• 大部分出国留学的都把美国当作首选之地

    Most people who want to study abroad regard the US as their first choice.


  • 娱乐首选之地

    The entertainment's place of first choice!


  • 但布鲁塞尔仍然是首选之地,且被誉为“世界巧克力之都”。

    Brussels, however, stands above the rest as the "Chocolate Capital of the World".


  • 那么为什么九龙香格里拉大酒店成为住宿首选之地呢?

    So why has the Kowloon Shangri-La become my lodging place of choice?


  • 中国东部沿海发达地区成为承接新一轮产业转移首选之地

    China's less developed eastern coastal areas undertake a new round of industrial transfer as the preferred location.


  • 财政大臣最大担忧,一些公司欧洲拓展国际业务时,英国已经不再首选之地

    The chancellor's biggest anxiety is that Britain is no longer seen as a first choice for international businesses looking for a European base.


  • 这座多山城市清净安宁,适合工作游玩永远数字游牧民心目中的首选之地

    This mountainous city perpetually ranks at the top for digital nomads as a calm place to work and play.


  • 2020年,留学生人数达到50万,那时中国成为亚洲留学生首选之地

    The figure will reach 500, 000 in 2020, and China will be the biggest destination for students in Asia.


  • 广州蕉叶接待众多社会名流影视红星、体坛健将,尤其是外国友人首选之地

    Guangzhou Banana Leaf have played host to countless Celebrities and have both entertained and delighted many movie stars, sportsmen and foreign guests.


  • 2020年,留学生人数达到50万,那时中国成为亚洲留学生首选之地

    The figure will reach 500,000 in 2020, and China will be the biggest destination for students in Asia.


  • 优越地理位置优雅完整周围环境先进服务设施,是商务旅游人士首选之地

    The advantageous location, elegant environment and advanced service facilities of the hotel make it the first choice for both businessman and tourist.


  • 酒店拥有200多客房别墅一流会议餐饮娱乐设施这里商务休闲首选之地

    Hotel offering over 200 guest rooms and villas, first-class conference center, restaurant and recreation, it will be your first choice of business and leisure.


  • 乘坐地铁直达琶洲会馆、中国出口商品交易会交通十分便利商务旅游购物首选之地

    Take MTR can reach Pazhou Hall, the Chinese Export Commodities Fair, a very convenient transportation, and tourism business is your first choice when shopping.


  • 根据上周二发布一项报告显示尽管霾严重,但是北京凭借软环境成为毕业生找工作首选之地

    Despite the choking smog, Beijing is still the number one choice for graduate job seekers based on its "soft environment", according to a report published last Tuesday.


  • 东郊宾馆处境宜人,气度不凡之地豪华婚礼首选之地,更是留下一生美好记忆最佳之地

    Dongjiao Hotel, a pleasant situation of color, honor the extraordinary bearing, it is your first choice for luxurious wedding is a beautiful memory you left behind his life to the best.


  • 这里缓解体力、放松心情、享受生活最佳选择也是了解北京文化、感受古都神韵、领略天桥民风的首选之地

    Rainbow is your best choice of relaxing and enjoying yourself, and it's also the very first place to get in touch with Beijing traditional culture.


  • 东田造型新店占地300平米华东地区顾客带去东田造型独特的美发全新体验从此生活空间增添了一个时尚首选之地

    With an area of 300 square meters, this new store will offer an exceptional hairstyling experience to East China customers. Now, a preferred location is added to your lifestyle list.


  • 19世纪90年代起,百慕大群岛就成为美国富人首选之地美国作家马克吐温写到你们天堂吧只想在百慕大”,这足以看出百慕大魅力所在。

    Since the 1890s Bermuda has been a haven for wealthy Americans and its appeal was summed by US author Mark Twain who once wrote "you go to heaven if you want to, I'd rather stay here".


  • 19世纪90年代起,百慕大群岛就成为美国富人首选之地美国作家马克吐温写到你们天堂吧只想在百慕大”,这足以看出百慕大魅力所在。

    Since the 1890s Bermuda has been a haven for wealthy Americans and its appeal was summed by US author Mark Twain who once wrote 'you go to heaven if you want to, I'd rather stay here'.


  • 每年8埃及都会成为其他阿拉伯国家游客首选之地,迎来它的旅游旺季。今年埃及已经开始举办了一个旅游节,以此招揽这些高收入的游客,让他们走出家门来埃及庆祝

    Egypt, where August is a peak month for tourists from other Arab countries, has launched a festival to entice this high-income clientele to come and celebrate away from home.


  • 对于任何一个展览而言,纽约绝对首选之地此次展览目的就是为了证明展示我们的诚意——意大利式生活方式社会形态已经深深嵌入美国,成为了美国文化当中的一部份。

    New York is an elective location for this exhibition, ideal in order to witness and pay homage to that strong link that, in the fifties, Italian habits and society has had with United States.


  • 通常浣熊首选藏身之地

    This is usually the first place Raccoon hides in.


  • 主人弗拉多·斯米特说道:“我们认为世界完美的心形小岛。岛上面无人居住,所以当恋人们当真想一起单独小处的话,这里首选的无人岛之地。”

    The island's owner, Vlado Juresko said, "We think it is the most perfect heart-shaped island in the world."


  • 这个国家名字乌克兰中意为“边境之地”,今年乌克兰或许成为许多热爱历史穷游族”的旅行首选

    Its name translates as "land on the edge", and this year Ukraine may be on the edge of discovery for budget travelers in search of rich history.


  • 如果要外出度假,想要寻找一个浪漫之地又不嫌弃城市纷扰那么巴黎肯定你的首选

    Be you a holiday-goer, if you're looking for a romantic destination and you enjoy the distractions of city life, Paris should be at the top of your list.


  • 南岔地区五味子质量好,五味子醇甲含量高,培育五味子优良品种首选引种之地

    Nancha produced the best quality Beiwuweizi containing highest content of Schizandrin, and should be considered first while culturing new good variety.


  • 南岔地区五味子质量好,五味子醇甲含量高,培育五味子优良品种首选引种之地

    Nancha produced the best quality Beiwuweizi containing highest content of Schizandrin, and should be considered first while culturing new good variety.


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