• 不可返回;无还点:飞机飞行飞机没有足够的油料返回出发点一点。

    The point in the flight of an aircraft beyond which there is insufficient fuel for return to the starting point.


  • 大气数据计算机飞机飞行中重要数据来源,是保证飞行安全和稳定的重要航空机载设备之一

    ADC supplies data source to airplane. It is one of the most important equipments on the aircraft.


  • 右边菲茨休富尔这里1977年发射航天飞机飞行747项目试点

    The man on the right here is Fitzhugh Fulton Jr. , who was the project pilot in the 747 for those shuttle launch flights in 1977.


  • 的真正目的发射找回飞行小型飞机

    Its real purpose is the launching and retrieval of small aeroplanes in flight.


  • 尽管飞机等干燥环境飞行过程很容易滋生传染病,但由于飞机使用空气过滤器,因此飞机得病风险实际上很低

    Although in-flight infections thrive in dry environments like airplanes, your risk of getting sick from an airplane is actually low because of the air filters used.


  • 飞机医疗紧急情况的13%——每天大约有例——严重需要飞行改变航线

    13% of in-flight medical emergenciesroughly four a day—are serious enough to require a pilot to change course.


  • 最近长途飞行中副耳机飞机提供音乐

    On a recent long-distance flight, I used a headset to listen to music available on the plane.


  • 飞行梯队私人飞机处于最底层

    Private aircraft occupy the lowest rung of the flight ladder.


  • 有些技术手段用于两极之间迂回地飞行飞机上来测量大气的含氧量。

    Some of these techniques are being used on board a plane that is zigzagging from pole to pole.


  • 设想飞行像是台豪华的飞机,遍体通红,配备台电动马达

    He envisions it as a sleek, red plane with eight electric motors.


  • Schwartz说,四面楚歌计划的“四星自信已经强化因为飞机今年飞行试验计划已经大大提前

    The four-star's confidence in the embattled program has been boosted because the plane is considerably ahead of its flight test schedule for this year.


  • 可能会计算机飞行模拟器不是飞机上,但是,如果愿意的话,也可以放在飞机

    It might be hooked up to a computer flight simulator rather than an airplane, but you could put it into an airplane if you wanted to.


  • 与其前身相比,白骑士二号翼展扩大倍,现在的翼展波音757飞机相当整体以碳纤维之类合成材料制造飞行最大的。

    It has a wingspan equivalent to that of a Boeing 757, is three times larger than its predecessor and is the largest aircraft made entirely from composite materials like carbon fibre.


  • 雷达直升机提供远程搜索水面舰艇成像跟踪潜艇检测使用敌我识别系统识别飞行其他飞机

    The radar provides the helicopter with long-range search, imaging and tracking of surface vessels, a periscope detection mode, and the IFF to identify other aircraft in flight.


  • 亚特兰蒂斯号”七月旬完成最后一航天飞行后,整整30航天飞机项目成为历史。

    When Atlantis makes its own final voyage in mid-July, the whole 30-year programme of shuttle flights will come to an end.


  • 瑞士制造的太阳能动力飞机今天进入黑夜飞行,计划小时飞行第一次完整意义上的夜航

    The Swiss-built Solar Impulse airplane is about to enter the darkness today, already several hours into what is slated to become its first all-night flight.


  • 饱受事故之苦的飞机工业不仅清单用于确保飞行安全起飞用于事故吸取教训

    The aircraft industry, once plagued by accidents, uses them particularly well—not only to make sure that pilots take off safely but also to learn from disasters.


  • 我们租了二战时期水上飞机世界上使用架这类飞机的一架),我们还必须加拿大请来一名消防飞行驾驶

    We hired a second world war Catalina seaplane, one of just three operating in the world, and had to bring in a fire-fighting pilot from Canada to fly it.


  • 飞行过程飞行不得不经常燃料个容器另一个,保证飞机平衡

    During the flight, the pilots had to move fuel from container to container to keep the plane balanced.


  • 例如,作为“英国宇航系统公司”计划之一的无人机联合控制系统使得喷气式飞机飞行飞行过程同时指派无人机分队执行侦查战斗任务

    Among BAE Systemsplans, for example, is the co-operative control of drones, which would allow a pilot in a jet to fly with a squadron of the robot aircraft on surveillance or combat missions.


  • 航天飞机宇航员们都是聪颖有所建树他们全心全意致力于人类太空飞行探索

    The astronauts aboard the shuttle were smart and accomplished people, and they were deeply committed to human space flight and exploration.


  • 波士顿铁路系统环境噪音水平飞行飞机不相上下,虽然它们听起来不大一样

    On the subway system here in Boston, the ambient noise levels are very comparable to the level on an airplane, although it sounds very different.


  • 并且高超音速飞机目前演示其他飞行携带小型无人机高速而且其他计划试验飞行器同样太小不能坐人。

    Plus, hypersonic flight has so far only been demonstrated for small unpiloted craft carried to high speed by other vehicles - and other planned experimental craft are too small to carry a pilot.


  • 冰岛国土一直处于地质活跃雷克雅未克飞机飞行小时,途尽是冒着蒸汽的地热区巨大地壳裂缝以及岛国著名几座火山

    Iceland is geology in action. A one-hour flight from Reykjavik skims over steaming geothermal areas, the great crustal rift and some of the country's most famous volcanoes.


  • 观众们注意了,你们即将见识发现号最后一飞行威力。”航天飞机指挥官史蒂芬·林赛发射几分钟无线电说道。

    "For those watching, get ready to witness the power of Discovery as she lifts off one final time," shuttle commander Steve Lindsey radioed minutes before launch.


  • 观众们注意了,你们即将见识发现号最后一飞行威力。”航天飞机指挥官史蒂芬·林赛发射几分钟无线电说道。

    "For those watching, get ready to witness the power of Discovery as she lifts off one final time," shuttle commander Steve Lindsey radioed minutes before launch.


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