• 迈克·爱德华兹飞黄腾达的滋味。

    Mike Edwards has tasted success big time.


  • 1944年,遇到伊迪丝雅芙,从此事业飞黄腾达

    In 1944, he met Edith Piaf, and his career took off.


  • 卡彭是个草莽英雄一个飞黄腾达的穷小子

    Capone was an underdog hero, a poor boy who made it big.


  • 中央电视台亮相,这位业余歌手的歌唱事业飞黄腾达几乎一夜成名

    The amateur's singing career took off after his CCTV show-up and he gained fame almost overnight.


  • 如果能很好的处理问题找到消费者没有问题的,事业也会飞黄腾达

    If you solve problems well, you will have no problems finding customers; your business will boom.


  • 而且曾经飞黄腾达,能够达到目的实现他的梦想。

    Furthermore, he was prosperous enough to achieve his objectives and implement his dream.


  • 相信那些飞黄腾达应该财富看成个人声誉权利的象征应该是帮助不幸的人们责任

    I do believe that those of us who have prospered should view our good fortune not as an indication of personal merit or entitlement, but as an obligation to recognize the needs of others.


  • 沃佳诺娃19的时候,模特事业上进展顺利但是始终没有飞黄腾达

    When she was 19 years old, she made much headway in modeling but still had not made it big.


  • 他们羡慕他们偶像已经飞黄腾达然而从来不看偶像攀登通向成功荆棘

    They envy how successful their ICONS have become, yet they never take a look at the thorny road, along which, their ICONS climb up to success.


  • 这本最终飞黄腾达了,现在生活命运》被尊为世纪俄罗斯重要小说之一

    Eventually the book took off and "Life and Fate" is now considered one of the most important Russian novels of the last century.


  • 即使齐格·弗里德罗伊飞黄腾达时,兰斯也是加斯最好魔术师

    Even when Siegfried and Roy were around, Lance was the best magician in Vegas.


  • 不能我靠网络飞黄腾达,但最棒的赚钱机器相关广告文字链接广告

    Although, I cannot say I made a lot of money online, my best money makers so far are AdSense and Text Link Ads.


  • 最终告诉辛西娅他们如何飞黄腾达,辛西娅马上说:“只是凡人亚当。”

    When he eventually tells Cynthia how they have become so spectacularly rich so quickly she tells him: "You are a man Adam."


  • 电影生涯飞黄腾达前,朱莉·本茨鬼者巴菲》衍生剧《天使中饰演妖媚吸血鬼达拉

    Before her movie career took off, Julie Benz played the seductive vampire Darla on the small screen in both Buffy the vampire Slayer and its spin-off show, Angel.


  • 这些省台节目不仅英美节目流行偶像飞黄腾达》)相似互相剽窃各自的模式。

    Not only do many of their shows resemble British and American programmes likePop Idoland “The Apprentice”. They also rip off each other’s formats.


  • 父母不敢相信我会如此飞黄腾达

    My parents couldn't believe I had come so far so fast.


  • 飞黄腾达只能带来暂时喜悦

    Making it big brings temporary joy.


  • 影片犯罪毒品相关剧情交错而成,扎克在其中扮演主角一心求得飞黄腾达,不惜成为毒枭身边跑腿之人。

    The movie follows a series of interconnected storylines about crime and drugs, where Zac will play a young man hoping to get rich quick by taking the job as a runner for a cocaine dealer.


  • 或者飞黄腾达节目真能让事业有成

    Or the Apprentice gave you the push you needed to go after your own business idea.


  • 拜访普京一样,飞黄腾达进入上流圈子令人向往。

    There are tantalising glimpses of the exalted circles he moves in when he gets to the top, as with his visit to Mr Putin.


  • 拉博夫看起来似乎过于瘦弱过于机敏,以至于无法夺宝奇兵》和《变形金刚中饰演动作英雄的角色,但在本片中其表现则非常出色,一个打破太多规则飞黄腾达的人物形象描绘得活灵活现

    LaBeouf, who seems too seedy and smart to play action heroes in Indiana Jones and Transformers movies, is terrific here as a man who wants to make it big without breaking too many rules.


  • 参与广受欢迎中国飞黄腾达》(The Apprentice)节目,给那些立志一样的企业家们提供建议

    He stars in a popular Chinese version of 'The Apprentice,' in which he dispenses advice to entrepreneurs who aspire to be like him.


  • 可能5年内,为两人分手后悔是尼科尔因为此刻汤姆·克鲁斯的演艺事业看起来飞黄腾达

    While at the moment Tom may seem to be moving on at a rate of knots, chances are that in five years time it is Nicole who will be having the fewer regrets about their parting.


  • 记录历史时,若没有可视性这个自然特点Web永远不可能作为IT基盘而飞黄腾达的。

    When history is written, I think it will show that without the visual nature of the Web, it never would have taken off as an it substrate.


  • 这样不仅能够国外生存而且能够飞黄腾达

    Then you will not only survive but thrive in foreign countries!


  • 如果选择条交寒讥迫并且使飞黄腾达不会你的。就是区别

    If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. That is the difference between dog and man.


  • 如果选择条交寒讥迫并且使飞黄腾达不会你的。就是区别

    If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. That is the difference between dog and man.


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