• 作为合金元素加入使合金,增加钢强度硬度、延展性、韧性耐磨性等

    As an alloy element, silicon manganese can alloy the steel, strengthen the intensity, hardness, malleability toughness and wearability of the steel.


  • “潜伏”脉金矿限于武系以硅质为顶板的碳质页岩中,明显成矿前产生的韧性剪切带控制。

    Gold mineralization of the zone is confined only to the Cambrian carbonaceous shale overlain by siliceous rocks, and apparently controlled by a premineral tough shear zone.


  • 沿甘孜-理塘断裂带发育的韧性剪切控制区内金矿金矿床(点)、金矿体的形成和分布。

    Gold mineralization and deposits (occurrences) in Garze-Litang fracture zone are controlled by a ductile shear zone along the fracture zone.


  • 应用基重稀土镁复合剂,铸造大断面韧性冷却,成功地获得了铸件中心部位铸态高性能。

    The RE(Y)-Mg-Si-Fe nodularizer had been used to cast heavy sectioned high ductile nodular iron cooling wall castings.


  • 金矿受脆-韧性剪切控制伴随着多期构造变形多期矿作用,金矿体就产于脆-韧型剪切带的中部;

    The gold minerilization is controlled by brittle-tenacity shear belt and along with the action of multi-periodic structure distortion and multi-periodic minerilization.


  • 可以提高材料力学性能特别是韧性;加影响材料的致密行为

    Silicon additive increases mechanical properties, particularly the toughness and aluminium additive affects the densification behaviour of the material.


  • 区内分布动力变质动力变质作用进行讨论认识韧性剪切作用形成糜棱岩花岗岩过程

    By discussing dynamometamorphism and dynamometamorphic rock in the region, the researchers have recognized the development process of mylonitization granite through the action of ductile shearing.


  • 仪器冲击曲线一种较为直观的方式材料强度韧性指标进行反映,借助该曲线可以对材料的强韧性配合情况进行直接评估。

    Because the strength and the toughness value of materials can be reflected by the instrumented impact testing curve, the strength-toughness of materials are evaluated directly by means of this curve.


  • 通过铸造表面合金复合变质处理,使奥氏体强度韧性和表面硬度显著提高

    The strength, toughness and surface hardness of medium Manganese austenitic steel have been increased greatly by casting surface alloying and complex modification.


  • 该技术采用合金利用正交试验设计方法,不同成分搭配试样进行宏观硬度冲击韧性测试,优合金成分。

    The composition was optimized by tiny alloying, orthogonal test design and the hardness and impact toughness test for the different samples with different combination of alloy composition.


  • 从低合金变质处理热塑性变形铸造热处理等几个方面综述了国内提高普通白口铸铁韧性研究进展情况。

    The ways of improving the toughness of white cast iron Were reviewed by means of low-alloying, modification, hot plast deformation, casting and heat treatment.


  • 微合金对提高15B37HC强度硬度韧性淬透性均显著效果。

    The strength, hardness, toughness and hardenability of 15B37HC steel can be significant improved after being micro-alloyed.


  • 韧性剪切变形变质作用及阶段是确定金矿能否形成重要因素

    The evolution and deformation and metamorphism of ductile shear zone takes an important role in the formation of gold mineralization.


  • 兴隆金矿区韧性剪切兴隆沟断裂影响,韧性剪切变质变形控制着本区金矿()空间分布

    Influenced by deep fracture, the ductile shear metamorphism and deformation of Xinglonggou ductile shear belt control the space distribution of gold ore body in this mining area.


  • 研究石墨质量球墨铸铁断裂韧性影响

    The graphite globularity quality of ductile iron with fracture toughness has been discussed.


  • 本文介绍了焊丝研究成果分析微合金弧焊韧性机理

    In this paper research results of the wire are presented and mechanisms of high toughness of b, Ti microalloyed submerged arc welding wire are analysed.


  • 由于最佳韧性来自铁素基体所以所有美国尼伯科球墨铸铁经过铁素体退火过程处理。 收藏。

    Optimum ductility is obtained with a ferritic matrix, so all NIBCO ductile iron is treated with a ferritizing annealing cycle.


  • 特别是通过聚烯烃弹性体纳米级材料方法研制开发韧性、高性能PA6、A66 合金,目前增韧PA6、PA66主要研究方向。

    Nowadays, it has been the main research hot point to exploit and research of ultratoughness and high-powered PA6, PA66 blends by adding polyolefin elastomer orusing nano-technology.


  • 通过管线焊接韧性影响因素分析提出了管线钢粗晶区的韧方向

    Through the analysis of elements affecting the rough crystal zone in pipeline steel weld, it raises the flexing direction of rough crystal zone of pipeline steel.


  • 这种特性描绘斯科特形成了鲜明的对比,后者率领着那支英勇无畏的英国探险队,艰难的跋涉过程中展现非凡的韧性勇气,最终悲剧性冰天雪地之中。

    This characterization contrasts starkly with the perception of Scott who with his gallant British party showed grit and courage fighting for every mile and who died tragically on the ice.


  • 纳米技术使高聚物增加韧性强度稳定性可以改善高聚物加工性能抗老性能或使材料功能

    Nano technique can improve performance of high polymer in their toughness, intensity and stability. It can also improve processing properties, anti ageing and other functions of high polymer.


  • 提高涂层弹性韧性降低玻璃温度使得手感柔软

    Improve the flexibility and ductility of the coating, reduce the glass transition temperature and make the coating feels soft.


  • 发明优点是:可有效增加堆焊合金中的石墨数量,同时减少基体组织含碳量并提高其合金程度基体韧性

    The present invention has the advantages of effective increasing of graphite in pile-up alloy, reduced carbon content in the base tissue, raised alloying degree and raised toughness.


  • 酰亚胺热分解速度控制的、高温下相对慢、独待的机理韧性的起因。

    The special curing mechanism, the controlled thermal decomposition and higher curing temperature make the cured resin possess great toughness.


  • 不同微合金系列有效IAF核心数量不同,导致HAZ组织iaf体积分数HAZ韧性相应发生变

    The number of effective IAF nuclei were inconsistent for different microalloying series, resulting the corresponding changes of the volume fraction of IAF in HAZ and strength and toughness of HAZ.


  • 测定S15A同一温度奥氏体不同速度冷却处理后的冲击韧性

    The impact strength of S15A steel austenitized at the same temperature but cooled at different rate was determined.


  • 材料韧性吸水玻璃转变温度以及耐热性能优良,因而具有较好的市场前景经济效益

    The material has good flexibility, low water absorption rate, high glass transition temperature and fine heat-resisting performance, thereby having better market prospects and economic benefit.


  • 通过综合研究认为地区金矿韧性剪切构造带关系密切,且具有较好的找矿前景

    Through comprehensive study, it is regarded that it has good ore-probing future in this area.


  • 通过综合研究认为地区金矿韧性剪切构造带关系密切,且具有较好的找矿前景

    Through comprehensive study, it is regarded that it has good ore-probing future in this area.


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