• 晚上跟着我们CTO(首席技术)研究一个编外项目分析这些海量交易数据找寻其中的套利商机

    At night I worked with the CTO on a side project that analyzed huge amounts of transaction data to identify arbitrage opportunities.


  • 出现敏捷精益方法给了项目管理一个与“首席计划截然不同角色

    Emerging Agile and Lean approaches cast project management in a distinctly different role than that of Chief Planner of the Work.


  • 第二位人物Russell一起共事若干项目公司首席技术Gonzon . Propellerhead。

    The second person, who has worked with Russell for several projects, is the company's chief technical officer, Gonzo N. Propellerhead.


  • 外交认为英国最终还是加入这些项目的,是,这些项目不可避免地其他国家确定了。

    Britain would eventually have to join these projects, the diplomats thought, which would by then have been shaped irrevocably by others.


  • 贯穿篇文章我们展示对于执行项目经理视图这些视图都是通过IBM软件开发平台中的工具自动产生的。

    Throughout the article, we will examine sample measurement views for both executives and project managers, generated by automated tools in the IBM Software Development Platform.


  • 单独项目经理间接高层执行进行报告由于他们要进行报告规划经理需要高层执行进行报告

    Individual project managers also have an indirect reporting relationship to the executive sponsor (s) because the program manager they report to, in turn reports to the executive sponsor (s).


  • 此外贯穿项目执行责任经理客户也许会要求各种格式包含被选定数据状态报告

    In addition, throughout the project, executives, functional managers, and clients may ask for status reports containing selected data in various formats.


  • 这些问题往往集中以前经历过项目或者某些面试现在正在做领域

    These questions will often focus on an area from your past experience or on something your interviewer is currently working on.


  • 易昂首席执行鲍尔·格尔贝承认如果金斯·诺斯项目没有竞赛中获胜的话公司不会建造

    Paul Golby, E.ON's chief executive, has admitted the firm would not build Kingsnorth if it did not win the competition.


  • 莱纳德已经环球电影公司项目开发制作执行的黑名单邮件已经有了311个人参与了。

    Four years later, Leonard is Universal Pictures' director of development and production and he CC'd 311 people in on his latest Black List email.


  • 然而问题在于,这位执行开展了一波波项目以期再次彻底革新现状

    The problem was, the CEO launched wave after wave of new grand projects, aiming to yet again turn the status quo upside down.


  • 欧洲宇航防务集团北美首席执行肖恩·奥基,“去年十一月中旬发布项目建议要求书询价时,声称授予合同其中一部分。”

    EADS of North America CEO Sean o 'keefe said, "the contract award, which was announced as part of the request-for-proposal solicitation, was to have been around the middle of November last year."


  • 治理其他方面一样来自高级执行的支持能使项目得更远。

    As with all aspects of governance, sponsorship from senior executives goes a long way.


  • 每个转折点Yarter都考虑本地执行如何看待这个项目

    At every turn, Yarter made it a point to think about how the project would be perceived by local executives.


  • 太阳能公司报道,一Calico太阳能项目计划2014年完工

    Phase 1 of the Calico Solar project is scheduled to be completed in 2014, according to the company website.


  • 一项市场调研项目首席执行Torsten Muller - Otvos告诉BBS新闻的记者。

    "It is a market research project," chief executive Torsten Muller-Otvos told BBC News.


  • 也许会如此。不过SolarCity首席执行登•莱福强调项目安全的,因为美国人通常不会拒绝支付水电账单

    Perhaps, but SolarCity CEO Lyndon Rive insists these projects are safe because Americans almost always pay their utility bills.


  • 阿诺·哈里斯再生能源公司(RecurrentEnergy)首席执行,这家公司是太阳能发电项目领先开发商也是能源行业资深企业

    Arno Harris is the CEO of Recurrent energy, a leading developer of solar power projects, and an energy industry veteran.


  • RolfBreuer,前任首席执行,面临着指控2002年kirch media工作组中不合适宜草率言论导致的败北。

    Rolf Breuer, the former chief executive, and the bank itself are fighting accusations that his untimely comments precipitated the bankruptcy of the Kirch media group in 2002.


  • Kundra目前担任美国首席信息(CIO),负责国家电子政务项目相应的信息技术

    Currently serving as the United States Chief information Officer, Kundra is responsible for the country's e-government and information technology.


  • 的首席执行AndréBorschberg透露,”太阳动力号“首次试航预计在今年年底

    The first test flight will be toward the end this year, according to André Borschberg, the chief executive of the project.


  • LivingSocial启动12礼券项目连续12提供有价值优惠券餐券、制酒券,首席执行Timo' Shaughnessy说道

    LivingSocial will launch 12 days of Gifting, a program that will offer 12 consecutive days of "inherently giftable" deals such as fine dining and wine-making, Chief Executive Tim o 'shaughnessy said.


  • 项目基于海洋灵感,采用了流动造型作为海上世界广场的收之作,成为独特的地标

    Project based on the Inspiration of the ocean, the flow of the other as sea world plaza wrap up, has become a unique landmark.


  • 谷歌正在研发自主驾驶汽车汽车操作系统在近日聘请了一位汽车行业的执行运行这个自主经营的汽车项目

    Google is working on a self-driving vehicle and an operating system for cars, and recently hired a former motor-industry executive to run its autonomous car project.


  • 假设一个面试滔滔不绝地讲述自己如何项目、高回报的项目中面对各种挑战

    Say an interviewer drones on about the challenges — challenges he always overcomes, of course — of running a multi-facility, high-profile expansion project.


  • 关于项目首席执行希望放一放。

    In regard to the new project, the CEO wants to put it on hold.


  • 要求面试解释可以体现细心,从而说明你没有提前得到一个棘手项目的详细解释之前,是不会办公室里白忙活一番的。

    Asking for clarification shows you are thoughtful and won't go on wild goose chases in the office if difficult projects aren't spelled out for you in advance.


  • 例如如果时间的工作空窗期,可以说说在这段时间里的收获,报班培训志愿者组队做的项目可以面试分享。

    For example, if you were unemployed for a time, make sure you explain how you've been productive with your time. Perhaps you've been taking classes, volunteering, or doing freelance projects.


  • 不要拦路石。面试寻求的是那些渴望接受挑战性的项目工作的人员。

    Don't be a road block. Interviewers are seeking candidates eager to take on challenging projects and jobs.


  • 不要拦路石。面试寻求的是那些渴望接受挑战性的项目工作的人员。

    Don't be a road block. Interviewers are seeking candidates eager to take on challenging projects and jobs.


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