• 目的探讨老年人食管暴露频率强度食管关系

    Objective To study the relationship between frequency of esophageal acid exposure and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


  • 暴露巨大噪音中肯定造成部分完全听力丧失,这取决于噪音强度持续时间频率组成

    Exposure to loud noises can definitely produce a partial or complete loss of hearing, depending on the intensity, duration, and frequency composition of the noise.


  • 表明盲目性并不局限最近偏好选择可能发生强度频率

    This demonstrates that blindness is not limited to recent preference selections, but can also occur for intensity and frequency.


  • 第二种情景,由于我们世界相互连接相互依赖,危机爆发频率强度不可预测性增加

    Second, the frequency, intensity, and unpredictability of our crises will only increase due to the interconnectedness and interdependence of our world.


  • 只是一推测——如果这个趋势与全球变暖有关那么这将与暴风强度增加频率增强无关。”

    "If this is related to global warming-and this is speculation-it indicates that either the intensity of storms is increasing or the frequency of storms is increasing," he said.


  • 而这种震动频率强度时间都取决‘冰管员’的破冰对象——风挡玻璃飞机机翼或是桥梁线缆

    The frequency, intensity and duration of the jolts depend upon what the IceController is trying to de-ice-a windshield, airplane wing or bridge cable.


  • 海水水域气候过程极端天气事件发生频率强度将会增加它们著名发生在南太平洋厄尔尼诺现象

    In Marine waters, climate processes and extreme weather events will increase in frequency and intensity - the most well known of these is the el nino phenomenon in the South Pacific.


  • 预计灾难性气候事件频率强度将有所增大可能一趋势进一步恶化

    The expected increase in the frequency and intensity of hazardous weather events because of climate change is likely to exacerbate this trend.


  • 缺乏活动开始时少量的身体活动时间逐步增加活动时间频率强度

    Inactive people should start with small amounts of physical activity and gradually increase duration, frequency and intensity over time.


  • 人们越来越担心气候变化影响厄尔尼诺现象发生的强度频率

    There are growing concerns that its intensity and frequency may be affected by climate change.


  • 这些参与者要求填写一份调查问卷,调查他们心理身体痛苦频率强度

    Participants were asked to fill questionnaires on the frequency and intensity of their emotional and physical pain.


  • 食物过敏原血液测试。 避免食用这些导致过敏的食物,偏头痛发生的频率强度大大的减轻了

    Q.I had a blood test for food allergens, cut them out, and my migraines were greatly diminished in frequency and intensity.


  • 过去几年中美中经济活动频率强度重要性成倍增加

    In the last few years the frequency, intensity, and importance of U.S.-China economic engagements have multiplied.


  • 科学家警告由于全球化导致海水温度变化,飓风强度频率可能增加

    As global warming tampers with the temperature of ocean waters, scientists warn that hurricanes are likely to barrel in with greater force and frequency.


  • 引发病情成因的频率强度进行评定后,研究人员发现有8活动其他诱因更能引发脑出血。

    By assessing the frequency and intensity of their exposure to such triggers, researchers found that eight activities appeared to make a rupture more likely.


  • 测量作用强度高达谐振器频率的12%。

    The measured interaction strength was up to twelve percent of the resonator frequency.


  • 为了确定在任一给出位置alpha常数强度科学家测量不同原子电子个能级跃迁另一能级的频率

    To determine how strong the alpha constant was in any given spot, the scientists measured the frequency at which electrons in various atoms would hop from one energy level to the next.


  • 我们不能所有极端天气都归咎于气候变化但是,我们已经记录到其发生频率强度增加

    We cannot attribute all extremes of weather to climate change but we are already recording an increase in frequency and intensity.


  • 例如研究飓风科学家知道他们所研究的飓风长时期内的发生频率风力强度变化

    Hurricane scientists, for instance, would like to know about long-term changes in the frequency and strengths of the storms they study.


  • 那样环境下所发射具有一定频率这个频率与环境的时间标度(引力强度)有关

    Light emitted in this environment will have a certain frequency, which is related to the time scale (or the gravity strength) of the environment.


  • 比如说1951年2000年,印度雨季的强降水发生频率升高,强度增大温和降水次数有所减少

    For example, from 1951 to 2000, heavy monsoons in India became more frequent and intense, while more moderate rains happened less often.


  • 而且最新研究表明如果大部分时间久动,那么锻炼强度再大、频率再高可能也于事无补。

    Also, emerging research suggests that if you're sedentary most of the day, it may not matter how hard or often you exercise.


  • 不是小事;短距离无线保真频率普,曾经认为是垃圾频率”,短距离无线通讯充满了微波炉婴儿监视器里收集到杂乱强度信号

    This is no small thing; the standard for Wi-Fi was developed on unlicensed spectrum that had been considered "junk band", cluttered with low-intensity signals from microwave ovens and baby monitors.


  • 地震频率强度而言,日本工业化国家几乎肯定无可争辩冠军

    Japan among the industrialized nations is almost certainly the uncontested champion with regard to earthquake frequency and intensity.


  • 整体自尊焦虑抑郁以及消极情绪强度频率存在显著负相关。

    General SE was a significant predictor of hostility, anxiety, depression, and the intensity and frequency of negative emotions.


  • Vidale但是这些研究所做出预测仅限于底层活动所导致地震频率以其强度不能预测任何一个单一的地震事件的发生。

    But such hazard predictions can go only so far, Vidale says. They can warn how often and how strongly the ground will shake, but they can't forecast the magnitude of any single event.


  • Vidale但是这些研究所做出预测仅限于底层活动所导致地震频率以其强度不能预测任何一个单一的地震事件的发生。

    But such hazard predictions can go only so far, Vidale says. They can warn how often and how strongly the ground will shake, but they can't forecast the magnitude of any single event.


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