• 谈到首尔秘密平壤支付巨款2000年举办一次两首脑峰会统一部表示未来任何接触必须保持透明度

    Referring to huge payments Seoul secretly made to Pyongyang to bring about a 2000 summit of the countries' leaders, the Unification Ministry says any future engagement must be done transparently.


  • 双方相持不下雇佣保安请求馆舍公寓保安人员予以协助不明身份带离馆舍。

    In their confrontation, the embassy-employed security guard asked the security guard of the apartment outside the embassy for assistance to take the unidentified person out of the embassy.


  • 的士不理睬焦急的招手,裔美国女友(现在妻子)首尔街头还会受到国人的唾骂

    Empty taxis would ignore my frantic hails, while locals sometimes swore at me while I walked in Seoul with my Korean-American girlfriend (now wife).


  • 报道,近日中国成都起飞的航空客机飞越边境准备着陆,遭到海军陆战队员误射。

    Q: It is reported that an Asiana aircraft flying from Chengdu, China was mistakenly fired at by ROK marines lately when it was crossing the DPRK-ROK border for landing.


  • 上周接受采访使,先生说:“医生告诉这样的情况”。

    At the moment I heard the doctor say that, my heart was shattered,” Mr. Han said in an interview last week. “We wanted this child to have everything.


  • 告诉 19 岁美国所以感觉熟悉

    He told me that he had been to the U.S. before (when he was 19) so it felt familiar to him.


  • 两国7月进行实属罕见安全合作日本联合军演派出了军事观察员

    In a rare act of security co-operation in July, Japan also sent military observers on joint American-South Korean naval exercises.


  • 上半场接近尾声一连突破对方几个球员防守,距离球门6米处劲射,打出界外

    Near the end of the period, Han Duan outdribbled several defenders but her shot from six meters (yards) veered just out bounds.


  • 首先要说什么毒素营养专家唐纳德·思鲁德在接受《华尔街日报》采访表示:“到目前为止,还没有能够告诉这些毒素到底是什么。”

    First of all, what are toxins? "Nobody has ever been able to tell me what these toxins are, " Donald Hensrud, a nutrition specialist told The Wall Street Journal.


  • 诊所鲁德博士,正相反可能饿死早期表现。还说:“一旦重新进行正常饮食所有事情都会回归常态。”

    The Mayo Clinic's Dr. Hensrud says it could be incipient starvation instead. 'But once you reintroduce a normal diet, everything goes back to normal, ' he says.


  • 汐在接受广州日报》采访表示:“十分惊讶王小帅能将神秘悬疑故事一部艺术片。”

    "I was quite surprised that Wang could make such a mysterious and suspenseful story into an art film," Han told Guangzhou Daily.


  • 今年55岁海生,也是积极的(老建筑保护)志愿者1999年第一次大连就住在凤附近

    Another active volunteer, Han Haisheng, 55, lived near Fengming Street when he first came to Dalian in 1999.


  • 也是坚强的男孩19岁个人来到国学习没有父母

    Hankyung is a very strong boy, 19 when one came to Korea, no and parents for money.


  • 清晰记得电影院听说林赛现实生活就是个像在《倒霉爱神》中的公关高级行政人员都快炸了,20岁啊。

    I distinctly remember being angry right there in the theater when I heard that Lindsay Lohan was some kind of hotshot PR exec in Just My Luck. In real life, she was 20 at the time.


  • 近日报道说奥巴马夏威夷,曾认识许多人,见国人打招呼表示自己喜欢餐。

    South Korean media reported recently that Obama met many Koreans when he was in Hawaii and can say hello in Korean. He also reportedly expressed his fondness for Korean food.


  • 1873年前后“流行受到“征论”思想影响;

    The popular theory of Aggressing Korea in about 1873 is affected from the ideology of Aggressing the Asia.


  • 过,去年你们国家一次觉得味道不错。上传:萱。

    Yes, I have. I tried once when I visited your country last year. I think they are very tasty. Can you cook them?


  • 有一次路过齐国,以唱歌卖艺挣钱,以此为生。

    Once when she was passing through the State of Qi she had to sing to earn money to buy food.


  • 有一次路过齐国,以唱歌卖艺挣钱,以此为生。

    Once when she was passing through the State of Qi she had to sing to earn money to buy food.


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