• 认为它们靠把简单有效社交化融合一起来做到

    They do so, I believe, by being some combination of simple, social and useful.


  • 普通人成功并非天赋而是靠把寻常天资发挥不寻常的高度

    Success is not a talent by ordinary people, but some unusual talent to the height of the unusual.


  • 同样靠把盈余限制GDP一定比例上来对抗这点似乎毫无道理

    But again, there seems to be no rationale to confront this by capping surpluses at a certain percentage of GDP.


  • 只是靠把中上产品卖出中等的价格来赚钱的方式并不那么容易,我们应该稍微修改一下古老高低的叙事诗了

    But making money by selling moderately good products that are moderately expensive isn’t going to get any easier, which suggests a slight rewrite of the old Highland ballad.


  • 他们靠把完美地平衡黑色平滑船壳曲线实现了快速驶过大洋目的。(塞缪尔·艾略特·莫里森)。

    Their one purpose of speed over the great ocean routes was achieved by perfect balance of spars and sails to the curving lines of the smooth black hull. (Samuel Eliot Morison).


  • 如今靠把事情往坏处维生防务战略家认为澳大利亚最大潜在安全威胁不是不住乘坐小船涌入印度尼西亚而是中国

    Defence strategists, who are paid to think the worst, now see the biggest potential threat to Australian security not as an unstoppable influx of Indonesian boat people, but as China.


  • 车靠路边停下

    I pulled over to the kerb.


  • 使劲抓着胳膊肘,把我领到靠过道座位上

    She held me firmly by the elbow and led me to my aisle seat.


  • 小心里睡外边就行

    Only be careful that you are at the far side of the bed, and push her well to the front.


  • 如果机会大家知道,你靠做什么一种合适生活,那就想尽办法写到评论去吧!

    If you have an opportunity to make it known what you do for a living and it's appropriate, then by all means, put it in the comment!


  • 小型压电声传感器安装这种构造部位上,检测航空级铝材裂纹所致特定频率噪音这样就能监测飞机裂纹。

    It does this by fitting small piezoelectric acoustic sensors to parts of the structure to detect the particular frequency of noise caused by a crack in aircraft-grade aluminium.


  • 一般来讲人们问题别人视为无能但其实一种可悲的误解

    Often people view asking questions and relying on others as a weakness, but they are sadly mistaken.


  • 然而,关于人们是否会参加选举靠谱预计还是要看人们是否把投票认为公民的责任,而这一信念正在快速下滑

    But one of the strongest predictors of whether a person votes is whether he believes that doing so is a civic duty-and that belief is eroding fast.


  • 如果说贫穷等同于依赖一个错误那么相信穷人自力更生来提升社会地位同样错误

    If it is a mistake to equate poverty and dependency, it is equally mistaken to believe the poor will lift themselves up by their bootstraps.


  • 思考致富》可能比较靠谱选择因为天才般的目前大家都知道东西写了出来-只是提早了70而已。

    Think and Grow Rich is probably a safe bet, because it takes a bit of ingenuity to write something everybody knows these days - only 70 years ahead.


  • 警察靠向路边,走向一个司机车窗,“你知道我为什么把车停下呢?”“不知道”,那个司机回答说

    A policeman pulled over a car, walked up to the driver's window, and asked the man if he knew why he was pulled over. "No," the man replied.


  • 开始自己看做那种与其银行家,而把绘画当成业余爱好,不如把自己当做银行工作增加收入艺术家

    Start thinking of yourself as who you want to become. Rather than being a banker who paints as a hobby, you are an artist who supplements your income with your banking job.


  • 这些资金来自预算盈余这些盈余主要采矿业繁荣积累起来的。澳大利亚把大量矿物出口中国印度

    The funds will come from the budget surplus, which has been amassed largely on the back of a mining boom that has seen vast quantities of Australian minerals exported to China and India.


  • 人们宁愿饿死也不愿意靠面包生胡萝卜过活。奇特没有,你越不愿意把钱花健康食物上。

    And the peculiar evil is this, that the less money you have, the less inclined you feel to spend it on wholesome food.


  • 热点调整不管是向后靠,双手放在身后床上或者是前把手放在头上

    The hot-spot adjustments: Either lean back, resting your hands on the bed behind you, or lean forward with your hands above his head.


  • 警察靠向路边,走向一个司机车窗,“不知道我为什么把车停下呢?”

    A policeman pulled over a car, walked up to the driver's window, and asked the man if he knew why he was pulled over.


  • 百分比来说,法官把判决数目查曼保险业创立起来资产总额的37%上。

    In percentage terms, the judge held the sum to be just under 37 percent of Charman's assets, built up through the insurance industry.


  • 周六黎明前富冈当局决定疏散林先生一直工作避难所灾民送往靠内地的川内的一个避难所

    In the early predawn hours of Saturday morning, Tomioka authorities decided to evacuate the shelter where Mr. Hayashi had been working and send the refugees to a shelter in Kawauchi, further inland.


  • 没有出来反而向后一靠:“它上二垒快多了”。

    Instead of helping me get it out, my boyfriend leaned back and said, "it got to second base faster than I did."


  • 睡着珂赛特轻轻怀里,抱到破靠里角落里,放在一无用的废家具后面

    He took the sleeping Cosette gently in his arms and carried her behind a heap of old furniture, which was out of use, in the most remote corner of the shed.


  • 睡着珂赛特轻轻怀里,抱到破靠里角落里,放在一无用的废家具后面

    He took the sleeping Cosette gently in his arms and carried her behind a heap of old furniture, which was out of use, in the most remote corner of the shed.


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