• 马曼逮捕他的警官吵闹而被控拒捕罪

    Marman also was booked for resisting arrest after a fracas with an arresting officer.


  • 吊索协助下,匹枣红色奇被小心翼翼地运到艘船上接受治疗。

    With the help of a sling, the bay gelding Comanche was gently conveyed to a ship for medical treatment.


  • 斯佩罗正在缩减开支,不再去库斯百货公司,而是去位于克利夫兰郊区家中附近的迪拉德百货公司购物

    Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard's department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus.


  • 去年11月开始,塔吉特百货·库斯百货迈克尔斯百货的1亿多个账户最近袭击受到某种程度的影响。

    More than 100 million accounts at Target, Neiman Marcus and Michaels stores were affected in some way during the most recent attacks, starting last November.


  • 鲜生支付了赫尔在中国的七年教育费用。

    Hema Xiansheng paid for Herman's seven-year education in China.


  • 这是卢旺达人民加入新领域并改变其生活的一个机会,”赫尔说,“通过建设更多的盒村,卢旺达有机会成为一个数字农业国家。”

    "It's a chance for Rwandan people to join the new field and change their lives," Herman said, "Through building more Hema Villages, Rwanda has the chance to become a country of digital agriculture."


  • 但是帮助白厅理解幸福正是·塞利格今年夏天伦敦所做的。

    But helping Whitehall understand well-being is precisely what Marty Seligman was doing this summer in London.


  • 塞利格积极心理学理论正在美国英国学校进行测试,表示举动令人鼓舞的,可能远远不够

    Marty Seligman, whose positive psychology theories are being trialed in both US and UK schools, says the moves are encouraging but may not go far enough.


  • 很多决定一些事没有去做。”研究领头人,心理学教授修·利伯一次报告中补充到

    "Many people 'decide' to do things, but then don't do them," Matthew Lieberman, a professor of psychology who led the study, added in a statement.


  • 1986年,惠普考夫计算机实验工作证明这些观点

    These ideas have been shown to work in computer experiments in 1986, by Farmer, Packard and Kauffman.


  • 美国欧洲汽车销售正在下滑,美国零售商·库斯、美国彭尼公司和盖普,十月份为止年度销售额出现了两位数的下跌。

    Car sales in America and Europe are plummeting. American retailers, such as Neiman Marcus, J.C. Penney and Gap, reported double-digit falls in sales in the year to October.


  • 但是维克曼-法案通过能源委员会关键原因在于最终还是过保守而不会造成太大影响

    But the very reason that Waxman and Markey made it through the energy committee could be that, in the end, it will be too weak to make much difference.


  • 特·专门普网的首席工程师谈论之个世界最大社交网络的生活。

    Matt Warman talks exclusively to Facebook's engineering chief about life at the world's biggest social network.


  • 迈可说,他们必须但是一旦他们拉”交给凯勒被释放的。

    Michael says they have to leave Mahone, but once they deliver Scylla to Kellerman, it'll buy Mahone his immunity.


  • 能源问题上,众院去年通过威克·斯提出的“排放总量限制与交易”议案,但参院有关立法与此几乎没有相似之处。

    As for energy, the Senate legislation bears little resemblance to the cap-and-trade bill steered through the House last year by Henry Waxman and Edward Markey.


  • 兰德而言,事件相对平静反映出了新南非真实情况

    For Landman, the relative calm in the aftermath of the Malema affair reflects the reality of the new South Africa.


  • 美国众议院已经通过美国清洁能源能源安全法案,亦即维克斯议案。

    The House of Representatives has passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act, otherwise known as the Waxman-Markey bill.


  • 在球队出访远东德国期间,给出了自己和贝尼特斯的看法。

    He travelled around the Far East and Germany saying exactly what he thought of Real Madrid, Manchester City and Rafael benitez.


  • 这个节选片段中,萨布伦叙述了土库斯坦度过第一的见闻。

    In this extract, Thubron describes his first evening in the city of Mari, in Turkmenistan.


  • 德国,成为了继曾在效力麦克后,第二国外俱乐部中拿到冠军杯冠军英国球员

    There he became just the second English player to win a Champions League medal with a foreign clubthe first being former Blue Steve McManaman at Real Madrid.


  • 实际上诸如萨克斯第五大道精品百货店·库斯之类的高档商店疯狂购物。

    Instead, she went on a spending spree in upmarket stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.


  • 拉赫德拉斯的莫扎特绝对印度明星抢先夺得最佳音乐奖不久后,又摘得最佳配乐

    The star for India was definitely Rahman, known as the Mozart of Madras, who picked up the Oscar for best original score before scooping the best song award moments later.


  • 奢侈品反弹早已显示出最强劲的势头。例如,与去年同期相比,内库斯今年四月的同店销售额提高了11%。

    The rebound has been strongest in luxury stores: same-store sales at Neiman Marcus, for example, were 11% higher this April than last.


  • 第二碳气控制参议院已经颁布了和维克斯法案。

    In a second step towards carbon controls, the Senate has published its own version of Waxman-Markey.


  • 2003 年,他曾经推行排放配额制度中扮演主要角色,提出了维克斯法案大同小异的法案。

    The most striking about-face has come from John McCain, who played a leading role in promoting cap and trade, introducing a bill broadly similar to Waxman-Markey in 2003.


  • 贝尔泰利高档连锁商场内库斯董事长见面之前一天正是普拉达2010年秋冬男装

    The day before Bertelli's meeting with Neiman was the day of Prada's fall-winter 2010 menswear show.


  • 世界足球先生罗纳尔多奔赴、特维斯跳槽以来,一直试图副无所畏惧面孔

    United have been trying to put on a brave face ever since the world footballer of the year left for Real Madrid and Carlos Tevez jumped ship to Manchester City.


  • 2007年,试图立法环境组织公司创建了USCAP提出了“总量管制和排放交易议案,和维克斯——基议案相似

    In 2007 a group called USCAP, made up of environmental organisations and companies that wanted legislation, proposed a cap-and-trade bill, and Waxman-Markey looks a lot like their proposal.


  • 2007年,试图立法环境组织公司创建了USCAP提出了“总量管制和排放交易议案,和维克斯——基议案相似

    In 2007 a group called USCAP, made up of environmental organisations and companies that wanted legislation, proposed a cap-and-trade bill, and Waxman-Markey looks a lot like their proposal.


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