• 受到提议所有改变都是新的边境安全法案的一部分,该法案在众议院通过上周参议院被否决

    All these proposed changes were part of a new border-security bill that passed the House of Representatives but died in the Senate last week.


  • 对于代表们,否决法案史无前例的

    But it would be unprecedented for delegates to reject a bill.


  • 然后进行了关于这个房间里相信卡扎菲其他人应该利比亚审判而不是海牙”的投票提议否决

    Then came a vote on the motion that "This house believes that Qaddafi and the others should be tried in Libya, not in the Hague". The motion was defeated.


  • 他们要求瑞士方面否决美国之前的规定,就是美国因为违反美国的法律而起诉。

    They are demanding that Switzerland override an American decision about which Americans should be prosecuted for violating an American law.


  • 美国官方分析去年参议院否决议案可以使碳处理价格在2020年降低到每吨30美元。

    A bill defeated last year in the Senate would have yielded a carbon price as low as $30 in 2020, according to an official analysis.


  • 第一决定否决雅加达领导的、由上至下的重建战略支持受灾社区主导战略。

    The first was to reject a top-down Jakarta-led reconstruction strategy in favour of one led firmly by the affected communities themselves.


  • 一旦法案合而为一送达办公桌可以予以否决

    Once the two bills are reconciled into one and sent to his desk, he can veto it.


  • 可能会欢庆陪审团否决企图敲诈指控

    He might also have celebrated the jury deadlocking on two charges of attempted extortion.


  • 他们否决针对碳酸饮料税收

    They have rejected a tax on sodas and sugary drinks.


  • 这三国只要威胁否决足以阻止争议移交

    A threatened veto by just one of them is enough to block a mooted referral.


  • 总部设在日内瓦联合国人权委员会大部分成员祝贺斯里兰卡击溃泰米尔叛军否决关于双方涉嫌虐待战俘调查

    A majority of members at the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council celebrated Sri Lanka's victory over Tamil rebels and rejected calls for an investigation into alleged abuses on both sides.


  • 胆子内阁大臣约翰·瑞德伍德提出了交易,用英国欧洲一体化否决权换取欧盟政策领域选择权

    For boldness, the palm goes to John Redwood, a former cabinet minister. He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU policy area.


  • 是,否决了一个法案。该法案规定现任官员在竞选中受到富有对手挑战时,将不受竞选花费许多限制

    And it threw out a law that freed incumbent politicians from many campaign spending restrictions if challenged by a rich opponent.


  • 另一提案建议取消双重股权机构,采取单一股权制。 虽然提案对公司有利,仍然被众多股东否决,惨遭搁置。

    Another shareholder proposal to eliminate the dual class of shares and create a single class of stock was also on the docket that year, which might have been helpful but was defeated by shareholders.


  • 年后布什首次动用否决权驳回了一准许联邦基金支持造血干细胞研究法案

    Five years later, Bush will use his veto power for the first time to kill legislation that would permit broader federal funding for stem-cell research.


  • 上月西班牙国会进行投票否决了一终止特殊优惠税率的提案。

    The Spanish Congress last month voted against abolishing the special rate.


  • 但是4月份联邦公路管理局否决一提议凭据是联邦法令,后者规定际公路产生通行费只能用于所征收公路的修缮养护

    But the federal Highway Administration rejected this proposal in April, citing a federal rule that toll revenue generated on interstates may be used only to improve or maintain the road with the toll.


  • 难民移民公正组织(Refuge and Migrant Justice),此法案隐含了一规定,即诸大臣们对法官移民避难案件中的保释裁决可以行使否决权。

    Refuge and Migrant Justice said that buried in the bill was provision to give ministers the power to overrule bail decisions made by judges in immigration and asylum cases.


  • 使用这个向导机会eclipse强大的比较对话框,看看Eclipse将要作出哪些变更,对变更都可以接纳否决

    Using this wizard, you'll have the opportunity to use Eclipse's powerful comparison dialog box to navigate between the changes that Eclipse proposes to make and you can veto or accept each change.


  • 众议院劳工委员会4月份曾投票否决实际上我们法案全面医疗保健法案。

    The House Labor committee voted out a health-care bill in April that was actually more comprehensive than our bill.


  • 那里已经允许零星出售——加仑的规模——但是州长JimDoyle否决提案,该提案允许生奶更大的范围内销售

    It already allows incidental sales of raw milk-a few gallons here and there-but Jim Doyle, the governor, has vetoed a bill that would have allowed it to be sold more widely.


  • 6月30日众议院筹款委员会否决全面涵盖的医保议案没有一个共和党议员投赞成票

    On June 30, the House Ways and Means Committee voted out a universal coverage bill without a single Republican vote.


  • 同时美国加州投票否决旨在暂停限制排放的计划华盛顿州决定,2011将继续太阳能风能以及生物燃料等行业实行税收减免津贴政策

    Meanwhile, voters in California rejected a plan to suspend its carbon regulations while Washington extended tax credits and subsidies for solar, wind and biofuels for another year.


  • 各位国会议员都应当知道任何一议案如果送到这里,都会否决

    And members of Congress should know: If any bill raising taxes reaches my desk, I will veto it.


  • 虽然去年公投否决了该条约,但出人意料以上三任务里斯本公投或许应该是最容易成功的。

    Perhaps surprisingly, success in the Lisbon referendum ought to be the easiest of the three tasks, despite last year's rejection of the treaty.


  • 简要概括起来关于削减预算赤字协议10遭到否决

    To recap briefly, an agreement negotiated to cut the budget deficit was rejected 10 days ago.


  • 简要概括起来关于削减预算赤字协议10遭到否决

    To recap briefly, an agreement negotiated to cut the budget deficit was rejected 10 days ago.


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