• 韩国流行乐队上周到达金边

    The K-pop band arrived in Phnom Penh last week.


  • 认为亚洲人为什么这么韩国流行文化?。

    Why do you think Asia is so obsessed with South Korean pop culture?


  • 韩国流行音乐(也韩流)取得出口上的成功

    Korean pop (known as K-pop to fans) is turning into an export success.


  • 90年代韩国流行音乐称K -pop韩国流行

    Back in the 1990s, Korean popular music, or K-pop, was popular only in Korea.


  • 爱心刘海最先韩国流行年轻姑娘们刘海内弯成一心形

    The fad has kicked off in South Korea, with young women and girls styling their fringe turning inwards to form upside down heart shapes.


  • 可能许多人了解韩国流行文化包括以鸟叔为代表的韩国流行音乐。

    Many of you may know South Korea for its pop culture, including K-pop singers led by international sensation Psy.


  • 四月韩国流行音乐天皇Rain时代周刊读者投票为本年度具影响力人物

    In April, Korea's king of pop, Rain, was voted the most influential person of the year by readers of Time magazine.


  • 与此同时韩国流行成为韩国成功出口产品之一,亚洲各地甚至全世界的粉丝联系在一起。

    At the same time, K-pop music has been one of South Korea? S most successful exports, helping to link fans across Asia and beyond.


  • 韩国流行歌星喜爱如此强烈,以致他的父母在上高中留在首尔亲戚一起住,以便尝试流行歌星。

    His love affair with K-pop was such that his parents let him stay with relatives in Seoul while he was in high school so that he could try his hand at pop stardom.


  • 韩国流行文化兴起并不新鲜中国媒体1999年就“哈”一描述中国人韩国外来文化与日俱增兴趣

    The rise of Korean pop culture isn't new. The term Korean Wave was coined by Chinese journalists in 1999 to describe the growing appetite for Korean culture exports.


  • 厌倦了廉价产品国家,三星享有质量的声誉。韩国流行音乐文化中国深受欢迎,让这个韩国名字公司受益。

    It enjoyed a reputation for quality in a country weary of cheap products, as well as the benefit of a Korean name in a country that adores Korean pop music and culture.


  • 许多人认为韩国流行音乐产业崛起这个整容热潮背后的原因,许多带着明星照片来到整形医院要求仿照明星的眼睛来整容。

    It is believed that the rise of South Korea's pop music industry is behind the boom, and many patients visit clinics with photos of celebrities, asking surgeons to emulate nose Angle or eyes.


  • 刘翔是个天生好演员。他曾经上海次比赛结束音乐会上放歌,也韩国流行音乐巨星Se7en合作,在上海体育馆拍摄音乐电视

    A natural showman, Liu once sang live in a concert after a track meet in Shanghai and filmed a music video with South Korean pop star Se7en in Shanghai Stadium.


  • 可以追溯到2000年代的“韩流现象正在超越电视剧电影韩国流行音乐的范围,延伸至包括时尚食物以及美容在内的诸多领域

    The hallyu, or "Korean wave", phenomenon — which dates to the early 2000s — is extending its reach beyond dramas, films and so-called K-pop into areas including fashion, food and beauty products.


  • 韩国的星际争霸,这样的游戏如此流行以至于联赛组织者依赖赞助商,完全担心这个游戏发行了还是十二

    Or StarCraft for Koreans. A game so popular that the tournament organisers could rely on sponsors who do not care if the game is one year or twelve years old.


  • 区域更多旅游有助于消解部分疑虑文化同样发挥着作用亚洲许多年轻人听着日本流行音乐、看着日本漫画长大;而日本人则同样热衷于韩国女子乐队电视剧。

    More tourism within the region may help ease some of the misgivings. Culture also plays a role: many young people in Asia were brought up on Japan’s J-pop music scene and manga comics.


  • 文化作用同样不可小觑——亚洲各地许多年轻人进入日本流行音乐动漫市场日本人反过来也着迷于韩国女子团体和电视剧。

    Culture also plays a role: many young people in Asia were brought up on Japan's J-pop music scene and manga comics. The Japanese, for their part, are wowed by South Korea's girl bands and soap operas.


  • 文化作用同样不可小觑——亚洲各地许多年轻人进入日本流行音乐动漫市场,而日本人反过来也正着迷韩国女子团体电视剧

    Culture also plays a role: many young people in Asia were brought up on Japan's J-pop music scene and manga comics.The Japanese, for their part, are wowed by South Korea's girl bands and soap operas.


  • 公司面临有线电视卫星电视互联网运营者竞争现在流行于全亚洲韩国肥皂剧对其影响很大。

    The firm faces competition from new cable, satellite and internet operators, and from shifting fashions: soap operas from South Korea are all the rage in Asia at the moment.


  • 韩国章鱼与非官方国菜:泡菜相比较可能第二的菜肴

    In South Korea, octopus is perhaps second in popularity only to kimchi, the unofficial national dish.


  • 洛杉矶时报》报道,韩国流行体验死后重生,使珍惜生命

    Across South Korea, people are using mortality as a personal motivator to learn how to better appreciate life, the Los Angeles Times reported.


  • 洛杉矶时报》报道,韩国流行体验死后重生,使珍惜生命

    Across South Korea, people are using mortality as a personal motivator to learn how to better appreciate life, the Los Angeles Times reported.


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