• 美国内华达州沙漠研究所约翰·哈雷特(既非天而是人)确实擅长制造雪花

    For John Hallett of the Desert Research Institute in, appropriately, Nevada, is really rather good at making snowflakes.


  • 1967年欧洲疾病爆发中,大多数患者症状发作27出现瘙痒性皮疹

    In the 1967 European outbreak, a non-itchy rash was a feature noted in most patients between 2 and 7 days after symptom onset.


  • 例如假设想要上面描述的增量且排好序电影队列发布之后10(864,000,000毫秒)过期

    Suppose, for instance, that I want the non-incremental, ordered movie queue illustrated above to expire 10 days (864,000,000 milliseconds) after it was published.


  • 前些火灾爆炸以及如今黑乎乎海面浮油已经把墨西哥湾弄得受了伤一样,面目全

    THERE was a fire, an explosion and now a dark slick of oil disfigures the Gulf of Mexico like a bruise.


  • 而且之后不再需要止痛药手术,更是发生了一啼笑皆的事——它挖围墙逃走了。

    After a few days, she no longer needed pain meds, and just eight days after her surgery, the Wolf pried open her enclosure and escaped.


  • 先生星期一中午,在最忙碌时刻兰开普郡警察署来了位穿制服的人。

    Mr Murray said the two uniformed officers from Lancashire Constabulary arrived at lunchtime on Monday, the cafe's busiest time of day.


  • 以色列起行第三到了他们的城邑,就是基,基拉,比录,基列耶琳。

    So the Israelites set out and on the third day came to their cities: Gibeon, Kephirah, Beeroth and Kiriath Jearim.


  • 俄罗斯官员谴责了这行动警告土耳其必须执行一项协议黑海沿岸国家军舰进入黑海实行21限期

    A Russian official condemned the move and warned Turkey it was obliged to enforce the rules of an agreement that gives a 21 day limit on any warship from a country that does not border the Black Sea.


  • 理想学校里阅读经常作为家庭作业——读完指定的页数并且第二书签上标识

    Reading books, in a non-ideal school, is often set for homework-a certain number of pages must be read and marked off on a book mark by the following day.


  • 他们那里,住了不过凯撒·利亚去。第二坐堂,吩咐保罗提上来

    And when he had tarried among them more than ten days, he went down unto Caesarea; and the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded Paul to be brought.


  • 提问:不久前国务卿有关卡扎亲信正在试图要逃离利比亚

    QUESTION: The other day, the Secretary spoke about members of the inner circle who are reaching out, trying to find a way out of the country.


  • 一周削减使用必需、急迫矿物燃料不会是太难的事。

    There will be no great hardship in cutting down all non-essential and non-urgent use of fossil fuels for one day a week.


  • 排卵15开始看到怀孕怀孕女人感觉明显分歧

    The absolute difference is still in the single digits, but by 15 days, you're starting to really see a serious divergence between how pregnant women are feeling and non-pregnant women feel.


  • 17世纪60年代台运行良好摆钟的误差只有15,而时期摆钟的钟表(采用转轮的钟表)运行一则有15分钟的误差。

    Well-run pendulum clocks in the 1660s differed by only about 15 seconds a day. Non-pendulum clocks of the same era (ones that used rotating wheels) varied by about 15 minutes a day.


  • 饮食中如果包含2种水果5种蔬菜应该能够提供足够的维他命C加速血红素的吸收过程

    Diets that include two serves of fruit and five serves of vegetables a day should provide enough vitamin C to boost non-heam iron absorption.


  • Jazz点线图中没有跳过工作日因为对于全球分布团队来说,很难预先设置哪一工作日。

    Jazz does not skip non-work days in its plotting, because it's hard to preset which days are non-work days for a globally distributed team.


  • 星期时间参加了个抗走访,结束地点肯塔基州普来司顿伯格市(Prestonburg,Kentucky),这正是40年前肯尼迪自己一次访贫的结束地。 此巧合。

    This week he spent three days on an anti-poverty tour, one that finished, not uncoincidentally, in Prestonburg, Kentucky, where Kennedy ended his own poverty tour 40 years ago.


  • 巴马表示以后签署任何紧急立法为其5网上留言评论,以使美国人可以成为决策过程一部分

    The president-elect already has said he'll have a five-day online comment period before signing any nonemergency legislation, so Americans can be part of the process.


  • 显然很多人对it领域使用Scrum都很感兴趣足以围绕这个想法开展2活动

    Apparently, there is more than sufficient interest in the use of Scrum in non-IT domains to mandate an entire 2-day event focused on this idea.


  • 因为进化任何一周物质体会研究释放业力,而你物质体前行那么就会进入物质体尚未揭开的业力中。

    Because the nonphysical researches karma to be released in any given day, week or month of evolution, then one proceeds in the physical into karma that the nonphysical has yet to uncover.


  • 如果有一不出去,诚勿扰里。

    If one day, I unmarriageable, please bury me in, if you are the one.


  • 当前最新研究剑桥大学研究者已经证明有一这种全新侵入性的扫描有效替代肾上腺静脉取样

    Now, with this latest study, the University of Cambridge researchers have demonstrated a new non-invasive scan that could one day be an effective alternative to adrenal vein sampling (AVS).


  • 已经雇员发了薪水作为饥荒救济

    He noted that AU employees had given two days' salary towards famine relief.


  • 本周,在黑人历史第一荣幸邀请美国领导人来到白宫

    Also this week, on the first day of Black History Month, I was pleased to host African American leaders at the White House.


  • 对的复杂急性细菌膀胱炎的妇女包括妇女65年更老应该给予抗生素治疗3(证据级别A)。

    For uncomplicated acute bacterial cystitis in women, including women 65 years and older, antibiotics should be administered for 3 days (level of evidence, a).


  • 神迹讲道做比喻面对信徒

    It was a day of working miracles, preaching, speaking in parables, and confronting the unbelievers.


  • 神迹讲道做比喻面对信徒

    It was a day of working miracles, preaching, speaking in parables, and confronting the unbelievers.


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