• 需要新的朋友

    I needed new friends.


  • 坚持产品以质满足各界朋友需要同时拥有优秀的售后服务欢迎各界朋友前来洽谈!

    Adhere to new products, quality to meet the needs of friends, also have excellent service, welcome all friends to negotiate!


  • 不论是自行车还是交结朋友掌握新的技能需要花费时间多次无果的努力,唯有如此,孩子才能成功相遇

    Whether it's riding a bike or making friends, mastering new skills takes time and multiple failed attempts before a child meets with success.


  • 凯瑟琳·奥洛拉·格雷小姐:需要用到不同图象,一张旧的一张爸爸朋友在元旦新的

    Ms. KATHRYN AURORA GRAY: It takes two different pictures, an older picture and a newer picture that were tooken(ph) on New Year's Eve by my dad's friend.


  • 一位飞行员朋友告诉我,新的联邦法规要求飞行员每段航程之间需要至少8 -10个小时睡眠时间

    A friend who is a pilot Shared with me that new federal regulations require that pilots get, at a minimum, 8 to 10 hours of sleep between their itineraries.


  • 比如发布一个新的商品邮购目录,那么要记得在里面提供地址卡片,以便客户们可以提供其他可能需要业务亲戚朋友的地址姓名给你们。

    If you publish a catalogue, include a card where customers can provide the name and address of someone else who might want to receive one.


  • 生活需要最后一样东西就是一个朋友

    The last thing I need, in my life is a new guy.


  • 新的一年,更多时间来陪伴家人朋友。我将他们同甘共苦并且他们需要时候给予帮助

    I will spend more time with my families and friends. I will share with them my joys and tears and give them a hand when they need help.


  • !嗨!!你!喜欢朋友没门!没门!我认为需要一个新的

    Hey! Hey! You! You! I don't like your girlfriend! No way! No way! I think you need a new one.


  • 这个世界对待新秀新的创作非常苛刻,新人及新作需要朋友

    The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations, The new needs friends.


  • 需要每次以交到新的朋友为目标,不过如果练习得足够好也许就真的可以噢!

    You don't have to be trying to make a new best friend everytime, but if you practice enough, you might in spite of yourself!


  • 如果厌倦孤单或者感觉自己需要一些新的更加亲密朋友,那么一步就是扩展潜在朋友的圈子。

    If you are tired of being lonely or feel like you are in need of new, more relevant friends, thefirst step is widening the pool of potential friends.


  • 我们需要一个冒险朋友自己壳里出来我们介绍想法文化哲学活动

    We all need an adventurous friend who will pull us out of our shells and introduce us to new ideas, cultures, philosophies, and activities.


  • 坚持产品以质满足各界朋友需要同时拥有优秀今后服务欢迎各界朋友前来洽谈。

    Adhere to the products to new, quality to meet the needs of the from all walks of life friend, also have good services of the future, and welcome all circles friends to negotiate.


  • 但是对于那些离乡背井的希望至少通过分享经验,我可以那些需要的人,并且他们环境里结识新朋友过程起到点积极的作用

    But for those who have gone far, I hope, at least, by sharing my experience, I can reach out to those in need and make a positive impact during their search for friends in their new environment.


  • 需要重新筛选朋友建立起新的情谊

    This may require you to upgrade your friends and build new relationships.


  • 过去几一样,每次的父亲需要去空军基地驻扎的时候,不得不自己朋友再见,准备迎接新的生活

    This is nothing new. Every time your father gets stationed at a new Air Force base, you have to say goodbye to your friends and start a new life.


  • 不管多少参与这些任务能够那些需要帮助人们绵薄之力,他们结识成为新的朋友,对来说一种回报。

    No matter how many times I came on these mission, it is always such a rewarding feeling is able to give help a little to those who have less than we and to make new friends.


  • 当然,5个小时当中如果认识朋友需要我们工作人员打声招呼,我们安排空位的包间

    During the 5 hours, you want to meet even more friends? Just talk to our staff, we will arrange a new room for you.


  • 可能告诉自己现在拥有朋友成为的那种毫不一致,你需要远离人群,创建社交群体。

    It may tell you that the friends you're hanging out with now are incongruent with the person you want to be, and that you need to leave that reference group behind and build a new one.


  • 朋友也许会赞同新的状态因为变得自由不再需要他们这会使他们感到你抛开他们。

    Your friends may not approve of your new state as you become free and needless. This will make them feel like they have been left behind.


  • 这个世界对待新秀新的创作总是非常苛刻,新人新作需要朋友

    The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends.


  • 想你需要一个新的朋友(!)

    I think you need a new one (Hey!)


  • 这个世界对待新秀新的创作非常苛刻,新人及新作需要朋友

    Thee world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends.


  • 这个世界对待新秀新的创作非常苛刻,新人及新作需要朋友

    Thee world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends.


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