• 世界卫生组织预测糖尿病造成的死亡在20052030年将会增加一倍

    The World Health Organization predicts that diabetes deaths could double between 2005 and 2030.


  • 世行最新一东亚经济半年报》(日本以外)中表示今年地区经济增长率达到8.4%,高于4月份预测的7.3%。

    In its latest semi-annual report on East Asia, excluding Japan, the bank said the region would grow 8.4 per cent this year, up from a forecast of 7.3 per cent made in April.


  • 年前我们预测美国债券利率上升,在过去一年里30国债的确2.5%上升4.6%。

    One year ago we predicted that US long bond rates would rise. This is exactly what happened and the 30 year Treasury Bond yield went from 2.5% to 4.6% during the year.


  • 下面专家预测流感高峰到来时,搜集的所有问题,现在一向大家集中解答

    Here are some answers to questions that will arise during what experts predict will be a very busy flu season.


  • 美林证券(MerrillLynch—)最新预测显示,2010年至2019年间,该国GDP平均涨幅为4.5%。

    A recent forecast by Merrill Lynch shows GDP growing by an average of 4.5% between 2010 and 2019.


  • 公司根据数据结合其他上百名妇女上传的数据,使算法能够认识提高他们预测排卵精确性

    The company combines her data with those uploaded by hundreds of other women so that its algorithms can learn and improve their accuracy in predicting ovulation.


  • 国际经合组织(OECD)刚刚发布对未来悲观预测:2009年,美国日本欧元区国家都进入衰退如果它们不是已经开始衰退的话。

    Gloomy forecasts just released by the OECD predict that America, Japan, the euro area and the OECD as a whole will slide into recession in 2009-if they are not already there.


  • 大多数预测者猜测,2010年失业率逐渐进一步下跌一些甚至预测,在它再次继续下跌之前上扬

    Mostforecasters are predicting only a gradual further decline in the unemploymentrate during 2010, and some even predict that this rate will increase before itcontinues to fall again.


  • 当然不能预测所有可能性所以最好应对策略设定一个缓冲

    Of course, you can't plan for every possibility, so the best defense is a deadline cushion.


  • 很多请求类型预测峰值(正常业务时间内)很多。

    Many types of requests are much higher during predictable peak periods, such as during normal business hours.


  • 外界批评人士经常辩论说,确凿的证据显示预测毫无依据并且表示世界石油产量早已跨过了高峰

    External critics have frequently argued that this cannot be substantiated by firm evidence and say the world has already passed its peak in oil production.


  • 股价下跌说明市场越来越感觉到投行的收益过巅峰分析师却预测上升空间

    A falling share price suggests that the market thinks it increasingly likely that profits have peaked, but analysts forecast that they will keep rising.


  • 根据行为过程最新一上刊登的论文,通过一只狗脑袋大小宽度能够精确地预测力量跑动能力

    The size and width of a dog's head accurately predict the strength and running ability of the canine, according to a paper in the latest issue of the journal Behavioural Processes.


  • 敏捷转变开始会很混乱——敏捷团队会预测稳定速度运作

    After an initial disruption during transition - Agile teams operate on a predictable and stable pace.


  • 八月信贷工业产值以及零售额超过分析师们所预测位数,目前的通胀率达到1.25%,超过一年银行存款利率

    In August, loans, industrial output and retail sales topped analysts' median estimates, while the inflation rate was 1.25 percentage points above the benchmark one-year deposit rate.


  • 一些预测认为房价下降油价升高已经引起了居民消费放缓而且可能现在经济处于不景气

    Some forecasters believe that falling home prices and higher gasoline prices have already triggered a slowdown in consumer spending and that the economy may even now be in recession.


  • 世卫组织预测,2005至2030年糖尿病死亡数增加一倍

    WHO projects that diabetes deaths will double between 2005 and 2030.


  • 华尔街经济师们一直预测10国债收益率可能上升25 -60个基点——这样收益率将升至3%。

    Economists on Wall Street have indicated that a 25 to 60 basis-point increase in yield may occur on the 10-year Treasury bond - pushing rates up to around 3%.


  • 已经指出,模型帮助计算预测系统简化描述

    As discussed in the previous column, a model is a simplified description of a system that can assist in calculations and predications.


  • 【消息来源:国家地理杂志】(美国哥伦比亚广播公司“60分钟”节目播出了精彩的节目叙述了居住在水上的摩根是如何运用他们与海洋密切联系预测海啸的。)

    CBS' "60 Minutes" produced a remarkable story explaining how the seafaring Moken people used their close connection to the ocean to detect the tsunami before it happened.


  • 过去16年中牙买加旱季干旱情况越来越严重而且越发难以预测,这导致每年3个月干旱降雨量减少了11%。

    During the past 16 years, the dry season in Jamaica has become both increasingly severe and unpredictable, leading to an 11 percent drop in total rainfall during the three-month annual drought.


  • 报告主要作者史蒂夫·索雷尔(Steve Sorrell)表示石油产量峰值不会在2030年之前出现的预测“往好处过于乐观,而往坏处说,是不可信。”

    Steve Sorrell, chief author of the report, said forecasts suggesting oil production will not peak before 2030 were "at best optimistic and at worst implausible".


  • 摩根史丹利RichardBerner预测的美国公债利率今年十二月目前的3.7%攀升5.5%。

    Richard Berner of Morgan Stanley expects ten-year bond yields to reach 5.5% by December, up from 3.7% now.


  • 比如挪威银行最新通货膨胀报告提供了一个扇形利率描述未来2009年间利率水平的概率分布而不是预测某个时点上的利率。

    Norges Bank's latest Inflation Report, for example, provides a "fan chart" for interest rates, showing the probability distribution of rates until 2009, not a point forecast.


  • 比如挪威银行最新通货膨胀报告提供了一个扇形利率描述未来2009年间利率水平的概率分布而不是预测某个时点上的利率。

    Norges Bank's latest Inflation Report, for example, provides a "fan chart" for interest rates, showing the probability distribution of rates until 2009, not a point forecast.


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