• 以上个州高价时房子的需要时间等待房价回复甚至可能等5,”说到

    "People who bought at the peak in those states will need time for prices to recover, even up to five years, " he says.


  • 我们需要等待时间才能登机

    I think it will take quite a while for us to be on board.


  • 意味着这片水域中的鱼类磷虾为食企鹅,必须去到更远地方觅食,而饥饿幼崽则需要等待更长的时间

    This means that king penguins, which feed on fish and krill in this body of water, have to travel further to their feeding grounds, leaving their hungry chicks for longer.


  • 然我们需要等待更长的时间才能收到信,但在今天这个繁忙的世界里,我们需要一些值得等待的东西。

    Although we have to wait longer for our letters, in today's busy world we need something that is worth waiting for.


  • 但此类研究面临着一个困难猴子平均可以将近30这意味着任何衡量寿命差别的研究需要等待时间

    One difficulty: Monkeys live almost 30 years on average, meaning any study to measure a difference in death rates would need to wait a long time.


  • 具有较低优先级的项目可能需要等待长的时间,这取决于预算资源可用性

    Projects that are low on the priority list may need to wait a long time, depending on budget and resource availability.


  • 行为将减少启动项目所需时间因为永远都不需要等待重新编译。

    This behavior reduces the amount of time required to launch your project because you never have to wait for it to recompile.


  • 影片想要传达这样一种信息:任何伟大的项目需要时间完成我们应该学会等待,让一切顺其自然

    One message the film conveys is that a great project takes a long time to complete and we have to learn to wait for things naturally.


  • 但是这种方法关键问题在于这种很少召开会议意味着产品A可能需要等待相当长的时间作出决策决定怎样构建产品。

    The key problem with this kind of approach, though, is that the infrequency of these meetings mean that product a might have to wait a long time to make a key decision about how to build that product.


  • 但是对于较大数据源报告输出可能需要长的等待时间因此不是解决方案

    For larger data sources however, this may present longer wait times for report output and may not be an optimal solution.


  • 给定系统运行线程越多那些有限系统资源需要更多,等待同步释放时间长。

    The more threads running on a given system, the more demand for those limited system resources and the more time spent waiting on synchronization locks to release.


  • 所有东西一样,变化需要时间幸运的是,等待久了

    Like all good things, it has taken time, but fortunately, the wait shouldn't be too much longer.


  • 如果最大命中数选择一个较大(13),没有应用筛选器,需要等待时间才能显示所有结果

    If you chose a high value for the maximum number of hits (Figure 13) but have not applied a filter, you'll find yourself waiting a long time until all of the results display.


  • 此时提交需要等待时间才能获得提交信息验证结果

    At that point, there is some time the submitter must wait before getting the verification result of the information submitted.


  • 许多FTP作业提交队列可以节省时间因为需要等待作业完成之后再提交一个作业。

    The process of submitting many FTP jobs to a queue does save time because you do not have to wait for the previous job to complete before committing to the next job.


  • 随着时间流逝获奖者在获奖前比以往需要等待更长的时间,才能获得瑞典皇家科学院的承认,摘夺桂冠。

    As time has passed, so the laureates have generally had to wait ever longer for recognition from Sweden's Royal Academy of Science.


  • 这种情况通常很慢页面更新往往需要用户等待时间

    This is often so slow that the user has to wait a significant amount for time for the page to update.


  • 如果数千流程实例正在运行,在它们提交工作之前它们需要等待数天数周时间才能完成,这样您就会遇到死问题

    If you had thousands of process instances running, waiting for days or weeks to complete before they could commit their work, you run into problems with deadlocks.


  • 这样就避免了重新加载基本框架浪费而且也不需要时间等待浏览器呈现相同导航设计

    This avoids the wasteful reloading of basic infrastructure and the frustration of waiting for the browser to render the same navigation and design.


  • 通常是因为我们需要等待异步事件发生(需要等待固定时间)。

    This would typically be where we need the flow to wait for an asynchronous event to occur (which takes a fixed period of time).


  • 他们现在需要的是时间耐心等待因为他们最后达到个人职业的顶峰

    They just have to wait and give it some time because they can end up doing very well.


  • 调用这个方法等待需要信号某个事件完成等待指定时间

    This method is called to wait for an event completion on the indicated semaphore, with a specified time.


  • 如果员工需要无限长的时间,以等待管理员通过一条ID生成的请求,又发生什么情况?

    What if an employee has to wait indefinitely for a manager to approve a form for an ID to be produced?


  • 有时事实证据不够完整人们需要时间等待事实依据的出现

    Sometimes evidence is not complete. It may take time for new facts to become available.


  • 启动缺点操作系统之间进行切换需要等待时间

    The downside of dual booting is that switching between OSes is a time-consuming process.


  • 等待进程没有进程需要时间等待处理器同时,没有进程无端地占用大量CPU时间

    Waiting processes: no process should stay without processor time for long periods of time; additionally, no process should take an unreasonably high amount of CPU time.


  • 即使知道这个服务器花费多长时间应答,但是您可以用户明白这个任务正在运行而且需要等待一段时间

    Even though you don't know how long it will take the server to respond, you can let the user know that the task is running and that the user should wait.


  • 加林已经当地避难所取得联系告知需要等待时间

    Jarrin has contacted her local shelter, but was told there was a waiting list.


  • 加林已经当地避难所取得联系告知需要等待时间

    Jarrin has contacted her local shelter, but was told there was a waiting list.


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