• ,自从开始事业以来,她就告知作为一个妇女只能得到工程助理工作

    He said that at the start of her career, Esther Conwell was told that as a woman she could only get a job as an engineer's assistant.


  • c .基尔斯,52岁国家地理杂志摄影上星期本州进行水下野生动物探究时身亡

    Wes C. Skiles, 52, a photographer for National Geographic, died last week during a research expedition examining underwater wildlife in his home state.


  • 罗克柯林斯公司为上海来自塞达拉皮兹工程组成15团队这个项目

    In Rockwell Collins' case, engineers from Cedar Rapids are working on the programme, along with a team of 15 in Shanghai.


  • 艾森豪威尔时代快乐成长留在了杰克西恩•潘扮演)记忆中,杰克是一名建筑困在贪婪玻璃摩天大厦围成世界里,而这些大厦可能就是他帮助建造的。

    The joys of growing up in Waco, Texas, during the Eisenhower era are remembered by Jack (Sean Penn), an architect trapped in a world of greed and glass skyscrapers that he probably helped to build.


  • 多年来,魔术一直努力申请成立一个类似美国魔术协会中国魔术联盟。

    Wayne Wang has tried for years to get government approval for a Chinese Magicians Association, akin to the Society of American Magicians.


  • 后来次,张艺谋拍《黄土地》,还是摄影有人录音必达说这些张艺谋这帮人听。

    When Zhang Yimou was making Yellow Earth, again as cameraman, someone who had made a recording of Wei's speech played it for him and his comrades while they were on location.


  • 只有少数指纹鉴定伪造指纹方面的专业知识建议特里萨·弗兰克斯雇用帕特·a·特海姆。一位带着眼镜、肌肉强壮,戴着眼镜的男子。

    There were only a few examiners with any expertise in forged and fabricated fingerprints, and Hanley recommended that Theresa Franks hire Pat A. Wertheim.


  • 摄影爱德华·名言结束此文,也许会你如何做出平衡选择有所启发?

    Let me finish with a quote about Rules of Photography from Photographer Edward Weston to help give us a little balance on the topic.


  • 杰弗里公司的分析司各特·慕士金估计即使面临行业竞争,西夫未来5年里每年也都会产生亿自由现金

    Scott Mushkin, a Jefferies analyst, estimates Safeway will generate more than $1 billion in free cash flow per year for the next five years even if business remains challenging.


  • 创始人格里·斯-科布里上世纪80年代美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)任摄影编辑,现在每天都在网上搜集正面新闻在GNN上发布

    The founder Geri Weis-Corbley, who was a CNN camera operator and editor in the 1980s, spends her days browsing for reports of positivity and Posting them on the site.


  • 罗奇代尔证券(RochedaleSecurities银行业分析昨天份报告中购买明富环球部分全部资产有可能高盛集团创造出一笔“意外收益”。

    Banking analyst Dick Bove of Rochedale Securities said in a note yesterday that buying some or all of MF Global might create "a windfall profit" for Goldman.


  • 而且,阿格斯研究公司(Argus ResearchGroup)资深能源分析菲利普·斯认为许多所谓的“综合性”公司实际上只是徒有其名

    Also, many "integrated" companies aren't actually integrated in practice, says Phillip Weiss, a senior energy analyst with Argus Research Group.


  • 意味着终极知识除非到达认识这一阶段,否则知识永远完美的保持知觉才是丹塔的真正理解

    Vedanta means ultimate knowledge. Knowledge is never perfect unless one comes to the point of understanding Krishna. To remain in Krishna Consciousness is actual understanding of Vedanta.


  • 一个山脉,麦克斯·蒙特斯达到以上的伊塔地周围12公里阿佛罗狄忒兵马俑已经扩展到数千公里山谷庞大体系

    There is a large mountain range, Maxwell Montes, reaching 12km above the surroundings in Ishtar Terra, while Aphrodite Terra has a vast system of valleys spanning thousands of kilometres.


  • 奥朗德的女友莱丽·特里耶否认理发要求聘用的,并不名记者四月出版本书里声称的那样。

    Hollande's former partner Valerie Trierweiler denied that the hairdresser had been brought in at her request, as two journalists claimed in a book published in April.


  • IHS公司的电信行业分析恩·兰姆指出:“黑莓重返企业客户阵营可以看出,CE O程守宗的目标很现实。”

    "By going back to their enterprise client base, CEO John Chen is being realistic with what he can accomplish," says Wayne Lam, a telecom electronics analyst at IHS.


  • ·布什证券公司分析迈克尔切认为,对于索尼来说已经不再是一战略资产

    Because it's no longer a strategic asset for Sony, according to Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter.


  • 约翰·特里戴米恩·达夫按摩比利-麦卡乐奇医院看望惨遭飞铲断了恩·布里奇带去还有卡林

    John Terry, Damien Duff and masseur Billy McCulloch go to see broken leg victim Wayne Bridge in hospital and take the Carling Cup to him.


  • 今年莫莫名33岁建筑名叫亚力克斯德·奥利

    The "King Momo" this year was a 33-year-old architect. His name was Alex DE Oliveira.


  • 战争期间德鲁伦敦接手很多大型项目首次女性建筑全权负责建筑项目。最后,德鲁丈夫马克斯尔·建立了合作关系。

    Starting a – at first entirely female – practice in London during the war, Drew took on a number of large projects throughout the city, eventually going into partnership with her husband Maxwell Fry.


  • 听上去可能有点俗套只是设计出一美丽的东西,”克斯勒说,他就是零式战斗机的设计

    "It's may be a little bit corny, but he just wanted to design something beautiful," Mr. Wexler said, referring to the Zero engineer.


  • 摩天大楼德国建筑彼得。谢尔盖。卓班联合设计他们表示,大厦的耐火时间长达个小时

    The skyscraper was designed by German architects Peter Schweger and Sergei Tchoban. They say the structure will be fire-resistant for 10 hours.


  • 摩天大楼德国建筑彼得·谢尔盖·卓班联合设计

    The skyscraper was designed by German architects Peter Schweger and Sergei Tchoban.


  • 由于意大利血统皇家造币厂作为个首席雕刻一直没有得到正式认可并且也存在其他雕刻家族的竞争。

    Because of his Italian origin, he was not officially recognised as the chief engraver at the Royal Mint, and there were rivalries with other engravers including the Wyon family.


  • 由于意大利血统皇家造币厂作为个首席雕刻一直没有得到正式认可并且也存在其他雕刻家族的竞争。

    Because of his Italian origin, he was not officially recognised as the chief engraver at the Royal Mint, and there were rivalries with other engravers including the Wyon family.


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