• 马体朝兴行进的方向绕。

    The horse is bent away from the direction from which it is moving.


  • 回旋时,马体向回旋方向弯曲。

    When executing the turn, the horse should be flexed in the direction of the turn.


  • 马体稍稍往行进方向弯曲围绕骑手

    The horse should be slightly bent in the direction in which it is moving and bent around the inside leg of the rider.


  • 第15保持马体正直方法简单弹性训练

    The way you get him straight is through the simple flexibility exercises in Chapter 15.


  • 蛇乘路线与中央线交叉时,马体应当和场地的平行

    When crossing the centre line the horse should be parallel to the short side.


  • 马体围绕骑手轻微弯曲比肩内的弯曲程度

    The horse is slightly bent round the inside leg of the rider but with a greater degree of bend than in shoulder-in.


  • 如果马体弯曲向一侧倾斜的那无论如何可能完成好的停止

    A horse really can't stop well if he's crooked or sideways.


  • 马体围绕骑手稍微均匀的弯曲马体稳定的保持大约30维持节奏

    The horse is ridden with a slight but uniform bend around the inside leg of the rider maintaining cadence at a constant angle of approx. 30 degrees.


  • 然而后肢向前深踏到马体下面不能太过分这样使支撑太小,以致于妨碍运动

    However, the hind legs should not be engaged too far forward under the horse, as this would shorten the base of support too much, and thereby impede the movement.


  • 回旋时,马体环绕著一个定点运动后肢维持靠近这个定点,清楚四节拍踏进

    During the turn, the horse moves around a point whereby the inner hind leg remains close to that point while stepping around the point in a clear four-beat rhythm.


  • 马体围绕骑手轻微弯曲外方从内方肢前面交叉越过马体牠朝行进方向弯曲。

    The horse is slightly bent around the inside leg of the rider. The horse's outside legs pass and cross in front of the inside legs. The horse is bent in the direction in which he is moving.


  • 因此不是控缰使步幅缩短而做到收缩,而是作用使后肢马体下方深踏而达到收缩。

    Collection is consequently not achieved by shortening of the pace through a resisting action of the hand, but instead by using the seat and legs to engage the hind legs further under the horse's body.


  • 威廉·莎士比亚,约翰·弥尔顿克利斯朵夫·马洛这样作家们几乎只用素体文写作。

    Writers such as William Shakespeare, John Milton and Christopher Marlowe almost exclusively used blank verse in their famous works.


  • 钻井对于整个岩浆体来说只不过大象背上的一个针孔。”马施

    "The drill hole is just a pinprick on an elephant's back," he said.


  • 孟德尔马库斯·弗莱明国际货币基金组织共同开发另一个对促成货币联盟形成同样重要概念——“不可能的三位一体”,这一观点进入了经济学教科书

    Equally important to the decision to join a monetary union was another of Mundell’s insights, developed with Marcus Fleming at the International Monetary Fund, which entered the economics textbooks.


  • 他们审美上选:加泰罗尼亚卡斯蒂利亚,巴萨皇马,本是水火不容元素,却和平地融为一体。

    They are the aesthete's choice: a non-warring blend, at last, of Catalan and Castilian elements, of Barcelona and Real Madrid – the great incompatibles of international team construction.


  • 南共体3月30日一个首脑会议,拉瓦卢马纳纳可能会出席

    The SADC has a summit on March 30th, which Mr Ravalomanana may attend.


  • 约翰·霍普金斯的马施补充说,岩浆足够在利用作能源的同时影响将来的研究。

    Johns Hopkins's Marsh added that the magma body is big enough that tapping it for energy shouldn't interfere with.


  • 蓝色伽马就是这个的?数码体?

    This is what Blue Gamma makes? Digients?


  • 拍·达马查拒绝自首声称自己患有糖尿病特纳综合征,后者是一种染色体有关的失调

    Phra Dhammachayo has refused to turn himself in, asserting that he suffers from diabetes and Turner syndrome, a chromosomal disorder.


  • 发言人端螺旋体病一种动物传染病端螺旋引致,端螺旋菌动物包括老鼠的身上找到

    The spokesman said leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacteria leptospira. Leptospira organisms can be found in some animals including rodents, cattle, pigs, horses, and dogs.


  • 维克拉马辛教授表示:“2010年开始我们要宣布人类可能拥有外星人血统并且地球以外生命体存在也是可能的。”

    As we enter a new decade — the year 2010 - a clear pronouncement of our likely alien ancestry and of the existence of extraterrestrial life on a cosmic scale.


  • 发言人端螺旋体病一种动物传染病端螺旋引致,端螺旋菌动物包括老鼠的身上找到

    The spokesman noted that leptospirosis is a zoonotic animal disease caused by the bacteria, leptospira, which can be found in some animals including rodents, cattle, pigs, horses and dogs.


  • 发言端螺旋体病一种动物传染病端螺旋引致,端螺旋菌动物包括老鼠的身上找到

    The spokesman said leptospirosis was a zoonotic disease caused by the bacteria leptospira. Leptospira organisms can be found in some animals including rodents, cattle, pigs, horses, and dogs.


  • 正如拉马纳森所说,“新来猩猩坐在桌边”——而那很有可能是一个体躯极为庞大的猩猩。

    As Ramanathan puts it, "it's like we have a new gorilla sitting down at the table" -and it could turn out to be a very big gorilla indeed.


  • 通过转动角度使眼睛聚焦那样通过改变晶状体形状聚焦。

    A horse focuses its eyes by changing the Angle of its head, not by changing the shape of the lens of the eye, as humans do.


  • 他们的一系列题为快闪记忆体设有采用相同删除技术数字

    Their series entitled Flash Memory also features the figures of horses that employ the same deleting technique.


  • 采用外周血淋巴细胞培养方法常规染色体制备技术,对内蒙古乌审染色体核型进行了分析研究

    In this paper, chromosomal karyotype of Wushen horse in Inner Mongolia was studied by using the peripheral blood lymphocytes culture method and conventional chromosome analysis techniques.


  • 采用外周血淋巴细胞培养方法常规染色体制备技术,对内蒙古乌审染色体核型进行了分析研究

    In this paper, chromosomal karyotype of Wushen horse in Inner Mongolia was studied by using the peripheral blood lymphocytes culture method and conventional chromosome analysis techniques.


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