• 制造平板玻璃工艺阿利斯泰尔·皮尔金发明的。

    The float process for making flat glass was invented by Alistair Pilkington.


  • 纳尔大厅比肯山再哈佛大学从保罗·里维尔故居波士大屠杀的发生地,游客们可以下午的时间里找到大块国家遗产

    From Faneuil Hall to Beacon Hill to Harvard, Paul Revere's house or the site of the Boston Massacre, visitors can find a huge chunk of the nation's heritage in one afternoon.


  • 像是还身处鲁加,试图再次成为妻子当初爱上那个人时,这一切都让特拉华州威明生活变得艰难

    That is as it should be in Fallujah, but it makes life difficult in Wilmington, Delaware, when you are trying to become once more the person your wife fell in love with.


  • 2003年夏天,穆克开始波士丹娜-癌症研究所接受癌症药物高级培训时,开始有了写这本

    Mukherjee started on the road to this book when he began advanced training in cancer medicine at the Dana-Farber cancer Institute in Boston in the summer of 2003.


  • 提到此前的观测研究,该研究认为不吃早饭更喜欢晚上饱餐一,也更容易体重超标

    He points to previous observational research suggesting that people who skip breakfast in favor of massive meals in the evening hours tend to be overweight.


  • 劳资关系专家这个至今为止重要判决里对该所作出的慷慨解释无疑产生深远复杂的影响。

    In the most important ruling so far, Burton's generous interpretation of the law will have far-ranging and complicated ramifications, employment experts say.


  • 饮食替代一般需要用低能量、营养充足奶昔或是营养替代餐食例如早餐中餐

    With meal replacement diets, you typically replace one or two meals a day, such as breakfast and lunch, with a low-calorie, nutritionally complete shake or meal bar.


  • ·夸尔,家境殷实的种植园主,出身于阿拉巴马一个古老望族。

    Peyton Farquhar was a well-to-do planter, of an old and highly respected Alabama family.


  • 如果曾经波士内尔大会堂市场这个城市的人口密度会更感触。

    If you've ever been in Boston's Faneuil Hall Marketplace, you have a pretty good idea of the extreme density of this city.


  • 在波士缅因,室内吸烟一度被豁免而遍地开花的水烟吧也遭禁。

    Boston and Maine have already ended exemptions in their indoor-smoking laws that had allowed hookah bars to thrive.


  • 测量得到,速度半径:,周期以及这些物体质量,如果作为观察者。

    All this comes out of Doppler shift measurements: the velocities, the radii, the periods and even the masses of these objects.


  • 海伦m .雷尔,医学博士,哈佛医学院讲师波士斯·雅各医疗中心心理医生

    Helen M. Farrell, M.D., is an instructor at Harvard Medical School and a staff psychiatrist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.


  • 首相首席政策专家史蒂文·希尔任命风险资本家艾德里安·比克罗夫特,他针对可以放松雇佣地区专门提交篇报告

    Steve Hilton, the prime minister's chief policy guru, commissioned a venture capitalist, Adrian Beecroft, to write a report on areas in which employment laws could be loosened.


  • 通过心脏研究中搜集几千研究数据研究人员发现了差别迥异的肥胖群体非肥胖群体。

    Using data from thousands of participants in the Framington heart study, these researchers found distinct clusters of obese and non-obese individuals.


  • 杰夫·雅各比是市场万能论者,波士环球报撰稿人。出于同样理由,他反对价格欺诈:“并非市场狮子大开口。”

    Jeff Jacoby, a pro-market commentator writing in the Boston Globe, argued against price-gouging laws on similar grounds: "it isn't going to charge what the market will bear."


  • ·夸尔死了脖子尸体挂在河桥的横下,轻轻地摇晃

    Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek bridge.


  • 罗还拿出了一张用中文简体写出单子,上面满了横跨整个美国拍屋其他性价比很高的房产名录:从西海岸的洛杉矶旧金山;到拉斯维加斯;再到东海岸的纽约波士

    Luo pulled out a promotional folder written in Mandarin with numerous listings of foreclosed U.S. properties in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Boston and New York.


  • 高中校长蒂姆·布雷斯林(TimBreslin)最近高中读二年级女儿说,让减少一些课外活动课程

    Tim Breslin, principal of Farmington high, recently talked to his own daughter — a junior at a different high school — about cutting back some of her activities and classes.


  • 1947年波士儿童医院工作时利用叶酸对抗药这种化学品组合物治疗儿童白血病人取得了巨大成功

    In 1947, working at Boston's Children's Hospital, Farber had had striking success in treating child-leukemia patients with a group of chemicals known as folic-acid antagonists.


  • 那时候雷尔才二十多岁,一个旧货店老板联手伦敦西区开了一家公寓出租的代理

    Still in his early 20s, Farrell joined forces with the owner of a junk shop to start a flat-letting agency in West Kensington, London.


  • 牛津大学生物科学研究所合作伙伴,位于波斯一家风险投资公司的道格拉斯姆布鲁福评论说,基因测试项目的定价不合理。

    The price point is wrong, observes Douglas Fambrough of Oxford Bioscience Partners, a venture-capital firm based in Boston.


  • 守卫办公室旁边开了一家很不错the Eagle的会所。

    A rather nice pub called the Eagle had recently opened near the offices of the Guardian in Farringdon.


  • 将头探后座看到佩奇儿子,九个月大,穿了一件电影<玩具总动员>里太空人巴斯光年穿的夹克

    Farmer pokes her head into the back seat and finds Paige's 9-month-old son, Peyton, decked out in a Buzz Lightyear jacket.


  • 这家位于区的LittleBay餐馆本月推出“餐费你付”活动,体恤附近“金融城”那些遭受信贷危机打击的人们。

    The Little Bay restaurant in Farringdon is offering the all-you-can-eat deal for the rest of this month, to cater for credit crunch hit workers from the nearby City financial district.


  • 准备奥克兰郊区出发————也许西布卢姆菲尔德(West Bloomfield),也许是南菲尔德(Southfield山(Farmington Hills)——去市中心

    You are preparing to head downtown from an Oakland county suburbWest Bloomfield, maybe, Southfield or Farmington Hills.


  • 准备奥克兰郊区出发————也许西布卢姆菲尔德(West Bloomfield),也许是南菲尔德(Southfield山(Farmington Hills)——去市中心

    You are preparing to head downtown from an Oakland county suburbWest Bloomfield, maybe, Southfield or Farmington Hills.


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