Vermaelen left Villa Park on crutches on Wednesday night after hurting his leg during the first half of Arsenal's 0-0 draw against Aston Villa.


  • 莫滕森卡内基·梅隆大学获得博士学位,在维拉·特大学获得学士学位。

    D. in economics from Carnegie Mellon University and his B. A. in economics from Willamette University.


  • 答案划上大大的才反应过来,侯力11月维拉公园签入的第一他的老乡皮雷斯

    Only when the paper has been marked with a big, fat nought will you be reminded that it was actually fellow countryman Pires who turned up first for Houllier at Villa Park back in November.


  • 》报已经联系名巴西球员经纪人斯托,询问有关转会可能性奥利维拉得到这个消息之后也感到非常兴奋。

    Marca says Real have made contact with the Brazilian's agent, Augusto Casto, about the possibility of a move to Madrid and Oliveira is excited by the prospect.


  • 至少美国宾夕法尼亚州维拉诺瓦大学(Villanova University),帕特里克·研究结论之一。妻子夏洛塔就职美国新泽西州的新泽西州立大学(Rutgers)。

    That, at least, is the conclusion of a study by Patrick Markey of Villanova University, in Pennsylvania, and his wife Charlotte, who works at Rutgers, in New Jersey.


  • 我们医院的床位没有变化,迪亚比维尔伦将继续缺阵法布雷加斯仍在养伤当中因此我们阵容会与类似于对阵阿斯顿·维拉的时候。

    There are no other ins or out. Diaby and Vermaelen are not available. Fabregas is still injured so it will be a similar squad to the Aston Villa game.


  • 我们医院的床位没有变化,迪亚比维尔伦将继续缺阵法布雷加斯仍在养伤当中因此我们阵容会与类似于对阵阿斯顿·维拉的时候。

    There are no other ins or out. Diaby and Vermaelen are not available. Fabregas is still injured so it will be a similar squad to the Aston Villa game.


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