• 传言加利打电话给 弗洛伦诺 ·佩雷斯询问 迪亚拉,利诺马尔 ·南多父亲经纪人 ),米兰可能儿子签约。

    Rumours are that Adriano Galliani has phoned Florentino Perez for Lassana Diarra (26), but according to Lino Omar Tissone, the father and agent of Fernando, Milan could be making his move for his son.


  • 我们名中后卫斯塔马尔蒂卡拉泽都无法出场,卡福一样

    We will be missing three central defenders in the shape of Alessandro Nesta, Paolo Maldini and Kakha Kaladze, as well as Marcos Cafu.


  • 其他消息马尔特雷泽盖图多帕罗莱罗塔列兰特仍然养伤中,不会接下来一周里面进入比赛名单。

    In other related news, Marchionni, Trezeuget, Tudor, Paro, Zanetti, Giannichedda, Legrottaglie and Mirante are still injured for the Bianconeri and will not be available for the next upcoming weeks.


  • 昨晚全场球迷看到一些日落西山老将。虽然马尔蒂斯塔仍在不断为米兰南征北战,但是他们最终还是敌不过逐渐衰老身体

    Last night witnessed a twilight of some of football's most potent gods, such as Paolo Maldini and Alessandro Nesta, though they fought the tide with every fibre of their ageing bodies.


  • 舍瓦西开始新赛季斯塔需要休息马尔蒂一切

    Sheva meanwhile will play his season at Chelsea. Nesta still has to rest. Maldini, meanwhile, is fine.


  • 我们需要考虑我们一些球员状况,包括马尔蒂西多夫不能上场

    We need to evaluate the condition of some of the players, including Daniel Bonera. Paolo Maldini and Clarence Seedorf won't play.


  • 马尔蒂卡卡卡拉泽斯塔由于伤病不能在资格赛第一回合比赛中出场,卡福刚刚归队,而且状态不及颠峰时期。

    Paolo Maldini, Kaka Kaladze and Alessandro Nesta are unavailable for the first leg of the Preliminary Round due to injuries, while Marcos Cafu has just returned from Brazil and is far from top form.


  • 斯塔马尔蒂则因为伤病原因没有进入大名单,因此40岁比利·科斯塔库塔再次在中后卫位置上出任队长

    Alessandro Nesta and Paolo Maldini remain sidelined with injury, so 40-year-old Billy Costacurta is again expected to captain the side from central defence.


  • 保罗·马尔蒂·本周休战,亚历桑德罗·斯塔雅普·斯塔姆站到了中卫位置上,马尔·科斯·卡福和卡哈·卡拉泽扮演边后卫的角色

    Paolo Maldini was rested so Alessandro Nesta and Jaap Stam played in the centre of defence, with Marcos Cafu and Kakha Kaladze in the full-back roles.


  • 斯塔回归让后防线有了更多自信旁边是卡拉泽,边上是奥多马尔蒂

    The return of Alessandro Nesta has given a further confidence boost in the defensive department; next to him Kaladze, on the sides Oddo and Maldini.


  • 马尔蒂训练米兰频道谈到个人目标体能比赛前夕的队感受

    Paolo Maldini spoke to Milan Channel ahead of training about his personal aims, his fitness and the feeling within the camp on the eve of the Roma game.


  • 雅普·斯塔姆保罗·马尔蒂搭档担任中卫,亚历桑德罗·斯塔坐在了替补席上,马尔·科斯·卡福卡拉泽则出任后防线上的另两个位置

    Jaap Stam partnered Paolo Maldini in the centre of defence as Alessandro Nesta dropped to the bench while Marcos Cafu and Kahka Kaladze occupied the full-back positions.


  • 上周日卡拉泽状态不好,适合比赛马尔蒂很好

    The conditions were not right for Kaladze to play last Sunday, Bonera and Maldini are doing well.


  • 米拉·洛—即将奔赴横滨之际马尔蒂看起来踌躇满志并且热切渴望胜利

    MILANELLO - On the eve of the departure for Yokohama Paolo Maldini looks boosted and hungry for victory.


  • 我们马尔蒂恢复但是现在球队防线得不错

    We hope to recover Maldini, we have to wait for Bonera, but at the moment the defence is doing well.


  • 遇到马尔蒂斯塔科斯塔库塔这样球员幸运,在过去的这么些年里他们教会了很多东西。

    I have been fortunate enough to meet some great players like Paolo Maldini, Alessandro Costacurta and Alessandro Nesta, and they have taught me so much during these years.


  • 贝利选中米兰球员马尔蒂斯塔、鲁依科斯塔舍弗琴科西多夫卡福巴雷西

    Pele has picked a number of Milan players, Maldini, Nesta, Rui Costa, Shevchenko, Seedorf, Cafu and Baresi.


  • 昨晚首发球员健身房训练,其他的,比如马尔蒂奥多扬库洛夫斯基卡卡,进行了冲刺训练。

    Some of those that started last night worked in the gym and the others, like Paolo Maldini, Andrea Pirlo, Massimo Oddo, Marek Jankulovski, Daniele Bonera and Ricky Kakà ran sprints.


  • ·吉奥、卡拉泽因扎吉卡福斯塔参加了训练,马尔蒂沙地上进行训练。

    Serginho took part as did Kaladze, Inzaghi, Cafu and Nesta while Maldini worked-out in the sanded-area.


  • ·吉奥、卡拉泽因扎吉卡福斯塔参加了训练,马尔蒂沙地上进行训练。

    Serginho took part as did Kaladze, Inzaghi, Cafu and Nesta while Maldini worked-out in the sanded-area.


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