• 目前世界大力士冠军来自于波兰马瑞斯

    The current worlds strongest man is Mariusz Pudzianowski from Poland.


  • 马瑞斯克博士这些感知神经获得更多处理能力.

    “It appears that there is much more processing power devoted to these nerves,” he says.


  • 缅因州的达马瑞斯哥塔湖中把有眼睛红心玻璃鳗鱼水槽

    Black eyes and red hearts dot glass eels scooped into a tank from Maine's Damariscotta River.


  • 善良瓦伦丁克罗地时期牧师,他和圣马瑞斯帮助基督殉难者和秘密结婚的年轻人。

    The good Saint Valentine was a priest at Rome in the days of Claudius II.


  • 鼓手马库马贝尔格瑞夫年轻艺术家们举办了一场爵士乐研讨会

    Trumpeter Marcus Belgrave ran a jazz workshop for young artists.


  • 1876年85生于印第安纳首府印第安纳波利;1958年8月14日卒于亚利桑那州首府菲尼克。是伊莱·(Eli Foster)马瑞萨·洛克·伍德·里尔(Marassa Lock wood Ritter)女儿;1900年,与查尔·奥·比尔德(Charles Austin Beard)结婚

    Born 5 August 1876, Indianapolis, Indiana; died 14 August 1958, Phoenix, Arizona Daughter of Eli Foster and Marassa Lockwood Ritter; married Charles Austin Beard, 1900.


  • 埃弗瑞厨房地板上东西弄来弄去不去清扫的时候,马托假装地砖幅画,而必须扫帚颜色。

    When Avery pushes dirt around the kitchen floor instead of sweeping it, Mr. Mattocks has her pretend the tile is a drawing that she has to 'color' with her broom.


  • 狗狗大叫通常是因为他们有需要,”路易·马瑞医生马瑞医生是曼哈顿白石动物纪念医院医学部主任

    "Dogs are usually barking because of some frustration," said Dr. Louise Murray, director of medicine at the Aspca's Bergh Memorial Animal Hospital in Manhattan.


  • 自从回来后总喜欢老家——靠近英国布里托尔附近的阿尔蒙博瑞,穿着马塞族的衣服从事他的商业活动。

    Since returning, he has worn his Masai clothes while going about his business in his home town of Almondsbury, near Bristol, UK.


  • 西班牙人马克·柯马今年34岁,曾为2006、2009年9500公里比赛冠军得主。 2011年,他主要劲敌是来自法国卫冕冠军西瑞尔·代普利司,将给他的夺冠带来巨大挑战。

    The 34-year-old Spaniard won the 9, 500 kilometre event in 2006 and 2009, and faces stiff competition in 2011 from arch-rival and reigning champion Cyril Despres of France.


  • 西班牙人马克·柯马今年34岁,曾为2006、2009年9500公里比赛冠军得主。 2011年,他主要劲敌是来自法国卫冕冠军西瑞尔·代普利司,将给他的夺冠带来巨大挑战

    The 34-year-old Spaniard won the 9,500 kilometre event in 2006 and 2009, and faces stiff competition in 2011 from arch-rival and reigning champion Cyril Despres of France.


  • 该书是心爱的西方科幻系列续集,由伊德瑞·艾尔巴马修·麦康纳主演

    In what he's described as a sequel to his beloved sci-fi Western series, Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey will star.


  • 苏格拉底柏拉图·拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生与亨利·大卫罗。马娅·安杰卢与奥普拉·温弗瑞。查尔昆西·琼·鲍勃·诺与史蒂夫·乔布

    Socrates and Plato. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey. Ray Charles and Quincy Jones. Bob Noyce and Steve Jobs.


  • 马瑞·鲍茨一名儿童图书作家已出版童书超过16本。她目前丈夫、三个孩子只宠物生活华州。

    Maribeth Boelts is the author of over 16 books for children. She lives in Iowa with her husband, three children, and several pets.


  • 普·瑞尔乐酒店位于马迪朗葡萄酒产区中心地带,这里属于法国西南部的上比利牛

    Le Prielle is situated in the heart of the Madiran wine growing area of the Haute Pyrenees in the South West of France.


  • 残酷无情的俄国间谍一样菲利普(马修·瑞饰)和伊丽莎白(凯利·拉塞尔饰)始终相信为了拯救人性必须牺牲自我

    As ruthless Russian spies, Philip (Matthew Rhys) and Elizabeth (Keri Russell) have always believed that one must sacrifice humans in order to save humanity.


  • 约翰·霍普金大学莫洛·马瑞李朝阳正在尝试这样

    And that is what Mauro Marrelli and Chaoyang li of Johns Hopkins University are trying to do.


  • 8月2日,马格德莱情人玛瑞因涉嫌谋杀自己4岁儿子丹尼尔判处了无期徒刑。

    ON AUGUST 2nd Magdalena Luczak and her partner, Mariusz Krezolek, were jailed for life for the murder of her four-year-old son, Daniel.


  • 经典音乐部门最大限度利用网络方面做好的工作。”福瑞·研究公司的数字音乐分析师马克·马·利根说。

    "The classical-music sector has done a very good job of maximizing the opportunity of the Internet," notes Mark Mulligan, a digital music analyst at Forrester Research.


  • 原住民长笛家a。布瑞以及擅长创造神圣景致音乐家拉杰马寇,共同演奏出立足地球、仰触星辰音乐作品

    Native American flutist, A. Brent Chase performs with celestial soundscapes musician Gerald Jay Markoe to create music that is grounded in the earth yet connected to the stars.


  • 埃弗瑞厨房地板上东西弄来弄去不去清扫的时候,马托假装地砖幅画,而必须扫帚颜色。

    When Avery pushes dirt around the kitchen floor instead of sweeping it, Mr. Mattocks has her pretend the tile is a drawing that she has to 'color' with her broom .


  • 埃弗瑞厨房地板上东西弄来弄去不去清扫的时候,马托假装地砖幅画,而必须扫帚颜色。

    When Avery pushes dirt around the kitchen floor instead of sweeping it, Mr. Mattocks has her pretend the tile is a drawing that she has to 'color' with her broom .


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