• 目的探讨高空气球飞行实验鸡冠花抗氧化功能影响

    Objective:To investigate the effect of high altitude balloon flight test on the antioxidation of water extracts from Celosia cristata L.


  • 飞行实验似乎成功的,因为亨利国王八世收到了他的信。

    It seems that his experiments were successful: King Henry VII received a letterform Mr.


  • 飞行实验表明,文中所介绍的方法工程设计简单可行的。

    Flight experiments demonstrate that the analysis method is simple and feasible in engineering design.


  • 蒙大拿大学飞行实验中,石鸡拼命扇动翅膀加速冲上斜坡

    Furiously flapping, a chukar partridge speeds up a ramp at the University of Montana flight lab.


  • 采用系统后,飞行实验数据结论的准确性得到了较大的提高。

    With this data process system, the flight experiments results of data treatment are greatly improved.


  • 文中介绍了为我国“实践号”卫星留轨舱微重力平台研制的空间高等植物培养观察装置及其空间飞行实验

    The plant culture box with auto-focus imaging device and its space flight experiment on "Shijian 8" satellite are presented.


  • 着重讨论了重复频率方式下,改善近距离高机动目标检测性能一些策略,且在实际飞行实验得到初步验证。

    Method for maneuvering target tracking in MPRF mode is analyzed emphatically. By use of this scheme, effective target detection is achieved in trial flight.


  • 蒙大拿州,密苏拉—蒙大拿大学飞行实验专家们每天都会认识即使是普通鸟类飞行能力也能使飞行特技相形见绌

    MISSOULA, Mont. - the flying abilities of even the most prosaic bird put airplane maneuvers to shame, and experts here at the University of Montana Flight Laboratory are cognizant of that every day.


  • 剔除补正飞行实验数据中的野值;设计了一个滤波器除数据中的高频噪声中心插值演算法对数据二平滑

    Then a low pass filter is designed to filter high - frequency noise in data. and smooth data again by means of central interpolation algorithm ;


  • 方法采用时间医学模拟飞行实验方法,台跑游泳运动负荷形式,探索择时运动对大鼠脑中枢DA/5-HT比值影响

    Methods:It was employed that chrono- medical mimic- flight , treadmill- running and swimming to research the influence of chrono- exercise upon DA and 5- HT's ratio in rats'telencephalon.


  • 米苏拉大拿——即便是普通鸟类飞行能力会让飞机相形见绌是蒙大拿大学飞行实验(Universityof Montana FlightLaboratory)专家们每天都要重复面对的事实。

    MISSOULA, Mont. - the flying abilities of even the most prosaic bird put airplane maneuvers to shame, and experts here at the University of Montana Flight Laboratory are cognizant of that every day.


  • 这本名称所言不虚艾伦所追求计划中,有许多探索人类聪明才智之极限实验它们涉及了包括私人太空飞行脑科学以及数字知识采集领域

    True to the title of the book, many of these have involved experiments that explore the limits of human ingenuity in realms such as private space flight, brain science and digital knowledge-gathering.


  • 正是这次即将阿拉巴马州NASA马歇尔太空飞行中心进行这次“压罐子”实验目的

    That's the goal of the upcoming can-crushing test at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama.


  • 对接后的组合体会继续飞行12开展实验飞行之后将会进行第二次的对接。

    The joint assembly will fly for another 12 days doing tests, then a second docking will be followed by two days' flight.


  • 英国埃克塞特大学罗宾·沃顿评论说,这项研究提供了充分的实验证据,证明了柔软翅膀能提高飞行性能

    The study provides sound experimental evidence that flexible wings add to flight performance, comments Robin Wootton of the University of Exeter in England.


  • 每次飞行允许最大1300科研实验设备,就是说最大能够提供600磅的有效实验载荷

    Each mission allows for up to 1300 pounds of scientific experiments, which could enable up to 600 experimental payloads per flight.


  • 然而有别于中国实验美国目标卫星飞行轨道低,从而所产生的残骸在落入大气层迅速燃烧。

    Unlike the Chinese test, though, the American target was in such a low orbit that any debris would quickly have fallen into the air and burned up.


  • ANITA项目工作涉及三次成功的的南极科考气球飞行在CERN大型强子对撞机上实验

    His work on the ANITA project has included three successful scientific balloon flights in Antarctica and he is working with the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.


  • 他们可以实验多种飞行模式,从而对算法相应的改进。

    This allows them to feed in many different flight patterns and adjust the algorithm accordingly.


  • 实验表明蓝光鸟类可以按照正常迁徙路线飞行在黄光红光中则不到因此其中的关联值得探讨。

    It has been shown experimentally that birds can align themselvesto their normal migration routes in blue light but have trouble doing so inyellow or red, so the link seemed worth pursuing.


  • 本月公众要求下,若田光镜头进行失重实验中的飞行试验。

    Koichi Wakata conducted the test-flight in front of the cameras this month as part of zero-gravity experiments submitted by members of the public.


  • 实验确切证明尽管经历3500英里飞行以及不同地方时间差,蜜蜂的“闹钟”仍精确地依照的24小时时间表运行。

    The experiment proved conclusively that in spite of a 3,500-mile flight and differences in local time, the bees' alarm clocks rang right on their 24-hour schedule.


  • 喷气推进实验科学家甚至考虑在1986年哈雷彗星经过发射一个太阳会合沿着它的轨迹飞行

    Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory even once investigated sending a solar sail to rendezvous and ride along with Halley's Comet during its pass in 1986.


  • 喷气推进实验科学家甚至考虑在1986年哈雷彗星经过发射一个太阳会合沿着它的轨迹飞行

    Scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory even once investigated sending a solar sail to rendezvous and ride along with Halley's Comet during its pass in 1986.


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