• 中国春节期间简直就是流水马如龙,据估计在春节期间两周的窗口期内共发送旅客30亿人次

    And the Chinese Spring Festival is just a mad house – an estimated 3 billion person/trips take place within a 2-week window.


  • 但是仍然穿一个牛仔因为这个装束实用。他懂得,一祖先一样凝望荒芜广阔的大草原。

    But he still dresses like a cowboy because the garb is practical; he understands cattle and horses and gazes out upon the treeless expanse just as his predecessors did.


  • 斋戒而且野生.

    She is as fast and brave as a wild horse.


  • 得栩栩生。

    He painted the horse to the life.


  • 看看所讲第一列出一些发达国家的名单-,根据其他一些人分析得出的,姆森,斯坦教授,在他们2002年出版的书中都过。

    If you look at his book, again in the first chapter, he gives a list of countriesit's based on an analysis that some others — that Professors Dimson, Marsh, and Stanton used in their 2002 book.


  • 一张图解所示主要部件是能安装受损顶端的一个封存装置,多井的原油就是通过防涌出

    As the first diagram shows, the main component would be a containment assembly that could fit on top of a damaged blowout preventer, such as the one from which the Macondo oil poured forth.


  • 美国欧洲汽车销售正在下滑,美国零售商内曼·库斯、美国彭尼公司和盖普,十月份为止年度销售额出现了两位数的下跌。

    Car sales in America and Europe are plummeting. American retailers, such as Neiman Marcus, J.C. Penney and Gap, reported double-digit falls in sales in the year to October.


  • 意大利一位西莫的演员朗读这个故事翻译版,伴随着雄浑有力训练有素嗓音——人们纷纷中弹搬倒下,嘉年华的射击游乐项目的靶子一样

    In Italy, with an actor named Massimo, reading the translated story in his booming, trained voice - people dropped as if shot. So many that the could've been targets in a carnival shooting gallery.


  • 氨基丁酸受体的抑制药物加州大学研究小组用于其他方面的临床研究失忆一些小研究上得到了广泛的认同。

    The class of drugs used by the UCLA team to block GABA receptors is currently in clinical development for other conditions, such as memory loss, and has been well-tolerated in small studies.


  • 危机首先归因于脱缰之难以控制的金融业

    This is, first and foremost, a crisis brought on by a runaway financial industry.


  • 吕斯打倒时,阿让老虎敏捷地一蹦,向扑过去,象擒住一个猎物那样,把他带走了

    When a shot laid Marius low, jean Valjean leaped forward with the agility of a tiger, fell upon him as on his prey, and bore him off.


  • 考验当时,尽管向前的座惊弓之鸟般惊恐跳跃,不过她可是首度亲眼确认了自己的斗牛标枪还是可以稳稳地插上漆黑山形牛背。

    Her horse, as she gave it rein and raced forwards, leapt “like a swallow” with fear, but she saw her banderilla planted firmly for the first time in the black, mountainous neck.


  • 许多好朋友卡洛斯菲戈齐达内

    Q: You have a lot of friends at Real like Robert Carlos, Figo, Zidane.


  • 丹麦养犬俱乐部统计,国家格斗狗斗牛士提夫獒犬罗威那犬数量过去年里1,000上升到了20,000。

    According to the Danish Kennel Club, the kingdom's population of fighting breeds such as pit-bull terriers, mastiffs and rottweilers has risen from 1, 000 to 20, 000 in the past five years.


  • 既往地在各种音乐中无节奏地蹦跳

    Mathieu consistently bounced out of sync to various musical tempos.


  • :“骨骼肌肉组织画到身上,确实让它们栩栩生。”

    "Painting the skeleton and musculature on the side of the horse really helps to bring the subject to life," she says.


  • 奥尼计划同步推进吉普菲亚特旗下其他高端品牌阿尔法罗密欧法拉利玛莎拉蒂

    Mr Marchionne wants to align it with Fiat’s other premium brands, such as Alfa Romeo, Ferrari and Maserati.


  • 对于品酒的人而言,纯杜松子酒的味道可能嫌过辣,难以受用。因此,调酒经常会伏特加取代杜松子酒调制各种大众口味的提尼,苹果巧克力味

    Because straight gin can be a bit harsh for new drinkers to handle, vodka is often used as a substitute for popular flavored martini cocktails, such as apple or chocolate.


  • 那日铃铛必有“耶和华为圣”的句话。耶和华殿内的锅,必祭坛前的碗一样。

    In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO the LORD; and the POTS in the LORD's house shall be like the bowls before the altar.


  • 澳大利亚清晨薄雾中,从西南方塔尼亚潺潺流过的富兰克林在蜿蜒的洛克群岛中穿行,张栩栩生的照片中,河流自由流淌。

    Morning Mist, Rock Island Bend, Franklin river, Southwest Tasmania, Australia. This iconic photograph was instrumental in allowing the rivers to run free.


  • 现年53岁土耳其画家伊斯里夫·阿生来就是盲人,却出栩栩生的彩色画!

    Esref Armagan, 53, a blind painter of Turkish origin, can paint amazing colorful artworks.


  • 科学家补充说,“没有经过强化训练表现出46的‘消极行为实验者大发脾气’。”

    The scientists added, "Horses trained without reinforcement expressed four to six times more 'negative' behaviors, such as biting, kicking and 'falling down' on the experimenter."


  • 走向微笑五个人每个眼睛都冒着烈火,一古代坚守莫皮莱的英维的目光,都吕斯喊道

    He advanced towards the five, who smiled upon him, and each, with his eyes full of that grand flame which one beholds in the depths of history hovering over Thermopylae, cried to him.


  • 奇亚·维利武装先知,不只是一位歹徒,一Orson, Welles,之属。

    Machiavelli's armed prophet is more than just a gangster, like Orson Welles in that part.


  • 开发者正在利用这些数据创造一系列有趣的应用程序·萨默维尔(Matthew Somerville)就伦敦地铁系统开发了一套实时铁路地图

    Developers are using those figures to create interesting apps, such as Matthew Somerville's live train map for the London Underground.


  • 特里克组建Kinect团队,并从外部招募优秀人才创意总监库都•图苏诺达;此外,他还制定重要目标降低成本达到消费者接受价位

    Mattrick assembled the Kinect team, recruited outside talent like creative director Kudo Tsunoda, and set crucial goals like reducing costs to reach an affordable consumer price point.


  • BBC新闻说:“剑齿动物猎杀所有哺乳动物牛科动物动物灵长目动物等等。”

    He told BBC News: "Sabretooths hunted all mammals; bovids, equids.".. and primates.


  • BBC新闻说:“剑齿动物猎杀所有哺乳动物牛科动物动物灵长目动物等等。”

    He told BBC News: "Sabretooths hunted all mammals; bovids, equids.".. and primates.


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