• 份最近评估报告预计高产违约2007年的0.9%上升今年4.8%,翻了4倍。衰退持续,上述情况算是乐观估计

    One recent estimate expects default rates on high-yield debt to quintuple from 0.9% in 2007 to 4.8% this year. If the downturn endures, even that could prove optimistic.


  • 报告没有包括沿海新的石油天然气储量预计,而现有资源的估计也是基于25年前的老旧的地震学研究数据。

    It includes no new estimates of potential oil and gas reserves offshore and notes that some of the existing estimates are based on 25-year-old seismic studies.


  • 石油的开采或许预计时间花费要长,同时其量也比英石油估计的时间要

    The oil may take longer than expected to flow, and there may be less of it than BP believes.


  • 美国地质调查局估计佛罗里达州南端可以预计100多年周期里会遭到60飓风的袭击。

    S. Geological Survey estimates the southern tip of Florida can expect more than 60 hurricanes over a 100-year period.


  • 优化根据可用统计信息计算基数估计预计查询返回行数

    The optimizer calculates its cardinality estimatethat is, the estimated number of rows returned by the querybased on the statistics available.


  • 如果昨天新闻预计他们估计,房利美最新一期的损益表上,将会显示一大笔亏损

    If you just saw the news yesterday, Fannie Mae is predicting, well, they are predicting that Fannie Mae is going to make huge losses in their latest earning statement.


  • 所以分析师对戴尔市场份额预计趋向于保守估计戴尔2010年只能占据全球手机市场份额的0.1%。

    This has led us to remain conservative in our estimates for Dell's smart phone share. For 2010, we estimate Dell to capture only around 0.1% share of the total global mobile phone market.


  • ScreenDigest估计,2006年电影网上销售美国西欧可以获得总数580万美元的收入,它预计2011年数额将增长到12亿美元。

    In 2006, estimates Screen Digest, online distribution of movies generated a total of $58m in America and western Europe. Screen Digest expects this to rise to $1.2 billion by 2011.


  • 分析师还调高了今年芯片市场成长幅度的估计不过由于两个的时间,因此预计今年的全球芯片市场成长幅度很难达到30%。

    Diesen was forced to raise his estimate for 2010 chip market growth, but with just two months to go still does not see a 30-percent growth year, unlike many other forecasters.


  • 850美元/盎司保守估计价格)的价格来估计基金组织预计这次销售筹集110亿美元。

    Using a (conservative) price estimate of $850 an ounce, the fund reckons such a sale would raise about $11 billion.


  • 受访者估计过去一年里,广东约7万家工厂10- 20%关闭预计今后年中,还有同样数目的工厂关闭

    Members estimated 10-20% of the 70, 000 factories in Guangdong province had closed in the past year, and expected a similar number to close within the next two years.


  • 受访者估计,在过去里,广东约7万家工厂10- 20%关闭预计今后年中,还有同样数目的工厂关闭

    Members estimated 10-20% of the 70,000 factories in Guangdong province had closed in the past year, and expected a similar number to close within the next two years.


  • 并且估计去年印度艺术品在全球成交金额达到2亿美元,2006年预计将会翻番,虽然只300亿美元的国际艺术品市场占有很少的份额,但是潜力巨大。

    He expects worldwide sales of Indian art, worth $200m last year, to double in 2006. It is still a tiny fraction of the $30 billion global art market, but is sizeable for an emerging market.


  • 但是预计钻石可能落地区域范围有60公里意味着除非这颗钻石正好落村庄城镇里否则找到估计要好几天的时间。

    The potential 'drop zone', however, is estimated to cover a range of more than 60 miles - meaning it could be days before it is found unless it lands in the middle of a village, town or city.


  • 麻省理工学院科学家们经过进一步研究,预计可利用的地热能之前估计十多,足够全球当前的用电情况下用几千

    With further refinement, the MIT researchers estimated that ten times more geothermal energy could be made available-enough to meet the world's current needs for several thousand years.


  • 根据法国巴黎银行的的估计2011西班牙上市银行贷款发放收缩了3.7%。这家投行预计,贷款紧缩趋势明两年仍会持续

    Listed Spanish Banks shrank their loan books by 3.7% in 2011, according to estimates by Exane BNP Paribas, an investment firm which expects the trend to continue this year and next.


  • 施耐德电气预计此项交易产生显著的协同效应,到2015年因协同效应而对EBITA影响估计可达2500 - 3000万美元

    Schneider Electric expects the transaction to be highly synergetic with estimated EBITA impact from synergies of USD 25-30 million in 2015.


  • 我们估计如果不在全世界范围内实施财政刺激政策,2009年全世界的经济增长速度在1.5%到2%之间我们之前预计要低

    Our estimate is that if there had been no fiscal stimulus across the world, world growth in 2009 would be somewhere between 1.5% and 2% less than what we predicted.


  • 译:麻省理工学院科学家们经过进一步的研究,预计可利用的地热能之前估计倍,足够全球当前的用电情况下用几千

    With further refinement, the MIT researchers estimated that ten times more geothermal energy could be made available-enough to meet the world's current needs for several thousand years.


  • 5%增幅舆论估计一致增长结构预计表现更好:更少来自汽车汽油更多的来自家用电器家具和服装。

    The 0.5% increase was in line with consensus estimates, but the composition of growth was better than expected: less came from autos and gasoline and more from home electronics, furniture and apparel.


  • 分析师平均估计数字预计作物大小2.950亿蒲式耳

    The average of analysts' estimates anticipated a crop size of 2.950 billion bushels.


  • 科学家估计,在现有条件下地球难以供养到2050年预计达到的89亿人口,这还没有将那些出现的、高龄群体计算在内。

    Scientists reckon the planet will have trouble handling just the 8.9 billion people forecast for 2050 under current conditions, not counting a new group of the extremely old.


  • 对策:把每天老师布置作业大概时候估计孩子需要完成任务(包括家长布置任务)进行一个时间预计

    Countermeasures: to do a rough time estimate the daily homework assigned by the teacher, children will need to complete the task (including parents set tasks) for a time expected.


  • 虽然日本央行预计日本经济可能一季度摆脱放缓态势,但持续通缩可能阻止加息估计最早加息时间是2013年。

    While the BOJ expects Japan's slowdown to end this quarter, continued deflation will probably prevent it from increasing interest rates until 2013 at the earliest.


  • 虽然日本央行预计日本经济可能一季度摆脱放缓态势,但持续通缩可能阻止加息估计最早加息时间是2013年。

    While the BOJ expects Japan's slowdown to end this quarter, continued deflation will probably prevent it from increasing interest rates until 2013 at the earliest.


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