• 关于休闲活动调查表明电视视频受欢迎的休闲活动。

    In a UK survey on leisure time activities, watching TV and videos was the most popular.


  • 项英研究证实快乐有益健康

    British study has confirmed that happiness can be good for your health.


  • 研究也许不是偶然

    One U. K. study claims it may not be a coincidence.


  • 研究显示有益于健康

    A UK study reveals that owning a dog is good for your health.


  • 卢森堡草拟法国德国之间都可以接受妥协方案

    Luxembourg sketched out an acceptable compromise between Britain, France and Germany.


  • 库克格兰澳大利亚之间的主客场比赛,1997年首创。

    The Cook Cup is played for on a home and away basis by England and Australia, and was first contested in 1997.


  • 通过写作教学对比实验研究同伴互评法写作焦虑影响

    This paper studies the effect of peer editing on writing apprehension through a comparative experiment of English writing teaching.


  • 参加以下一项项英考试填写最佳成绩参加考试年份

    If you have attended one or more of the following tests, please enter your best result and the year of your attempt.


  • 胚胎干细胞可以修复损坏视网膜治疗盲目性根据研究

    Human embryonic stem cell can repair damaged retinas and cure blindness, according to a British study.


  • 研究发现被报道感觉快乐男人女人低于平均水平皮质醇水平

    The British study found that men and women who reported feeling happy had lower than average cortisol levels.


  • 19发表上瘾杂志研究成果显示,每日饮酒酗酒更易引发肝脏疾病

    Drinking alcohol every day is more likely to result in liver disease than binge drinking, suggests a UK study published in the Addiction Journal Thursday.


  • 研究发现参与实验的甚至睡着之前血压就降了——只是想着睡觉就足够了

    One British study found that participants' blood pressure dropped before they even fell asleepjust anticipating the nap they were about to take was enough.


  • 然而洁净测试显示提款机公厕一样,而且,大多数使用不会洗手

    However, cleanliness tests in Britain have revealed that cash machines are just as dirty as public toilets, and many of us are failing to wash our hands after using them.


  • 然而听、说、读、基本技能中,写作对于中国大学生来讲仍是困难最大一项

    However, writing was always regarded as the most difficult one of the four basic language skills and relegated to the last stage in our teaching arrangement.


  • 索洛一家经受第二打击小儿子死,率领绝地小队深入敌后,执行任务

    The next blow to the Solo family would be the loss of the youngest son, Anakin, who had led a daring Jedi mission into the heart of enemy operations.


  • 皮肤科医学会进行网上民意测验显示,每10个英国人中就有8个人外出之前防晒霜。

    An online poll from the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) revealed eight out of 10 Brits don't apply sunscreen before going out in the sun.


  • 现在,发布《柳叶刀》杂志上的医学研究可能一旷日已久的医学争论翻开一页新的篇章

    Now a British study in The Lancet is likely to open another chapter in the medical saga.


  • 项英社区调查发现,这项日本人发明登上“最烦人发明榜”之首人们希望它从来发明过。

    The poll for the Department for Communities found that the Japanese invention topped a list of gadgets that people wished had never been invented.


  • 这个CSV档案中包含了超过 12,000词汇以及这些词汇高达 59种不同语言翻译

    This CSV file contains over 12,000 English terms plus the translations of the terms in up to 59 different languages.


  • 研究把107位病人随机选择分组,对照组治疗只有卧床休息,治疗卧床休息之外还每天注射链霉素

    The British study randomly assigned 107 patients either to a control group that received only bed rest or to a treatment group that received daily injections of streptomycin in addition to bed rest.


  • 上周四公布的项英国调查显示,她们关心弹性工作时间、在家办公机会以及遇到急事学校假期能否脱得开身

    Flexible working hours, homeworking opportunities and cover for emergencies or school holidays are the top concerns for working mothers, according to a survey.


  • 研究显示,负责语音处理大脑部位发育人们所想的要,这一发现可能治疗自闭症疾病有所启发。

    A British study shows that the brain areas devoted to processing speech develop much more quickly than was thought and could lead to new insights into conditions such as autism.


  • 项英研究显示,负责语音处理大脑部位发育人们所想的要,这一发现可能治疗自闭症疾病有所启发。

    British study shows that the brain areas devoted to processing speech develop much more quickly than was thought and could lead to new insights into conditions such as autism.


  • 项英研讨显示,担任语音处置大脑部位发育人们所想的要,这一发现能够治疗自闭症疾病有所启示。

    British study shows that the brain areas devoted to processing speech develop much more quickly than was thought and could lead to new insights into conditions such as autism.


  • 气象局研究同时排除大西洋传送带停止的可能性,而这将会使得英国产生北极冬天——正如电影后天》中的场景。

    A Met Office study also rules out the shutdown of the Atlantic Ocean's conveyor belt, which would trigger Arctic winters in Britain like those seen in the film the Day After Tomorrow.


  • 气象局研究同时排除大西洋传送带停止的可能性,而这将会使得英国产生北极冬天——正如电影后天》中的场景。

    A Met Office study also rules out the shutdown of the Atlantic Ocean's conveyor belt, which would trigger Arctic winters in Britain like those seen in the film the Day After Tomorrow.


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