• 这份报道作者马丁说是各国领导人采取一致行动时候

    Martin Parry, author of the report, says it's time for concerted action by world leaders.


  • 如果喜剧有兴趣,去查查史蒂夫·马丁·西菲尔关于方面作品

    If you're into comedy, check out Steve Martin and Jerry Seinfeld's writings on the topic.


  • 术家迈克尔·克雷格-马丁说:“在这个艺术在学校被降级的时代,安德亚让来自各个领域的艺术家与儿童直接接触,这样出色的项目特别受欢迎。”

    Artist Michael Craig-Martin said: "Andria's brilliant project to bring artists from all fields into direct contact with children is particularly welcome at a time when the arts are being downgraded in schools."


  • 太太面带鼓舞人心的笑容,将土豆泥披萨放入我的碟子

    Mrs. Martin put the mashed potato pizza on my plate with an encouraging smile.


  • 阿斯顿·马丁克郡(Warwickshire)盖登(Gaydon)裁员600人。

    Aston Martin is axing 600 jobs at Gaydon in Warwickshire.


  • 马克思兄弟创立了他们的闹剧品牌,拉、莫伊这个活宝三人组紧随着他们的脚步,现今的喜剧巨头亚当·桑德勒、马丁·劳伦斯蒂姆·艾伦等人则荧幕继承前辈们的传统

    Nowadays, comedy masters such as Adam Sandler, Martin Lawrence and Tim Allen carry on the tradition in big-screen comedy features.


  • “我们不会带走地球的任何物资,不会产生任何有害影响,不会采用矿物燃料去生产燃料,”做出一提议的美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室核能科学家F•杰弗马丁说,“全过程实现了碳中和。”

    Jeffrey Martin, the Los Alamos National Laboratory nuclear scientist behind the proposal. “The whole thing is carbon-neutral.”


  • 朱莉娅想想喜欢斯汀·马丁

    Julia: Let me think. I like Sting and Ricky Martin.


  • 马丁离开偶然赶上了森登,已经走了通向大街便道的一半

    It chanced that when Martin was leaving, he overtook Brissenden already half down the walk to the street.


  • 离开布兰岬口20后,布的团队马丁驿站停下来休息,这一个靠近今天维吉尼亚玫瑰定居点,是1769年约瑟夫·马丁建立的。

    About 20 miles from the Cumberland Gap, Boone and his party rested at Martin's Station, a settlement near what is now Rose Hill, Virginia that had been founded by Joseph Martin in 1769.


  • 斯蒂夫·马丁其实在假装这个他自认为是药的玩意儿得到莫大的快乐,以至于他想把款药推荐别人

    Steve Martin was pretending that he had gotten such pleasure from this thing he thought was a drug that he wanted to recommend it to others.


  • 两人欢呼迎接了森登的大肚子酒瓶。 经过介绍马丁知道他们安迪和巴瑞。

    They hailed Brissenden and his demijohns with acclamation, and, on being introduced, Martin learned they were Andy and Parry.


  • 如果马丁没有注射200毫克海洛因的话,74的老人哈·基廷斯,很可能食道癌恢复健康。 接受注射后第二天,病人死亡

    One patient, 74-year-old Harry Gittins, may have gone on to recover from oesophageal cancer had Martin not administered 200mg of diamorphine the day before he died.


  • 周来的衣服洗过了,像万国旗一样低低马丁进来时竟看见有两个人在一个角落谈话

    Overhead was the week's washing, hanging in festoons so low that Martin did not see at first the two men talking in a corner.


  • 那天晚上马丁很为重要因为晚饭遇见了罗司·森登

    It proved a momentous night for Martin, for after dinner he met Russ Brissenden.


  • 马丁得到了一张收到支票收据,同时自己也写了一张欠布登一百的收据寄去。

    Martin took a receipt for the check, and at the same time gave a note for the hundred dollars Brissenden had let him have.


  • 马丁苦笑一下,把钱收回了腰包,感到亲切按在肩头上

    Martin pocketed it with a grimace, and felt for a moment the kindly weight of Brissenden's hand upon his shoulder.


  • 但是牛津大学退休教授、达•芬奇专家马丁凯姆并不为格理论信服:“画中主人公显然(意大利贵妇)丽莎•乔康多。

    But retired Oxford University professor Martin Kemp - a Da Vinci expert - is not convinced by Miss Glori's theory."The portrait is almost certainly of Lisa del Giocondo.


  • 马丁:格雷戈·威廉姆斯校长——威廉姆斯校长,为什么最终决定谈起这件事?

    MARTIN: Gregory Williams, President - Mr. President Williams, why did you decide to talk about this?


  • 杂志世界判断完全没有错;马丁花了好多年艰苦的徒劳的努力明白过来

    Brissenden had been wholly right in his judgment of the magazines, and he, Martin, had spent arduous and futile years in order to find it out for himself.


  • 诺主修化学格林斯潘学的是音乐马丁取得的是哲学学位

    Reno was a chemistry major, Greenspan studied music and Martin earned a degree in philosophy.


  • 如果要找个虚构例子可以想想电视喜剧办公室的情况:思维正常的人谁提拔冷漠苦干安吉拉·马丁而不是和善亲切吉姆·哈本特

    Among fictional examples, consider the television comedy "the Office" : Who in his or her right mind would promote the cold, manipulative Angela Martin over the amiable Jim Halpert?


  • 登的细长双手太阳黑了——黑了,马丁,黑得叫马丁纳闷。

    Brissenden's face and long, slender hands were browned by the sun - excessively browned, Martin thought. This sunburn bothered Martin.


  • 马丁所以剩下的分钟,我你们:你们对现在生活这样秘密中的什么明智的建议呢?

    MARTIN: So, in the couple of minutes that we have left, I'd like to ask each of you: What words of wisdom do you have for people who may be living with such secrets now?


  • 弗罗达州共和党在州长查理·任命前任参谋长加入参议院填补梅尔·马丁内斯退休所留下空缺

    Charlie Crist, Florida's Republican governor, appointed his former chief of staff to fill the Senate seat left vacant by the retirement of Mel Martinez.


  • 马丁捏紧了拳头太阳穴血液腾腾地乱跳。

    Martin's fists were tight-clenched, and his blood was drumming in his temples.


  • 马丁星期天跟以前一样树荫漫无目的地看报,一躺许多个小时什么都不做,什么都不想。

    Martin's Sunday was the same as before. He slept in the shade of the trees, toiled aimlessly through the newspaper, and spent long hours lying on his back, doing nothing, thinking nothing.


  • 马丁·路德·纪念基金会会长·约翰逊说:“我们非常高兴。”

    "I think we are overjoyed here at the memorial foundation," said Harry Johnson, President of the Martin Luther King memorial foundation.


  • 令玛利亚大吃一惊看见马丁·伊炉子抓起熨斗,又把花哨的连衣裙扔到熨烫板上(事地老讲个没完,一直死去)。

    To her astonishment (and it was something that she never ceased from relating to her dying day), she saw Martin Eden seize an iron from the stove and throw a fancy shirt-waist on the ironing-board.


  • 令玛利亚大吃一惊看见马丁·伊炉子抓起熨斗,又把花哨的连衣裙扔到熨烫板上(事地老讲个没完,一直死去)。

    To her astonishment (and it was something that she never ceased from relating to her dying day), she saw Martin Eden seize an iron from the stove and throw a fancy shirt-waist on the ironing-board.


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