• 金森被认为里·斯卡迪诺夫人的继承者,她经营着企鹅公司母公司——生公司。

    Makinson has long been mentioned as a successor to Dame Marjorie Scardino, who runs Pearson, Penguin's parent company.


  • 在附近家庭四个孩子乔则帮助非常富有的姑妈

    Meg teaches four children in a nearby family, while Jo helps her grand-aunt March, who is very rich.


  • 妇人美国作家小说出版于1868年。小说讲述格、艾米·四个姐妹童年成年故事。

    Little Women is a novel by an American writer, which was published in 1868. The novel follows the lives of four sisters — Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March from childhood to womanhood.


  • 表现最好宾夕法尼亚州卡内基大学工程师建造改装,在抛锚行驶了7英里11公里)。

    The best performer, a modified Humvee built by engineers ar Pennsylvania's Carnegie Mellon University, traveled 7 miles (11 kilometers) before breaking down.


  • 表现最好宾夕法尼亚州卡内基大学工程师建造改装,在抛锚行驶了7英里11公里)。

    The best performer, a modified Humvee built by engineers at Pennsylvania's Carnegie Mellon University, traveled 7 miles (11 kilometers) before breaking down.


  • 部小说讲述了奇家的四姐妹——格、乔、贝丝和艾米的生活,并基于作者自己在美国内战(1861-1865)期间与三姐妹起成长的经历写成。

    The novel follows the lives of the four March sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy—and is based on the writers own experiences of growing up with her three sisters during the American Civil War(1861-1865).


  • 很清楚范尼弗雷·德件事情都是因为追求利润- - -毕竟他们都是私营企业

    Clearly, everything Fannie and Freddie did was because of the profit motiveafter all, they were private corporations.


  • 先生称赞赞比亚经济学家作家丹比萨•莫约外援批判[注],的国籍当成了冈比亚。

    Mr Mamet praises Dambisa Moyo, a Zambian economist and author, for her criticism of foreign aid, but identifies her as a Gambian.


  • 作为善辩者,先生令人影响深刻——他牺牲了理智上诚实

    As a polemicist Mr Mamet is impressivebut at the cost of intellectual honesty.


  • 除了西值得大书特书人只有主教练若泽·里奥·多斯桑托斯·穆里尼奥·费利克斯,他用不同寻常的方式成为特殊”。

    With the exception of Lionel Messi, the only participant to have lived up to the hype is the Read Madrid head coach, José Mário dos Santos Félix Mourinho, otherwise known as "the Special One".


  • 阿莱尼亚·公司,意大利卡尼卡单位M- 346出售意大利空军

    Alenia Aermacchi, a unit of Italy's Finmeccanica, has sold the M-346 to the Italian Air Force.


  • 佩德罗西巴塞罗那球员从小就西亚学习用“巴萨方式”踢球。

    Pedro, left, and Lionel Messi are two of Barcelona's first-team players who have been taught the "Barca way" from an early age at La Maisa.


  • 专业合唱团员里·约翰斯顿和克里斯托弗·涅茨非常开心看到这些年轻人热爱合唱,而且掌握了合唱技巧。他们担心,合唱这种演唱形式可能正在消亡。

    It relieved professional chorister Christopher Nemec to see the young people bring dedication and skill to the chorus, an art form many have feared may be dying out.


  • 在罗阿(Roumeli)峡谷(Mani)群山中徒步行走,利•弗莫尔发现了块非同寻常优美之地。这儿的传统非常浓厚。

    Traveling on foot across the gorges of Roumeli and mountains of Mani Leigh Fermor discovered a land of fierce beauty where traditions run deep.


  • 在罗阿(Roumeli)峡谷(Mani)群山徒步行走,•弗莫尔发现了块非同寻常优美之地。这儿的传统非常浓厚。

    Traveling on foot across the gorges of Roumeli and mountains of Mani, Leigh Fermor discovered a land of fierce beauty where traditions run deep.


  • 修·纳德(MatthewMaynard)今年23岁,通过手机本地报纸发去自己照片,并评论自己并不喜欢警局所使用的通缉头像。

    Matthew Maynard, 23, texted the picture to a local newspaper from his mobile phone, commenting that he didn't like the photo issued by the police.


  • 于是《经济学人》邀请Facebook的“内部社会学家”卡伦·(Cameron Marlow)处理数字

    So the Economist asked Cameron Marlow, the "in-house sociologist" at Facebook, to crunch some Numbers.


  • 然而—贝克有次给了加卢夫个重任,说服抢劫科科珠宝店

    The Leffingite got in over his horned head, however, when Med-Beq convinced him to rob a Coco Town jewelry store.


  • 先生的热烈言辞博得了赞赏

    Mr Mamet's vehemence commands a certain admiration.


  • 危险信号没有从银河战舰上离开同阿尔利亚的比赛中继续糟糕状态将成为他们未来严重隐患

    The bad signals do not move away of the White House. Madrid reflected in Almeria a worrisome state, that alarms facing the future.


  • 随后手下带了过来,显祖之后怎么能干这种缺德的事情呢,想害死自己啊。

    Then the horse a knife and his junior soldiers were taken up, the MeiXianZu after looking how he can do this wicked said things?


  • 显祖急了王小红要是走了不是就穿肯定他们全家的。

    MeiXianZu a listen to be nasty, he said WangXiaoGong if go thats not wear help ah, w. connor will kill a family.


  • 显祖之后司令说起软化,还自己当成放了姥爷太太说了好话。

    MeiXianZu after listening to the horse of the softening commander, said let him think of yourself as a fart to put, may with two wife also said when the well.


  • 还是打电话几个半路上杀了王小红这样显祖那么产业就是自己儿子的了。

    Three chiam too or to call w. connor said let him come to several people on the road kill WangXiaoGong, such MeiXianZu die so plum home industry is his son.


  • 回家之后狠狠地骂了牡丹随后说自己要亲自显祖过来对峙

    W. connor back home ruthlessly scold peony a meal, and then also to go to catch MeiXianZu over confrontation.


  • 过去客场比赛战绩出色,米兰经历了客场里昂冠军联赛鏖战之后负于莱切,但是随后西纳帕尔的比赛中分未失。

    The last three away matches have been significant, with Milan losing at Lecce after returning from a tough trip to Lyon in the Champions League but then gaining maximum points from Messina and Parma.


  • 过去客场比赛战绩出色,米兰经历了客场里昂冠军联赛鏖战之后负于莱切,但是随后西纳帕尔的比赛中分未失。

    The last three away matches have been significant, with Milan losing at Lecce after returning from a tough trip to Lyon in the Champions League but then gaining maximum points from Messina and Parma.


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