• 开启角度可以根据需求调节

    Opening Angle of window is adjustable according to demand.


  • 尽管如此通过研究睡者科学家希望更好地理解人体是如何调节睡眠的,以及为何不同对睡眠的需求如此不同。

    Still, scientists hope that by studying short sleepers, they can better understand how the body regulates sleep and why sleep needs vary so much in humans.


  • 为了影响需求中央银行通过调节银行储备货币供应来抬高降低短期利率

    To influence demand, the central banks move a short-term interest rate up or down by adjusting the supply of bank reserves.


  • 智能网里,新能源供应时断时续不是大问题因为智能其他技术可以调节用电需求如果发电过多可以储存起来

    On a smart grid, intermittence is less of a problem because smart meters and other technologies can be used to manage electricity demand and to store power when too much is being generated.


  • 摄入不能过量因此如果身体营养需求的变化调节甜味感觉不足为奇了。

    But even with sugar there can be too much of a good thing, so it would be no surprise if the body were able to regulate the perception of sweetness as its nutritional needs vary.


  • 位于舌头名为KATP受体能够根据身体需求程度调节甜味敏感程度。

    In the tongue, one of these receptors - called KATP - may help to adjust sensitivity to sweet tastes according to what the body requires.


  • 通过快速存储高效率充电模式,电池可以很快的调节供应需求之间的平衡,同时可以吸收其他多变能源例如风能太阳能

    By quickly storing and delivering charge, batteries could accommodate fluctuations in supply and demand, and help to incorporate variable sources of power such as wind and solar.


  • 需求明智之人,但是他们的口吻似乎是,改变财政政策如同调节炉子旋钮一样轻而易举

    The Demand Siders are brilliant, but they write as if changing fiscal policy were as easy as adjusting the knob on your stove.


  • 为了保持债务中期可持续性这些财政调节措施或许必要的短期效应导致私人公共部门总体需求减少

    Such fiscal adjustment may be necessary to ensure medium-term debt sustainability, but its immediate effect would lead to a reduction in private and public aggregate demand.


  • 现在生成模板框架时,应该进一步调节它们根据项目需求生成转换输出内容

    Now, when the template skeletons are generated, you should fine-tune them to enable generating the content of the transformation output according to your project's requirements.


  • 事实上大脑根据过去经验接下来会发生什么主动调节的体能需求,提升你的血压

    Rather, your brain regulates your body's energy needs proactively, spiking your blood pressure in anticipation of what might come next, based on past experience.


  • 驱动形式多样,设有手动蜗轮传动、电动、液动气动自动调节等,充分满足不同工艺需求

    The driving type is manual, worm gear, electric, electric hydraulic, pneumatic, automatic adjusting etc, which satisfies different process requirement.


  • 蚕丝价格降低由于生产需求之间缺乏调节

    It is the lack of adjustment between production and demand that accounts for the fall in the price of silk.


  • 会导致他人关系能力损害并且有害于自己情绪需求情感表达正常调节

    It causes damage to the capacity of relationships with others and to the normal modulation of affective expression of one's own emotional needs.


  • 消费者需求市场需求组成基础市场调节的依据,是市场引导方向

    Consumers' demand is a composing part of market demand, a basis of market adjusting and the direction of market guide.


  • 我们继续供应商合作调节存货满足需求

    We will continue to work with our suppliers to manage inventories to meet demand.


  • 企业中,库存一个蓄水池”,调节生产需求之间平衡

    In the enterprise, inventory is a "reservoir", regulating the imbalance between the production and demand.


  • 弹性称为相对导数,它商品经济活动有着广泛应用诸如价格调节需求等。

    Elasticity, also called relative derivation, is extensively applied in the activity of commodity economy , such as adjusting the demand with price.


  • 面对面咨询中深入了解客户基本需求从而调节旅行社客户之间关系,公司赢取更多利益

    In face-to-face counseling, can be more deeply understand customers' basic needs, which regulates travel agency and customers for the company, the relationship between the winning more interests.


  • 宏观上承担了防风险职能一定程度上调节供给需求保障社会稳定保持社会公平

    Macroscopic, it undertake defend function of the risk in advance, regulate supply and demand to a certain extent and ensure the social stability, keep the society fair.


  • 研究系统调度人员准确地把握机组运行状态恰当地取舍符合系统调节需求机组提供依据

    The research can offer the gist for the system operators to learn the operating state of the units accurately and select the units correctly that can meet the system regulation demand.


  • 支撑灯罩可以自由调节角度从而实现室内不同角度照明需求

    The light body backing bars and chimney can freely adjust Angle, so as to realize the indoor different perspectives on your lighting needs.


  • 同时由于生产季节性雇佣期逐渐缩短频繁流动劳动成了劳动力供给需求调节方法

    At the same time, working is limited by season, the tune of employment is gradually shorten, the frequent movement of rural labor force become the adjustable method in supply and demand.


  • 尽管崭新的,负有义务的调节需求贷款相关联尤其相关法规要求银行保留更多资金来防止贷款坏账,但却什么忙。

    New, onerous regulatory demands tied to lending, not least rules requiring Banks to set aside more capital against loans, do not help.


  • 通过该方案,不仅实现了对流的准入控制保证每条流的最低信道时间需求同时能动态地调节流所分配的信道时间。

    We not only provide admission control to satisfy their minimum channel time requirements, but also adjust their channel time dynamically.


  • 通过该方案,不仅实现了对流的准入控制保证每条流的最低信道时间需求同时能动态地调节流所分配的信道时间。

    We not only provide admission control to satisfy their minimum channel time requirements, but also adjust their channel time dynamically.


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