• 美国城市充斥着酗酒及犯罪的危险地区。

    Waits sang about the boozy netherworld of urban America.


  • 比赛进行到快一半时,霍洛跟米克洛什科一对一的较量告负

    Holloway was beaten in a one-on-one with Miklosko just before half-time.


  • 几年纽约的旅行,尤多拉·尔蒂决定几个纽约朋友出去吃饭

    On one of her trips to New York several years ago, Eudora Welty decided to take a couple of New York friends out to dinner.


  • 即使是那些居住独立性分散这个地区的独户住宅的人们来说,分享合作早期洛人生活几乎必需一部分

    Sharing and cooperation were almost certainly part of early Puebloan life, even for people living in largely independent single-household residences scattered across the landscape.


  • 1979年,夏威夷大岛基拉火山喷发出岩浆裂缝出来。

    A ladder fern springs from a crack in the 1979 lava flows from Kilauea Volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii.


  • 我们今天生活,要感谢麦卡德尔、卡欣豪斯威尔金麦克斯以及其他美国时尚巴黎设计限制解放出来女性

    We live today indebted to McCardell, Cashin, Hawes, Wilkins, and Maxwell, and other women who liberated American fashion from the confines of Parisian design.


  • SBC 会感到翻天覆地变化,”·伯勒森,他是俄克拉荷马州牧师,他的博客“光辉真理你同在”新开尔文主义者的集结

    "You have a seismic shift in the SBC," says Wade Burleson, an Oklahoma pastor whose "Grace and Truth to You" blog is a rallying point for the neo-Calvinists.


  • 这部戏剧作品集的作者,保罗·格林、苏珊·格拉斯佩尔、麦克斯·安德森、桑顿·怀尔德、威廉·萨罗扬和田纳西·威廉姆斯都因其对戏剧的贡献而获得普利策奖。

    Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder, William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to the theater.


  • 同事引用一个典型例子2004年一家能源交易公司倒闭的事件,该公司经理们经济奖励激励销售人员达到特定的收入目标

    A prime example Schweitzer and his colleagues cite is the 2004 collapse of a energy-trading company, where managers used financial incentives to motivate salesmen to meet specific revenue goals.


  • 巴比伦这种看似不合时宜引用,重现了《德纳编年史》文本

    This seemingly anachronous reference to Babylon reproduces text from the Weidner Chronicle.


  • 合作不是区域发展过程驱动力量。布拉姆尔等人如是说

    Cooperation is seemingly not the driving force behind the regional growth process. Bramwell et al said so.


  • 这部电影喜欢幽默感- - -·安德森的风格了”

    "What I love about the film is the sense of humor - it's so Wes Anderson," she said.


  • 2007年《曼谷邮报》的篇文章拉斯哈古写道,“作为一个导演作品视为自己的儿子女儿。”

    In a 2007 Bangkok Post article, Weeresathakul stated, 'I, as a filmmaker, treat my works as I do my own sons or daughters.


  • 例如我们知道为什么没有丈夫一起家庭墓穴”,左西

    For example, we don't know why she wasn't buried with her husband in the family tomb, " Vezzosi said.


  • 报告分析洛克·柯林斯公司财政情况,包括比率分析、基本利润耗损分析、公司收支差额介绍等等

    A financial analysis of Rockwell Collins is presented in the report which includes a ratio analysis, basic profit and loss analysis, presentation of the company balance sheet, and more.


  • 写道冰岛一些用语其实能说明问题

    Certain phrases in the Icelandic language, Weiner writes, are even more telling.


  • 本周与耶夫库罗夫的会谈,德米特里·梅德杰夫表示任何希冀生活回归常态得到机会

    Meeting Mr Yevkurov this week, President Dmitry Medvedev declared that anyone who wants to come back to normal life should be given a chance.


  • 虽然一个汗水毛孔往往会指纹留下空洞特海姆表示这些空洞拉长显得异常

    Although a person's sweat pores often leave voids in a fingerprint, Wertheim says that these voids were unusually big and elongated.


  • 服用替卡之前病人血液样本艾滋病毒没有M 184v突变

    Blood samples taken from the patient before taking entecavir had no M184V mutations in the HIV.


  • 竞争工作加州美国海军陆战队地面战斗进行,该洛山东部莫哈沙漠地区拥有数量众多的设备

    The competition will be at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif. — a vast installation in the Mojave Desert region east of Los Angeles.


  • 梅德杰夫走访说:“俄罗斯美丽地方太多了。”

    Medvedev said of his visit that "there are many beautiful places in Russia".


  • 42岁梅德杰夫演讲承诺保护俄罗斯公民自由权利

    In his own speech, the 42-year-old Mr Medvedev promised to protect the freedoms and rights of Russian citizens.


  • 强调,小格亚海地国家图书馆系统毁坏图书馆之一。

    But he said that Petit Goave is one of five libraries in the national library system that was destroyed.


  • 简卡。犯罪片“动物王国表演大获好评,使成为第一个获得奥斯卡提名的籍影片的澳籍女演员

    There is a lot of admiration too for Jacki Weaver, whose role in crime drama Animal Kingdom has made her the first Australian actress to be Oscar-nominated for an Australian film.


  • 去年十一月地方选举支持者们获得勉强多数反对派收获不菲

    In local elections last November, Mr Chavez's supporters won a narrow majority but the opposition made important gains.


  • 不过如果说民意可以可信的话,那么在这次选举即便身体能够快速恢复,那他不会轻易获胜。

    But if the polls are to be believed, this election will be no walkover, even assuming Mr Chavez quickly returns to health.


  • 塔公司指出部落居民反对采矿人只是少数

    Vedanta argues that the tribal people opposing the mine are a minority.


  • 乌里微博谈到格拉使用假设性的字眼“如果”,这表明仍然支持这个以“好孩子称呼的手下。

    Mr Uribe's use of the conditional “ifin his tweet about Mr Noguera suggests he may still stand by his man, whom he once called a “good boy.


  • 当晚克林姆林宫红场上举行庆祝活动普京梅德杰夫表示祝贺

    Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed on Sunday night the victory of Medvedev at a celebration at the Red Square outside the Kremlin.


  • 当晚克林姆林宫红场上举行庆祝活动普京梅德杰夫表示祝贺

    Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed on Sunday night the victory of Medvedev at a celebration at the Red Square outside the Kremlin.


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