• 介绍汽车传感配套传感器的结构和工作原理提出了一种面向角度和波形自动测试方法,并据此设计了自动测试装置,最后以一个实例论证了传感轮测试装置实用性

    It describes the principle of the sensor wheel and its structure, presents the automatic measure method oriented to the Angle, designs this equipment. The example shows that the device is practical.


  • 即使对于使用面向方面方法开发人员,多维的角度看待元数据设计注释类型提供概念上帮助

    Even for developers who do not take an aspect-oriented approach, the multidimensional view of metadata is a valuable conceptual aid in designing annotation types.


  • 广义角度来说,数据库管理系统(DBMS)历史上划分成三种类型层次关系面向对象

    In broad themes, database management systems (DBMSs) have historically been of three types: hierarchical, relational, and object-oriented.


  • SIMM企业架构角度处理面向服务采用问题,帮助企业逐渐提高业务IT灵活性

    SIMM can also addresses service orientation adoption from an enterprise architecture perspective and aid the evolution of increasing business and it flexibility over time.


  • 无论是程序还是面向对象样式角度看,相当不同的。

    This is quite different from either procedural or object-oriented styles.


  • Microsoft面向WindowsVistaWindows7分区工具第一个分区起始于扇区2048,跨平台角度来讲,这里是开始分区安全地带。

    Microsoft's partitioning tools for Windows Vista and Windows 7 begin the first partition at sector 2048, so that's a safe place to start it from a cross-platform point of view.


  • 对象建模程序角度公平按照is - a模拟类型能力就是面向对象本质。

    It's fair to say that from an object modeler's point of view, the ability to model types in is-a terms is the heart of what object-orientation is about.


  • 面向服务角度分析应用程序转换一个存在问题方面就是候选服务标识以及后续的服务规范制定建模

    When looking at application transformation from a service-oriented perspective, one problematic area is the identification of candidate services and the subsequent service specification and modeling.


  • 然而面向对象方法角度来看数据建模非常类似建模。

    However, from the standpoint of an object-oriented approach, data modeling is very similar to class modeling.


  • 面向对象角度解释为:" 引起变化的因素永远不要多于一个

    There should never be more than one reason for a class to change.


  • 接着我们体系结构角度快速了解一下,一个典型企业网络环境J2EE消息传递技术如何面向消息的中间件协同工作

    Next, we'll take an architectural view, with a quick look at how J2EE messaging technologies work together with message-oriented middleware in a typical enterprise network.


  • 从个人角度来讲,发现阅读编写面向属性的xml格式要比面向元素容易多。

    Personally, I find it much easier to read and write attribute-oriented XML formats than subelement-oriented ones.


  • 面向服务模型中,我们通常关注可供很多任意客户端”使用服务提供我们从“提供者到使用者”的角度看待问题。

    In the service oriented model we are typically focused on the provision of services that can be consumed by many and arbitrary 'clients'; that is, we take a provider-to-consumer view of the world.


  • 可以简单地XHTML 代码包装Atomenvelope 中从而应用程序添加联合支持但是纯粹面向数据角度来看,Atom没有提供任何好处

    I could simply wrap my XHTML example in an Atom envelope to bring syndication support to my application, but from a purely data-oriented view, Atom is not bringing me any advantages.


  • 技术角度BPM面向服务架构(SOA)计算可以联合一起,在PaaS模型提供BPM功能

    From the technology perspective, BPM, service-oriented architecture (SOA), and cloud computing can all be combined to render BPM capabilities in a PaaS model.


  • 不仅移动Web服务角度来看适用而且从Web服务设计(更高层次)面向对象软件设计来看也是适用的。

    This is not only applicable from the view of mobile Web services, but also from the perspective of Web services design and from a higher level, the perspective of object-oriented software design.


  • 时间性角度来说,希望蕴涵着面向未来敞开

    The hope, viewed from temporality, is a utopia that is open to the future.


  • 每个子系统中,本文分别支持面向对象主动机制技术角度分析了子系统的组成工作流程用户使用模式典型算法等

    In each subsystem, the paper analyses its form, working process, user's model and typical algorithms from the point of object-oriented and technology of active mechanism separately.


  • 本文试图人力资源管理角度探讨直接面向顾客人力资源管理模式及其构建

    The article tries to discuss the human resource management model of facing customers and its construction from the viewpoint of human resource management.


  • 岛屿中心面向西面外墙,设计更深阳台(照耀到这些区域的光线角度更为水平)。

    The facade at the heart of the island, facing West, has been designed with deeper balconies (the light hitting these areas is more horizontal).


  • 课题结合蓝牙应用实际工程项目,从降低蓝牙二次应用开发难度角度出发,设计面向蓝牙通用应用规范数据适配模块

    Combined with bluetooth application practical project, this thesis designed a bluetooth profile oriented data adapter module for the purpose of reducing the complication in secondary development.


  • 对象-关系映射就是把对象映射关系数据库中的记录完全面向对象的角度来设计开发程序的。

    Object-relation mapping(ORM) handles persisting objects to and from the records of underlying relation database, it is an object-oriented method to develop application.


  • 面向对象地理信息模型地理空间实体为对象,地理实体可以几何数据符号数据、实体数据、属性数据的角度来进行数据的组织

    A geo-spatial entity which can be organized from geometric data, symbol data, entity data, attribute data is regarded as an object to the object oriented geographical information model.


  • 经济角度来讲更为合理:乌克兰的大部分出口都是面向苏维埃联盟,而不是欧盟加入关税同盟迫使乌克兰提供低价天然气,为此克里姆林宫明确提要求。

    That makes sense economically: Ukraine exports more to the former Soviet union than to the EU, and joining a customs union would deliver cheaper gas, as the Kremlin has made clear.


  • 人机交互角度出发,对面向特定任务域的人机自然语言对话进行了研究给出了一个具体的系统结构

    From the point of human-computer interaction, this paper studied the task-oriented dialogue of human-computer, and gave the architecture of a dialogue system.


  • 本文信息建模角度,根据过程管理具体情况面向对象的方法面向并行工程的过程管理建立了仿真模型其仿真筹略

    From the Angle of information-modeling, with the object-oriented approach, we give a simulating model and the simulating tactics of the manufacturing process management for concurrent engineering.


  • 面向应用角度出发,针对FPGA内部互连资源提出一种新的故障检测方法

    This paper proposes a new fault detection method of interconnect resource in (FPGA) from the point of view of application.


  • 一问题上,现有的研究多取体制产业宏观中观角度面向企业微观层面的研究相对较少

    On this question, extant researches often focus on macro and middle perspectives such as institution system and industry, rarely on micro firm-level perspective.


  • 本文首先面向工程应用角度出发,提出了实施交通诱导系统逻辑流程

    Firstly, the paper put forward the logistic step-oriented engineering application of operating traffic flow guidance system.


  • 本文面向城市配电网规划角度出发,提出了一种基于接线模式规则配电网规划快速n - X校验方法

    So from the view of urban distribution network planning, the fast N-X verification method is proposed in this paper.


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