• 一直马盖使用这个D环设计更多的想法

    I have mixed thoughts on the D-ring which Maxpedition has been using for a while.


  • 里尼医生认为这一疾病由于时差旅途压力以及强烈怀旧感冲击而引起的。

    Dr Magherini believes the syndrome is a result of jet lag, travel stress, and the shock of an overwhelming sense of the past.


  • 东区行政人员步行者努力快船达成笔涉及威尔考克斯多人交易

    One Eastern Conference executive said the Pacers were pushing to make a deal with the Los Angeles Clippers, seeking both Corey Maggette and Chris Wilcox in a multiplayer transaction.


  • 如果喜欢女性汽车爆炸混合泳马盖先,电视,电视频道正式伙伴可能天堂

    If you like a medley of women, cars, explosions, and MacGyver, Spike TV, the official companion of the TV channel, could be your heaven.


  • 马盖提供了旋转挂钩替代购买这根转换肩带应该开始就只适合龟甲包一起使用的。

    Maxpedition offers alternate shoulder straps with snap hooks for purchase which offers more options, but the alternate shoulder strap should just be the one that comes with the Testudo to begin with.


  • 另一名保守派专栏作家·勒格也在获取报酬后,推广布什政府提出的“健康婚姻计划

    Maggie Gallagher, another conservative columnist, was paid to promote the Bush administration's "healthy marriage" program.


  • 去年一位梵蒂冈天文学家-肯搜格诺推测如果外星人存在它们可能就灵魂就要伸出手,给它们施行洗礼

    Last year, a Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno, speculated that if aliens exist, they might have souls and he offered to reach out, touch and baptize them.


  • 如同我们过来,”吉德·沙阿回忆说。他当时一家电视台导演,现任粮农组织媒体关系处处长

    "It was like a black umbrella coming down on us," recalls Majid Chaar, then a television director and now Chief of FAO's Media Relations Branch.


  • 经过了曾经一个烟囱界标,一个生锈铁口的枯井。井已经绣得像是一个告警而不是在起到保护作用

    He passed a cairn of stones that once had been a chimney, a dry well covered with a slab of tin so rusty it served as more warning than safeguard.


  • 美国欧洲汽车销售正在下滑,美国零售商内曼·库斯、美国彭尼公司普,十月份为止年度销售额出现了两位数的下跌。

    Car sales in America and Europe are plummeting. American retailers, such as Neiman Marcus, J.C. Penney and Gap, reported double-digit falls in sales in the year to October.


  • 一月份一个周六汤姆·塔米沙·勒驾驶着道奇·达塔车开始了他们的寻之旅。

    On a Saturday in January, Tom and Tamitha Garner were making that pilgrimage in their Dodge Dakota.


  • 不用问,这次意义非凡皇家聚会中,当然兰普取代了维拉斯兹画作中那士提夫獒犬

    Naturally it is Lump who replaces Velázquez's noble mastiff in this extraordinary, parodical royal assemblage.


  • 2007-08赛季西班牙收入英超冠军曼联

    Spain's Real Madrid outstripped Manchester United, the English champions, in terms of revenue in the 2007-08 season.


  • 每年七月,130万只角以及瞪羚塞伦平原迁移牧场

    Each July, 1.3million wildebeest, along with large herds of zebras and gazelles, migrate north from the Serengeti Plain to the pastures of the MasaiMara.


  • 洛夫·洛克把这个观点称为[7],并于1972年微生物学家林恩·基·莉斯[8]一起公布了这个观点,以接受科学评判。

    Lovelock called this view Gaia. Together with microbiologist Lynn Margulis, the two published the view in 1972 so that it could be critiqued on scientific terms.


  • 当时是个二十户人家村庄,一座座土房都河岸上,河水清澈沿着遍布石头的河床流去,河里的石头光滑洁白活象史前的巨

    At that time Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs.


  • •霍瓦斯同事发现为什么白色的不易受叮咬,为什么黑色墓碑蜻蜓有着先天吸引力

    Physics Prize - Gabor Horvath and colleagues, for discovering why white-haired horses are the most horsefly-proof horses, and for discovering why dragonflies are fatally attracted to black tombstones.


  • 对于很多育儿专家来说,理想情形这样的:12岁双胞胎玛格丽特斯特亚特兰大郊区,他们总是孩子一起玩。

    For many child-rearing experts, the ideal situation might well be that of Matthew and Margaret Guest, 12-year-old twins in suburban Atlanta, who almost always socialize in a pack.


  • 美国欧洲汽车销售正在下滑,美国零售商内曼·库斯、美国彭尼公司和普,十月份为止的年度销售额出现了两位数的下跌。

    Car sales in America and Europe are plummeting. American retailers, such as Neiman Marcus, J. C. Penney and Gap, reported double-digit falls in sales in the year to October.


  • 对于吡咯烷酮,开始生产n -乙烯基吡咯烷酮,1939年路德维希港自1992年以来生产巴斯夫的在美国网站

    The starting product for PVP, namely N-vinylpyrrolidone, has been produced since 1939 in Ludwigshafen and since 1992 also at BASF's Geismar site in the United States.


  • 51是中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴创始人,他买下酒庄黑麦草酒庄。这两家酒庄的历史可以追溯到18世纪,地处著名波尔多红酒产区中心。

    Jack Ma, 51, founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba, bought the Chateau Guerry and the Chateau Perenne, dating back to the 18th century, in the heart of the famous Bordeaux wine-growing region.


  • 瞧瞧摊手脚躺长椅上洛,取下眼睛上的围巾,随后上。

    He looks at Marlowe sprawled out on the bench, lifts the muffer from his eyes, and puts it back again.


  • ·曼:降低声音

    Matt Gadman: Lower my voice.


  • 在1972年英国化学家洛夫·洛克美国生物学家古利斯阐述,假说希腊大地女神命名

    Developed c. 1972 largely by British chemist James E. Lovelock and U. s. biologist Lynn Margulis, the Gaia hypothesis is named for the Greek Earth goddess.


  • 星期天肯尼亚选手塞缪尔。卡摩洛哥选手贾瓦德。加里卜双双打破奥运男子24年不变拉松记录,分别夺得这个项目的金牌和银牌,埃塞俄比亚选手泽伊。凯贝德获得铜牌。

    Kenya's Samuel Wansiru and Morocco's Jaouad Gharib Sunday broke the 24-year-old Olympic record in the Men's Marathon race while Ethiopia's Tsegay Kebede came in third.


  • 中学高中物理演示气体定律作用。可验证玻意耳一略特定查理定律、吕隆定律理想气体状态方程

    To demonstrate gas laws at physics teaching in senior middle schools. Used for proving Boyle-Mariotte's law, Charles's law, Gay-lussca's law and equation for gases.


  • 率先使用的科技效用极佳,3旋转全都还能运转

    The technology Mr. Massau pioneered was so effective that all three of the revolving houses he built remain operational.


  • 率先使用的科技效用极佳,3旋转全都还能运转

    The technology Mr. Massau pioneered was so effective that all three of the revolving houses he built remain operational.


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