• 就像刚才看到的,其中一个甚至椒盐饼与什么猫腻吗?

    One even asks, like you just saw, is that bowl of pretzels there as a trick?


  • 他们二月十四日黄昏时候,逾越节。苦菜逾越节的羊羔同

    The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.


  • 混合可以不用冲渣节约了水资源,有效地解决了工艺平衡

    Slag cake can be mixed with the slurry without water or by less water for flushing the slag. A water resource is saved, and the balance of the technical water can be effectively solved.


  • 儿子劳伦斯共吃一个比萨

    He shared a pizza with his son Laurence.


  • 巴里·麦克罗伊是卡罗莱纳火灾救援中心的主任他在离开一家华夫餐厅名男子而争吵着进来

    Barry McRoy, a South Carolina fire and rescue director, was leaving a Waffle House restaurant when two men came in fighting over a gun.


  • 创建一张许多贴图构成图像这些小图像包含图分区相关主题

    Create a large image made up of smaller tiles that comprise a subject related to the pie slice.


  • 接下来,将绘制白色圆形擦掉中心并且绘制另一弧线提供内部圆形外围分区之间可视边界

    Next, the center of the pie is erased by drawing a white circle, and another arc is drawn to provide a visual border between the interior circle and the peripheral pie slices.


  • 显示一个带有通过失败测试结果百分比

    Shows a pie chart with the percentages of the test results that passed and failed.


  • 天然气价格上涨推动着玉米加工成本上扬

    Rises in the price of natural gas and electricity have also pushed up costs for tortilla manufacturers.


  • 的无酵抹油的无酵;这都要面做成

    And from fine wheat flour, without yeast, make bread, and cakes mixed with oil, and wafers spread with oil.


  • 仔细察看网格中的数据应当数据相匹配

    As you scan the data in the grid, it should match up with what's represented in the pie chart.


  • 告知得到大一份比萨志愿者的表现他们不同——不是节食的志愿者一些,节食者反而吃得多一些

    But the behaviour of those who thought they had been given a large slice diverged. Non-dieters ate fewer cookies and dieters ate more.


  • 现在要带十个几个一瓶告诉儿子将要怎样

    Take ten loaves of bread with you, some cakes and a jar of honey, and go to him. He will tell you what will happen to the boy.


  • 送给父亲匹,埃及,母驴十匹,驮着粮食他父亲路上

    And to his father he sent after this manner; ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt, and ten she asses laden with corn and bread and meat for his father by the way.


  • 送给父亲匹,埃及的美物;母驴十匹,驮着粮食菜,他父亲路上用

    And this is what he sent to his father: ten donkeys loaded with the best things of Egypt, and ten female donkeys loaded with grain and bread and other provisions for his journey.


  • 除了早餐食品搭配外可以切碎自制全麦比萨可以加入沙拉成荤素混

    Aside from being a great breakfast side item, it can be chopped up and sprinkled onto a homemade whole wheat pizza, or distributed in a salad to add some meat to the concoction.


  • 起源于北京芝麻类似美。

    Ping style mooncakes originated in Peking and resemble sesame cakes, with a crisp and savory outer crust.


  • 当夜羊羔的肉,了,苦菜吃。

    And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.


  • 观看,见一瓶炭火,他就吃了,仍然下。

    He looked around, and there by his head was a cake of bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.


  • 这个对比是2007年7月12月昂立托雅学院总部五个分校之间营业收入状况。

    The pie chart compares the sales of the Headquarters of Onlytoya College and its five branch schools from July to December, 2007.


  • 北美片区高管陈朝晖回忆几乎不能分辨汉堡三明治区别,更不用说百吉了。”

    Charlie Chen, chief of the North America section, recalls that he "could barely tell the difference between a hamburger and a sandwich, not to mention a bagel."


  • 同样地Jesus Adorno1981年曾是“随想曲(LeCaprice)”领班,现在主管从未离开菜单炸三文鱼一样,他也是顾客期望看到固定不变的事物之一

    Similarly, Jesus Adorno was head waiter at le Caprice in 1981 and is now the director; one of the fixtures its customers expect to see, along with the salmon fishcake that has never left the menu.


  • 亚伦儿子一同带来,并将,膏赎罪的一只公牛只公绵羊,一都带来。

    Bring Aaron and his sons, their garments, the anointing oil, the bull for the sin offering, the two RAMS and the basket containing bread made without yeast.


  • 去年,学区将Eagleridge项目迁移到一家商铺密集的商业广场(一家比萨一个巨大标记的拱廊之间)。

    Since it began, the program's enrollment has nearly doubled to 397, and last year the district moved Eagleridge to a strip mall (between a pizza joint and a laser-tag arcade).


  • 最后一步我们创建一个包含PromptReport显示交叉报表页面Portlet的页面。

    In this final step, we will create a page which will contain both the Prompt report and the Multi-page portlet which will display the pie chart and crosstab reports.


  • 最后一步我们创建一个包含PromptReport显示交叉报表页面Portlet的页面。

    In this final step, we will create a page which will contain both the Prompt report and the Multi-page portlet which will display the pie chart and crosstab reports.


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