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    Welcome to the MaCheng auto filter industry "page!"


  • “好马成癖”,创作许多既有深厚传统创意中国画骏马图。

    He was skilled in painting horse and painted a lot of steed Paintings with not only Profundity traditional manner but also modem originality.


  • 位艺术家它们描述成“在华丽、色彩绚丽的、梦幻的大衣棉花糖”。

    One artist describes them as "the glorious, technicolor-dream-coat room where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies".


  • 曾经虚假报道,说马哈苏已经死亡,有些的死说成与肾病有关。

    There have been false reports of Mehsud's demise before, some connected to his diseased kidney.


  • 马楚成该片中设置了诸多情节揭示木兰内心深处脆弱一幕就是其中之一

    This scene is one of many in Ma's film that reveal a deep weakness in the heart and mind of Mulan.


  • 如果“成原则”成立,那么应该1号,而麦克马洪2号、福赛特是3

    Under the rule of three, he could have been No. 1, making McMahon No. 2 and Fawcett No. 3.


  • 张专辑形容音乐派对收集了与其音乐家好友亲密合作作品,包括詹姆斯·泰勒戴安娜克劳。

    Ma describes it as a musical party, a collection of good-time collaborations with musical buddies, James Taylor and Diana Krall among them.


  • 地球美国发言人尼克·贝尔宁把悍马汽车描述成马路污染厉害的私家车”。

    Nick Berning, a US spokesman for Friends of the Earth, described Hummers as "about the most highly polluting personal vehicles on the roads".


  • 而在马楚成影片,这位中国导演或许有意强调木兰的个人心路历程,但他位统帅,一名代表国家出征的战士角度出发,赋予木兰这个角色更多的内涵。

    While Mulan's individual journey may also be highlighted in Ma's film, the Chinese director still gives far more weight to her role as a leader and representative of her country.


  • 导演马楚成这部115分钟长的电影情节跌宕起伏,主角设定动作高手、孝顺女儿情窦初开的少女于一身的形象

    The film's Hong Kong director, Jingle Ma, says the new 115-minute Mulan is a sweeping melodrama that depicts the central character as an action hero, dutiful daughter and wistful romantic.


  • 腾中重工总裁杨义将悍马描述成冒险自由活力的同义词”。

    Tengzhong's chief executive, Yang, Yi, described Hummer as a name "synonymous with adventure, freedom and exhilaration".


  • 迪斯尼木兰塑造成个欢呼雀跃,无忧无虑的小女孩儿时,马楚成版的木兰不仅身披沉重铠甲,更是拥有一颗深藏恐惧且为情所内心

    While the Disney Mulan prances around the screen with barely any inner turmoil, this Mulan carries not only heavy armor, but also a deeply fearful and lovesick heart.


  • 成绩壮了马吕斯的胆。

    This success emboldened Marius.


  • 比如,在书中,我们认识了中国西部青海省马营八岁张成成奶奶妈妈都是先天性盲人

    We meet, for example, 8-year-old Zhang Chengcheng from Maying village in the western province of Qinghai, whose mother and grandmother are blind from birth.


  • 虽然这数量增加但是仍然有大约五成奢侈品公司不会做网络销售。"Yoox集团创始人,Yoox.com(一个奢侈品网站)的拥有者费得雷克.切提估计

    That figure has risen, but still about half of firms don’t sell online at all, estimates Federico Marchetti, the founder of Yoox Group, owner of Yoox.com, a luxury-goods website.


  • 马沙49岁,身材修长头发斑白,脸上的表情一成不变。穿深色西装,里面是一件无领子条纹T恤

    A slender forty-nine-year-old with salt-and-pepper hair and a fixed expression, he wore a dark suit with a collarless striped shirt.


  • 西班牙已有1万多名球迷承诺如果国家队获得本届欧洲杯冠军,会将自己成光头。西班牙体育日报马卡》是本次活动的发起者,以此激励和支持西班牙队。

    Over 10000 fans of the Spanish national team have vowed to shave their heads if their side wins the Euro 2008 football championship, signing an online petition initiated by Spanish sports daily Marca.


  • Horsewelfare协会也表示十分震惊:竟会这么匹成马驹抛弃。

    Horse welfare charities say they have been shocked at the change and that unprecedented Numbers of horses and ponies are being abandoned.


  • 马楚成该片中设置了诸多情节揭示木兰内心深处脆弱,一幕就是其中之一。

    This scene is one of many in ma's film that reveal a deep in the heart and mind of Mulan.


  • 祖马频繁ANC说成是“人民议会”,好像决定选举出的国民大会所做的重要

    Mr Zuma frequently refers to the ANC as "the parliament of the people", as if its decisions were more important than those of the elected national assembly.


  • 王宝强马蓉2009年成婚,育有两人曾经好几个场合里公开恩爱

    Wang and ma were married in 2009 and have a daughter and a son. The two have publicly demonstrated their affection for each other on several occasions.


  • 目的探讨马朗凹陷成岩作用孔隙演化关系

    Aim To discuss the relationship of diagenesis and porosity evolution in Malang Depression.


  • 1839年成立的马特·罗莎镇内老的饭店

    Built in 1839, Monte Rosa is the oldest hotel in town.


  • 两部影片的最后,主人公们完成自己使命大获全胜,只有一位木兰在谢幕时,如同神仙般抛却七情六欲,想必正是马楚成导演所期望的。

    In the end, both characters carry out their mission and achieve victory–but only one comes away looking like a god. Which is exactly how Ma the director planned it.


  • 继1998年迪斯尼推出动画版花木兰》后,马楚成的最新力作又再次将花木兰搬上了荧幕。如果两个版本主人公们坐在一起喝茶聊天的话那她们惊讶地发现彼此截然不同。

    If the Hua Mulan characters in Disney's 1998 cartoon and those in Jingle Ma's new film could sit down and talk over a pot of tea, they might bed to learn how little they have in common.


  • 继1998年迪斯尼推出动画版花木兰》后,马楚成的最新力作又再次将花木兰搬上了荧幕。如果两个版本主人公们坐在一起喝茶聊天的话那她们惊讶地发现彼此截然不同。

    If the Hua Mulan characters in Disney's 1998 cartoon and those in Jingle Ma's new film could sit down and talk over a pot of tea, they might bed to learn how little they have in common.


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