• 坦桑尼亚6马赛族人4月13日参加伦敦马拉松长跑

    Six Masai warriors from Tanzania are taking part in the London Marathon on April 13.


  • 最后一个比赛项目具有历史意义马拉松长跑

    The final event will be a historic men's marathon .


  • 他们看起来参加马拉松长跑脸色不好,气喘吁吁。

    They look like people who have run a marathon. The colour of their faces is not right and they're panting.


  • 开始进行马拉松长跑训练时,要跑上5英里许多参训者连都不敢想。

    At the beginning of a marathon training program, many participants can't imagine themselves running more than 5 miles.


  • 另一些运动员艰难马拉松长跑举重中考验自己力气耐力

    Others test their strength and endurance in the difficult marathon and weightlifting. The winners do not receive any cash prizes.


  • 位75马拉松长跑世界纪录一位50长跑者的纪录的1.5倍。

    The world record for a 75-year-old marathon runner is about 50% longer than the world record for a runner who is 50 years younger.


  • 相对而言,至少可乐才能得到相同作用不能使马拉松长跑者真正得益

    By comparison, it \ 'd take at least eight glasses of cola to get the same effect, which isn \' t exactly conducive for running a marathon.


  • 将近40岁的时候,又一抽风参加马拉松长跑接着是三厢全能运动最终铁人争霸赛。

    In his late 30s, he'll get into marathons, and they'll lead to triathlons and eventually to the Ironman competition.


  • 报告还发现,马拉松长跑远足骑行等这样户外活动越来越开始受到人们的青睐

    The findings showed that outdoor events such as long-distance running, hiking and cycling are enjoying a boom in popularity.


  • 报告还发现,马拉松长跑远足骑行等这样户外活动越来越多的受到人们的青睐

    The findings showed that outdoor events such as long-distance running, hiking and cycling are enjoying a boom in popularity.


  • 那位马拉松长跑运动员进入赛跑运动场快要筋疲力尽了观众们鼓励着支持跑到了终点。

    The marathon runner was near to exhaustion when he entered the stadium, but the crowd egged him on to the finishing line.


  • 无论第十马拉松长跑还是第一次5000米跑训练,你经历这样一段时期:自我怀疑。

    Whether you're training for your tenth marathon or your first 5K, you're going to have moments when you doubt yourself.


  • 人的身体不断需求能量食物获取卡路里维持身体各项机能,让行走坐,甚至参加马拉松长跑

    Your body has a constant demand for energy and USES the calories from food to keep functioning. Energy from calories fuels your every action, from fidgeting to marathon running.


  • 尽管相信任何身体健康只要毅力,都完成马拉松长跑,但是长跑新手最好不要立马进行全程马拉松训练

    While I do believe any healthy person who is willing to commit to the training can complete a marathon, the training is not something to jump right into with no or little running experience.


  • 英国一对情侣伦敦展开了另类“私奔”。他们身穿结婚礼服参加马拉松长跑比赛,在跑步途中举行了婚礼。

    A British couple gave a new twist to the idea of running away together by competing in the London marathon in their wedding clothes and getting married halfway around the course.


  • 英国一对情侣伦敦展开了另类“私奔”。他们身穿结婚礼服参加马拉松长跑比赛,在跑步途中举行了婚礼。

    British couple gave a new twist to the idea of running away together by competing in the London marathon in their wedding clothes and getting married halfway around the course.


  • 如果建立小组共同兴趣爱好很棒的一个组织原则法国电影园艺意大利语训练马拉松长跑等等

    If you want to start a group, a common passion is a great organizing principle: French movies, gardening, learning Italian, training for a marathon, etc.


  • 过去20年村上春树每天训练自己早晨写作四五个小时参加体育训练迎战每年马拉松长跑他而言两种训练没有什么差别

    To Marukami, training to write for four to five hours each morning was no different than training for the marathon that he's run every year for the past two decades.


  • 所以运动,参加马拉松三项全能“募捐长跑竞赛项目的训练,或和好朋友一起工作帮助使事情变得有趣

    So, play a sport, train for an event such as a marathon, triathlon or "fun run," or work out with a buddy to help keep things interesting.


  • 渐渐地增加马拉松速度甚至到你的节奏长跑速度。

    Gradually accelerate to your marathon goal pace, or even your tempo-run pace.


  • 假使做半程或者全程马拉松训练,在你完成长跑第二天散大约30分钟的

    If you're training for a half or full marathon, go for a 30-minute walk the day after a long run.


  • 现在学校如果要变得结实强壮点,提高马拉松成绩,那你必须长跑结束时得卖力点快一点

    New school: If you want to finish strong and improve your times in the marathon, you have to run hard and fast at the end of your long runs.


  • 更加在乎里程碑:在这次洛杉矶纽约长跑中,到现在为止已经相当于100次的马拉松

    Instead, I prefer this milestone: I have now run the equivalent of 100 marathons in this race from Los Angeles to New York.


  • 一对威尔士兄弟斯科特里斯托马斯历时70多穿越美国13个相当于74次马拉松距离,完成慈善长跑

    Welsh brothers Scott and Rhys Thomas recently completed a charity run across 13 states in the US –the equivalent of 74 back-to-back marathons–for 70 days.


  • 每年这个时候秋季马拉松热闹非凡,参加长跑训练开始听到一句告诫:“伤害膝盖的。”

    About this time every year, with the fall marathon season at its zenith, racers in training begin to hear the refrain, "you are going to ruin your knees."


  • 如果是为了长跑或者参加竞赛(马拉松),可以在起跑一点“补”活动,摄取更多的盐分

    If you're doing a long run or race (such as a marathon), you can do a "salt shot" before you start running, to get some extra salt.


  • 多年以来马拉松学问包括周期性长跑

    For many years, marathon wisdom has been to include a weekly long run.


  • 经常听见一些被朋友家人或者同事劝说参加马拉松(26.2英里)训练或者比赛的长跑新手问这个问题

    I hear this a lot from new runners who have friends, family members, or co-workers trying to convince them to train for and run a marathon (26.2 miles) with them.


  • 参加5千米或者1万米的长跑经历马拉松有帮助,这使你有更好的身心准备去跑马拉松

    It's helpful to get that kind of long distance race experience because you'll feel more physically and mentally prepared to go the marathon distance.


  • 1994年,虽然终止长跑,他仍然跑完了10公里纽约市马拉松比赛。

    And in 1994, although he had stopped his long runs, he ran ten miles of the New York City marathon - with me.


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