• 通过顶板安全仪器仪表检测合格率要因分析制定出相应对策使煤矿顶板安全仪器仪表检测合格率明显提高

    Through the analysis on main factors that cause low qualification rate at the roof safety meters, corresponding counter measure has been made, resulting in obvious increase at qualification rate.


  • 顶板离层锚杆支护巷道最大安全隐患之一。

    The roof abscission layer is the biggest security hidden danger in bolting support tunnel.


  • 部位顶板模板施工成功应用碗扣式钢管脚手架支撑体系整个施工过程出现任何安全质量事故

    Cuplock scaffold bracing system was successfully used in those locations, and no any safety or quality accident took place in the whole process of construction.


  • 应用表明,采场顶板长锚索预锚固技术施工安全成本支护效果值得推广应用。

    The application of this technique shows that it is well worth developing because of its safe construction, low cost and good supporting effects.


  • 由此可见工作面期间加强顶板监控煤矿安全生产具有重要现实意义

    Thus it can been seen that enhancing the top monitoring during the period of the pressure change of working face has important practical meaning to security in coal mine.


  • 详细介绍了采用埋管注浆方法充填加固冒落段巷道顶板围岩使之胶结成为整体从而安全顺利地通过该冒落带的施工技术。

    Describes the methods of reinforcing roof of the plank and surrounding rock by using pipe-burying filling, to mak them as a whole, so as to go-through the caving zone safely and smoothly.


  • 液压支架不仅支撑顶板推动刮板输送机工作面自移式支架本身而且相关采煤设备提供一个安全的工作环境(略)。

    The supports not only holds up the roof, pushes the face chain conveyor, and advances itself, but also provides a safe environment for all associated mining activities.


  • 煤层顶板稳定性影响煤层回采工作安全重要因素之一

    The stability of seam roof is one of the most important factors that influences the safety of coal extraction.


  • 煤层顶板稳定性影响煤层回采工作安全重要因素之一

    The stability of seam roof is one of the most important case that influences the safety of coal extraction.


  • 定义溶洞顶板稳定性安全系数顶板岩体实际剪切强度与折减临界破坏时剪切强度之比值

    The safety factor of karst cave roof is defined as the ratio of actual shear strength parameter to critical failure shear strength parameter in this paper.


  • 顶板离层锚杆支护巷道最大安全隐患之一。

    The roof separation layer is the biggest security hidden danger in bolt support tunnel.


  • 根据岩石力学理论数值模拟计算,结合我国一些金属矿工程实例研究提出了地下采空区顶板稳定性的综合安全评判方法。

    Based on rock mechanics theory and 3d numerical modeling, a synthetical safety evaluation for the roof stability has been put forward and verified by the case study.


  • 采煤工作面顶板状况直接关系煤矿安全生产经济效益

    The roof of the coal mining works face is connected with safety production and economic benefits directly.


  • 地震监测技术对确定采场覆岩“两带”高度、预报采场顶板破坏、预测瓦斯突出,从而预防灾害发生、保证煤矿安全生产并提高资源回采率等具有重要意义

    Microseismic monitoring technique is of important meaning for the safety of coal mine, the prediction of the period of mining pressure and the increase of recovery rate.


  • 顶板离层锚杆支护巷道最大安全隐患之一

    The roof abscission layer is the biggest security risk in bolting support tunnel.


  • 优化采场顶板暴露面积形状控制地压重要手段之一采用长条形顶板暴露提高采场生产能力保证回采安全

    The roof shape optimization is one of the important means to control the ground pressure. A long strip of exposed roof surface shape can improve productivity of the stope and ensure mining safety.


  • 活鸡矿井顶板充水含水层,直接威胁着矿井的生产安全

    The coal seam roof of Huojitu mine is the burnt rock, which is the water impregnated aquifer, is dangerous to mine safety.


  • 锚杆支护巷道顶板具有突发性和冒落面积特点,安全监测非常必要

    Roof falling of rock bolting supported tunnel is usually paroxysmal in a big area, so safety monitoring is of great importance.


  • 本文分析了顶板原因提出顶板管理方法调整工艺,顶板锚网支护冒顶预测预报结果保证了采矿安全

    This paper analysed the cause of falling roof, raised some methods of roof management, such as adjusting mineral blast, bolt support and prediction of roof caving. It ensured safety in mining.


  • 搞好矿井地质工作实现煤矿安全生产基本保障预防瓦斯顶板主要灾害有着极为重要意义。

    Making pit geology work well is the basic security of realizing coal mine safety. It's very important to prevent from main calamities such as water fire gas and roof.


  • 顶板管理顶板压力计算安全系数校核方面进行了介绍,并且在大倾角工作面措施管理方面进行了详细的阐述。

    The roof management, roof pressure computing, assurance coefficient checking are introduced. Three kinds of protecting methods of working face management are expounded.


  • VCR法免除了人员在顶板作业,大大提高采矿安全性。

    VCR mining method significantly improves the mining safety as no person is required to operate directly under the unsupported roof.


  • 因此溶洞顶板稳定性成为控制桥基安全关键地质问题。

    Because of the influence of cavern and cranny underground, the pile foundation of the bridge could not be constructed normally.


  • 建立基于突变理论采空区重叠顶板稳定性强度减法,研究重叠顶板安全储备。

    Strength reduction method which is used to study stability of goaf overlapping roof based on catastrophe theory is established.


  • 采用有限单元数值模拟法研究基础相互作用下破坏机制 ,以及影响因素浅埋地下洞安全顶板厚度的影响及相关变化规律。

    The failure mechanism of interaction process between the foundation and cavity and, the effect of every factor on safe thickness of top plate are studied by FEM simulation.


  • 主要阐述了极破碎顶板条件下,应用锚索联合支护巷道围岩地质状况、支护方案、施工组织、安全措施及经济效果。

    The technology of combination of bolting wire mesh and cable anchor has been proved to be workable in permanent roadways, based on analysis of date collected from observations of roadway.


  • 主要阐述了极破碎顶板条件下,应用锚索联合支护巷道围岩地质状况、支护方案、施工组织、安全措施及经济效果。

    The technology of combination of bolting wire mesh and cable anchor has been proved to be workable in permanent roadways, based on analysis of date collected from observations of roadway.


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