• 我们祝愿事业中一帆

    We wish her luck in her new career.


  • 早期大气环流被减弱因此垂直切变减小,助长热带气旋发展

    Tthe early Pliocene had a weakened atmospheric circulation, and therefore, reduced vertical wind shear, which is favorable for tropical cyclone growth.


  • 卡发明了一种的面罩。它有一个麦克

    Lucca invented a new mask. It has a microphone.


  • 重要的是,在大多数情况下,即使巢被之类的摧毁,您也可以建一个的巢,把小鸟放回其中,当父母回来后,他们不会关心他们的孩子在不同的巢里,只要你把巢放在旧的附近,让它们就可以找到它就行。

    What's more, in most cases, even if the nest is destroyed by wind or something to that effect, you could create a new one and put all the baby birds back in it, and when the parents came back, they wouldn't care their baby birds were in a different nest, so long as you put the new nest near where the old one was so they can find it.


  • 某个时候企业需要筹集资本(已经关于如何写过把精力聚中在早期投上的博文这里就不赘述了)。

    At some point the company then needs to raise additional capital. (I've already written about how to focus your efforts with that early capital so I wont discuss that topic in this post.)


  • 顶级投们因而超级天使们有着一个巨大品牌优势如果利用获得所有最好创业公司他们可以使自身永久存在

    The top VCs thus have a big brand advantage over the super-angels. They could make it self-perpetuating if they used it to get all the best new startups.


  • 关键的是这种技术可以管理班机滑翔能力况适宜,班机降落时,可以引擎熄火滑翔150千米至机场

    Crucially, the technology harnesses airliners' ability to glide. With a favourable wind, a new airliner's engines can be idled more than 150km from an airport for a gliding descent to the runway.


  • 大多数公司会征用征聘市场等领域内部专家作为基干员工企业献策。

    Most venture firms employ a skeleton staff of in-house experts in areas such as recruiting and marketing to help advise start-ups.


  • 研发出纤维关键所在一种应用普通麦克塑料

    A big key to the fiber is a plastic commonly used in microphones.


  • 建筑伐尔达尔河岸边雨后春笋般涌出,过几就会雕像揭幕

    New buildings are sprouting up along the Banks of the Vardar river and a fresh statue is unveiled every few weeks.


  • 乔治萨克斯爱不释手

    George is mad about his new saxophone.


  • 因此这个班级度过的这个夏天开始就一帆

    And so summer in the new class began well.


  • 茄放我们的门内各样佳美果子良人都是你存留的。

    The mandrakes give a smell, and at our gates are all manner of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved.


  • 如果有这种效果,就是那种更好强大,那就只能对你说快乐并且一年一帆顺心想事成万事如意。

    If so, you're a much better and stronger person than I am, so Happy New Year and all the best to you.


  • 业务艾斯全国最大核电站运营商

    But the wind business is new to Exelon, the nation's largest operator of nuclear power plants.


  • 前定一个显著不同的尾盘板。

    The new front wing has notably different endplates.


  • 上面话是施密特今年太阳谷峰会上讲出来的,这番话似乎暗示我们现在正处在一轮科技泡沫中,不过家马克·安德·里森却并不这么认为

    Though Schmidt's recent comments (see above) at this year's Sun Valley conference hints we've got another tech bubble on our hands, venture capitalist Marc Andreessen argues otherwise.


  • 投资者先前的投公司这里收到的关于你的搁浅的信息,”我们完全支持这家公司我们愿意尽全力,甚至有点豁出去

    The standard line the new investor wants to hear from your previous VC is, “we're behind this company 100%.We're willing to do our full pro-rata & might even like to do a bit extra.


  • 位于三LevensohnVenturePartners(投公司)老板Pascal Levensohn由于预见的市场前景他们现在不会筹集资金仅仅专注于现存资本

    Pascal Levensohn, the boss of Levensohn Venture Partners in San Francisco, says his firm will not raise a new fund "for the foreseeable future" and is concentrating on its existing assets.


  • 位于三LevensohnVenturePartners投公司)老板Pascal Levensohn由于预见的市场前景他们现在不会筹集资金仅仅专注于现存资本

    Pascal Levensohn, the boss of Levensohn Venture Partners in San Francisco, says his firm will not raise a new fundfor the foreseeable future” and is concentrating on its existing assets.


  • 一个星期内成立全英行动组织协会(NationalAssociationofWind ActionGroups)承诺,将开展反对活动,反对电站开发项目社区景观造成有害影响

    Within a week, the newly formed National Association of wind Action Groups pledged to campaign against the harmful impact of wind turbine developments on communities and landscapes.


  • 另一边MicroSIM插槽位于底部金属带中的缺口顶端电话和休眠按钮耳机插口和另外一个缺口,以及噪音麦克

    On the right side is the Micro SIM slot and another notch in the band at the bottom, and up top there's the power / sleep button, headphone jack, another notch, and new noise-canceling microphone.


  • 经纪公司CRTCapitalSheryl Skolnick说,这些不仅仅创造公司收入它们巩固联合健康集团的主营业务

    These ventures do not just create new revenue streams, argues Sheryl Skolnick of CRT Capital, a broker-dealer. They strengthen United's main business.


  • 40以上打电话给CalPERS(注2),告诉他们正在筹措一笔投基金

    40 or more points: Call CalPERS and tell them you're raising a new fund.


  • 大地火”于年前散伙但是组合起来录制了一唱片集。

    Earth, Wind and Fire broke up four years ago, but they came together again to make a new record album.


  • 温馨快乐长久永恒的地,注定,难舍的情,短信心愿永远不变的真情!

    Warm wind, a cloud of happiness, long days, eternal, destined to the edge, regret, old messages, new wish! Forever and ever!


  • 温馨的-快乐的-长久的-永恒的-地,注定的-难舍-的-短信,-心愿永远不变的-真情!

    Warm wind, happy cloud, long day, eternal -, destined to the edge, regret and love, old - SMS, new wishes! Forever and ever!


  • 温馨的-快乐的-长久的-永恒的-地,注定的-难舍-的-短信,-心愿永远不变的-真情!

    Warm wind, happy cloud, long day, eternal -, destined to the edge, regret and love, old - SMS, new wishes! Forever and ever!


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