• 公司没有雇佣专家”,而且北美没有成熟运动招募领域知识分子

    The company did not have the money to hire "experts", and there was no established athletic footwear industry in North America from which to recruit those knowledgeable in the field.


  • 女性通过拒绝使用购买高跟鞋对抗高跟使世界免于不必要的生理心理痛苦

    Women should fight the high heel industry by refusing to use or purchase them in order to save the world from unnecessary physical and psychological suffering.


  • 时装近几年延伸出来一个分类

    Fashion shoes are appended to the shoe industry in recent years, a classification of shoes.


  • 发明涉及所需粘接材料及其制备方法

    The present invention relates to a bonding material for shoemaking industry and its preparation method.


  • 使越南扩大出口市场原材料消耗

    This will enable the Vietnamese footwear industry to expand export market and increase raw material consumption.


  • 加入世贸后,我国运动面临市场环境将会产生较大的变化

    Accession to the WTO, China's sports shoes market environment facing the industry will have a greater change.


  • 制衣训练局1975年成立,制衣提供训练课程

    The clothing Industry training Authority was established in 1975 to provide training courses for the clothing and footwear industries.


  • 温州规模最大传统产业也是温州出口支柱产业之一。

    Shoe-making industry is the largest traditional industries in Wenzhou, also it is one of the four main export pillar industries.


  • 何良俊最为后人津津乐道恐怕要数隆庆年间的“妓鞋行酒”事件

    The most talked about thing of He Liangjun was probably the story of his"Drinking with Prostitute's Shoes" in Long Qing Years.


  • 鞋钉中的修鞋匠之所以到手不要就在于想到职业道德

    Hobnail "medium long shoemaker in one's hand money does not want, depended on thinking of to mend shoes the professional morality of the industry."


  • 伊拉克记者刑满获释,为自己的掷辩护愤怒地声称被捕受到虐待

    The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at George Bush has marked his release from jail by angrily defending his action and claiming he was tortured after his arrest.


  • 笔者以国内皮鞋品牌实验背景探索了发生这种抵制现象内在机理

    The author chooses the leather shoe industry and leather shoe brands as the target of experiment and explores the intrinsic mechanism for the resistance.


  • 实用新型操作,实用性强,提供一种效果回旋式加

    The utility model has the advantage of easy operation and is a rotary machine for feeding sulphur with good gum solidifying effect in shoe making industry.


  • 这样看待问题:当交通压力的时候,行人穿溜冰鞋行走,容易改变方向

    Look at it this way: At a low pressure setting everyone is wearing roller skates, which can change direction very easily.


  • 研究结果显示女性穿着高跟膝盖骨股骨受到压力行走时候

    The results showed that when the women were walking in high heels there was greater strain between the kneecap and thigh bone than when they walked with bare feet.


  • 义乌市稠城恒盛鞋行期待到来珍惜您的每一次合作携手努力共创美好未来

    We look forward to your arrival, will cherish every cooperative efforts, is willing to cooperate with you to create the bright future.


  • 想象一下厚厚的草地或是夜间凉爽沙滩上赤脚行走,你会感受到穿鞋行走所不能体验的愉快

    Imagine walking barefoot on thick grass, or cool night sand. These are wonderful sensations that shod walkers cannot enjoy.


  • 为了免受身体心理痛苦妇女们应该通过反对使用或者购买高跟鞋的举措来抗拒高跟

    Women should fight the high heel industry by refusing to use or purchase them in order to save the world from unnecessary physical and psychological suffering l!


  • 2005年以来,跑鞋系列产品就一直保持强劲增长势头,占据了整个运动销售的重要位置

    Since 2005, Running Footwear has continued its momentum as the category maintains its position as the top-selling category in Sport Footwear.


  • 年前那天我站房子的废墟旁怒斥大海时,看到了只高跟黑色孤单地在一块破混凝土板上摇来晃去。

    As I stood outside its brokenness that day nearly a year ago, chiding the sea, a solitary black high-heeled sandal of mine teetered on a broken slab of concrete.


  • 均衡人类现在能够看到平衡全貌因为不同眼光去看那些穿着别人鞋行的人,就是那些有着卓越自我价值的人!

    The balanced Human Being is now able to see an overview of balance because she sees with different eyes... ones that are walking in the other's shoes, and ones that have awesome self-worth!


  • 平时会经常浏览NiceKicks还有其它的一些球鞋网站。 之后我们开始聊到整个鞋行业,以及自己签名鞋的定位。

    He's always looking at Nice Kicks and other sites and we just talked about the industry and where he wanted to take his shoe.


  • 论文大型制造生产线为研究对象,结合面向大规模定制生产模式的特点和相关理论开发出相应生产线优化设计系统

    The research is aimed at the production lines plant in shoe industry. A design system for production lines optimization is developed, under the principle of MC.


  • 努诺小摊卖热狗发明了一种机器改变。在一个汽油禁运中发现自己在一个陌生的困境,努诺变得神秘起来。

    Nuno is a man working at a hot dog stand, who also invented a machine which promises to revolutionize the shoe industry- a foot scanner.


  • 努诺小摊卖热狗发明了一种机器改变。在一个汽油禁运中发现自己在一个陌生的困境,努诺变得神秘起来。

    Nuno is a man working at a hot dog stand, who also invented a machine which promises to revolutionize the shoe industry- a foot scanner.


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