• 这些频率离心机转速相对应美国能够以600赫兹以上频率运行频率转换器驱动的出口进行了严格管控。

    These high frequencies correspond to the rotation speeds of centrifuges; America tightly controls the export of frequency converter drives able to operate at frequencies above 600 Hz.


  • 大功率晶体管逆变器——电动机驱动系统中,不但可用电动机电流波形相位幅值频率进行精细控制而且快速地检测出故障电流。

    In a drive system of power transistor inverter-motor, not only can it be used in fine control of motor current waveform, phase, amplitude and frequency, but can also be used to sense, fault current.


  • 通过振动装置功率计算分析了振动频率驱动功率的影响

    In addition, by count of vibration power the influence of the vibration frequency on driving power is analysed.


  • 主要研究适用开关频率变频器驱动感应电动机数学模型

    Inductive motor mathematics model suitable for high switching frequency inverter drive is described in this paper.


  • 其中激光频率设置连续激光器驱动电流6~30A连续可调。

    The semiconductor laser power supply features continuous adjustable laser pulse frequency and continuous adjustable laser driving current of 6~30A.


  • 在此基础上,介绍了小数直接数字频率合成技术步进电机驱动速度控制中的两常见应用

    Applications of decimal Fraction frequency divider in the area such as direct digital frequency synthesis technology and stepper motor drive speed controller a re introduced.


  • 根据用户要求ALC(频率监控仪)的连接可以采用触摸屏PLC程序控制,可以采用交流变频电机驱动

    ALC can be connected; revolution, speed and pressure can be adjusted by touchable screen and PLC program as required. Can be driven by ac frequency conversion electric machine.


  • 文中介绍了基于这一原理微型强计,传感器固有频率驱动电压进行了分析和计算。

    This paper introduces the micro magnetometer and analyses the natural frequency and driving voltage of the sensor as well.


  • 几何图形平均识别成功率作为评价衡量触觉显示质量指标分析了驱动频率触觉感受关系

    Regarding Identification geometry graphics average success rate as guideline which expresses tactile display's quality. The connection between tactile sense and drive frequency is analysed.


  • 扫描采样成像质量至关重要通过驱动信号的频率选择图像采集时间设定控制

    The scanning sampling density crucial to imaging quality can be deliberately controlled by setting of the driving frequencies as well as fetching duration.


  • 研究控制方法均在AC200交流伺服驱动系统频率实验模型仿真实验,结果支持本文分析所得的结论。

    All the concerned control strategies are supported with the simulation results that are made on the experimental frequency domain model of the AC200 servo drive system.


  • 同时,本文还实验发现了,相位响应线性程度随着驱动频率提高降低

    Furthermore, it is found out in the experiments that the degree of phase response linearization of liquid crystal modulator decreases with driving frequency increasing.


  • 分析LCLV驱动信号电压幅值、频率空比以及屏幕照度诸多因素投影系统对比度特性影响

    The effects on the contrast of the LCLV projecting system, such as the LCLV driving signal voltage, frequency, duty cycle and the display screen illumination were analyzed.


  • 论文中还设计了一种新型IGBT驱动电路具有开关频率驱动功率大、结构简单且具有负压关断的特点。

    A new drive circuit for IGBT is designed. It features high switching frequency, high driving power, simple-structure and reverse-turn-off.


  • 试验证明,该驱动电源运行频率特性效率明显优于同类产品。

    The experiment illustrates that operation frequency, torque-frequency characteristics, efficiency etc. of the driving unit is superior to the same one.


  • 控制回路启动频率跟踪驱动信号缺水保护电路组成

    The controlling loop includes start-up circuit, frequency tracking circuit, driving signal circuit, and water lack protecting circuit.


  • 声光晶体行波场驱动声场频率系统反馈讯号控制。

    The frequency of the sound wave is controlled by the feedback signal of the system.


  • 陀螺驱动频率响应曲线谐振尖峰,在两峰值之间存在一个较平坦区域

    The frequency response of the drive-direction oscillator has two resonant peaks and a flat region between the peaks.


  • 传统电压控制模式电机驱动电路系统频率都受电机频率制约相位延迟会随负载的变化而变化。

    The system bandwidth of conventional voltage-control-mode motor driver circuits is limited by the intrinsic frequency of the load, and its phase lag is also load-dependent.


  • 系统采用高低压驱动电源串联电阻法,提高进电机工作频率

    This system uses a high-low supply voltage and a series resistance for increasing the working frequency of the step motor.


  • 本文主要研究高频功率MOSFET驱动电路频率跟踪电路以及功率调节电路。

    This thesis pays more attention to the drive circuit of high frequency power MOSFET, power regulation circuit and frequency-tracing circuit.


  • 测试结果表明单片三轴硅微机械振动陀螺仪驱动实际谐振频率理论值之间最大误差小于5%,满足设计要求

    The results indicated that the maximum error of the resonant frequencies be - tween the practical values and the theoretical ones was within 5%, meeting the design requirements.


  • 在这里看到金属这次连接一个声音驱动装置频率产生器送出振动

    What we can see here is the metal sheet, this time connected to a sound driver, and being fed by a frequency generator.


  • 其中主要就墨形成频率,墨滴飞行速度驱动信号驱动电路等关键参数进行比较。

    The comparison dealts mainly with the frequency of drop forming, the velocity of drop flying, the drive signal and the complexity of drive circuit.


  • 讨论分析衬底驱动MOSFET工作原理频率特性噪声特性低压特性进行了分析和仿真

    The fundamental principles of the bulk-driven MOSFET, along with the frequency and noise characteristics, are discussed. The analysis and simulation of its low voltage characteristics are also made.


  • 系统中,首先使用计算机来产生一个频率可调的超声波驱动信号然后通过马达的检测,系统得到压电超声马达最佳谐振频率值。

    In this system, a frequency-adjustable ultrasonic drive signal is made by computer, then based on the motor 's revolution number, system can automatically find the syntonic frequency of motor.


  • 驱动工作脉冲模式下产生重复频率脉冲间隔调的驱动信号

    The driver operates in the pulse mode, and can generate drive signal whose repeat frequency and pulse interval is tunable.


  • 介绍天线系统驱动机构扭转振动谐振频率计算方法

    This paper introduces the computation method on the harmonic frequency of the torsional vibration in the mechanism of an antenna system.


  • 我们研究了强近共振激光脉冲驱动二能级原子不同频率试探脉冲瞬态反应

    Transient responses of two-level atoms to a probe pulses with different frequencies have been studied in the presence of near-resonant laser driven pulse.


  • 结果表明,随着驱动电流频率增加驱动一个最大位移值

    The experimental results show that there is a maximum displacement of the film when increasing the actuating current and frequency.


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