• 韩国本周演习使用了飞机火箭发射器大炮。演习在有争议海上分界线附近另一个岛屿——白翎岛进行。

    South Korea's drills this week involved aircraft, rocket launchers and artillery guns and took place off Baengnyeong Island, another territory near the disputed maritime border.


  • 1992年起,韩国已经海外发射了11颗卫星全部利用外国制造的火箭

    Since 1992, South Korea has launched 11 satellites from overseas sites, all on foreign-made rockets.


  • 韩国希望2018年建造无需外援火箭,到2025年发射一颗月球探测卫星。

    South Korea hopes to build a rocket without outside help by 2018 and to send a probe to the moon by 2025.


  • “罗老”号二级火箭一级俄罗斯设计建造,第二级由韩国负责。

    The first stage of the two-stage Naro rocket was designed and built by Russia and the second by South Korea.


  • 韩国试图进入亚洲太空竞赛最新尝试今天遭遇挫折,其枚载有颗卫星火箭偏离了轨道。

    South Korea's latest attempt to enter the Asian space race suffered a setback today when a satellite carried by the country's first rocket veered off course.


  • 尽管韩国1992年以来发射11颗卫星,但所有发射地点海外,而且都是借助外国制造的火箭发射的。

    Although South Korea has launched 11 satellites since 1992, all lifted off from overseas sites on foreign-made rockets.


  • 如果发射成功韩国届时成为世界上第10个自主发射火箭卫星送入太空国家

    If the launch is successful, South Korea will be the 10th country in the world to launch a satellite from its soil using indigenous technology.


  • 韩国教育科学技术部长安秉万称,“罗老”号二级火箭太空中心发射前后运作正常

    The two-stage Naro rocket operated normally during and after liftoff from the country's space center, Minister of Education, Science and Technology Ahn Byong-man said.


  • 韩国先驱报》报道今天韩国首次尝试自己火箭卫星送入轨道,但似乎失败了

    South Korea appears to have failed today in its first attempt to use its own rocket to send a satellite into orbit, the Korea Herald reported.


  • 官员,如果天气情况许可,总体韩国建造部分俄罗斯建造22磅(100公斤)火箭8月19下午发射升空,送入轨道。

    Officials said the rocket, partially built by Russia would blast off late in the afternoon of Aug. 19, weather permitting, and put into orbit a South Korean-built 22-pound (100-kilogram) satellite.


  • 韩国媒体报道韩国教育科学技术部表示,该国运载火箭“罗老号”发射日期定为8月11日。

    South Korea's first space rocket named Naro will be launched on August 11, said the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, according to South Korean media.


  • 但是韩国日本美国官员怀疑这个所谓卫星发射实际上是为了试射远程火箭

    But South Korean, Japanese, and U.S. officials are skeptical about the North's plan and suspect the so-called satellite launch is in reality a way to test a long-range rocket.


  • 韩国周二该国首次太空发射发射枚多级运载火箭所携带卫星火箭分离时间计划秒钟,卫星未能进入预定轨道。

    South Korea launched a multi-stage rocket Tuesday in the country's first space shot, but the satellite it was carrying separated a few seconds later than planned and didn't reach the proper orbit.


  • 韩国已经使用来自其他国家运载火箭10颗卫星送入太空

    South Korea has sent 10 satellites into space using launch vehicles from other countries.


  • 引述韩国美国情报部门报告报纸指出,此火箭二级落入距离发射点舞里3200千米的海域中。

    Citing South Korean and US intelligence authorities, the paper reported that the rocket's second stage landed in waters about 1, 984 miles (3, 200km) from the Musudan-ri launch site.


  • 韩国航空宇宙研究院17称,韩国枚运载火箭运往发射台,预计19日发射

    The ROK's first space rocket was moved to its launch pad for scheduled blastoff on August 19, the state-run aerospace institute said Monday.


  • 根据韩国ChosunIlbo报纸所述,这次发射火箭1998年的大浦洞- 2火箭的射程

    According to the South Korean Chosun Ilbo newspaper, the range of the rocket was double that achieved in North Korea's previous Taepodong-2 missile test, carried out in 1998.


  • 被称作“韩国航天运载器一号”两级火箭周二下午5韩国南部海岸高兴郡的罗老宇航中心发射升空

    The two-stage rocket, called Korea Space Launch Vehicle I or KSLV-I, blasted off at 5 p.m. into blue skies from the seaside Naro Space Center, near the city of Goheung on the country's south coast.


  • 韩国太空发射载有卫星火箭此前尝试消防安全问题而取消。

    South Korea is preparing to launch a rocket carrying a satellite into space, after an earlier attempt was scrapped over fire safety problems.


  • 韩国发射第一宇宙火箭搭载科技卫星没有进入预定轨道。

    South Korea has launched its first space rocket, though a scientific satellite it was carrying failed to enter into its proper orbit.


  • 火箭韩国俄罗斯合作研发,计划韩国制造的观测卫星送入太空轨道。

    The rocket, made in cooperation with Russia, was to carry a Korean-made observation satellite into orbit.


  • 但是韩国、日本美国官员怀疑这个所谓的卫星发射实际上为了试射远程火箭

    S. officials are skeptical about the North's plan and suspect the so-called satellite launch is in reality a way to test a long-range rocket.


  • 目前为止韩国一直使用国外生产的火箭发射卫星

    South Korea has used foreign built rockets to launch its satellites up until now.


  • 被称作“韩国航天运载器一号”两级火箭周二下午5韩国南部海岸高兴郡的罗老宇航中心发射升空

    The two-stage rocket, called Korea Space Launch Vehicle I or KSLV-I, blasted off at 5 p. m. into blue skies from the seaside Naro Space Center, near the city of Goheung on the country's south coast.


  • 韩国斥资2亿5千万美元建造这次火箭升空发射中心。发射设施韩国雄心勃勃的太空项目的一部分,包括将来把韩国探测器送上月球表面的长远计划

    The $250-million launch facility where the rocket was set to lift off is being set as the stage for an ambitious space program, including long-range plans to land South Korean probes on the moon.


  • 韩国斥资2亿5千万美元建造这次火箭升空发射中心。发射设施韩国雄心勃勃的太空项目的一部分,包括将来把韩国探测器送上月球表面的长远计划

    The $250-million launch facility where the rocket was set to lift off is being set as the stage for an ambitious space program, including long-range plans to land South Korean probes on the moon.


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