• 本币价值稳定性可测提高本币需求强度重要属性之一

    The stability and predictability of home currency value is one of the important attributes in improving the demand strength of national currency.


  • 基于模型网络资源分配定价算法根据用户需求强度设计

    Based on the proposed model, a network resource allocation and pricing algorithm based on user demand intensity is designed.


  • 合并有肺部合并症时其,父母需要得到支持和安慰需求强度相对地高。

    The results also indicate that the intensity of needs significantly correlates with the neonates' lung disease.


  • 对北部湾经济区科技需求强度变化趋势预测,表明未来几年快速增长态势

    At last we forecast future changing trends about intensity of the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone's scientific and technological demand, which will preset a fast growth.


  • 通过需求内容需求强度需求函数方面论述阐明了市场需求设计影响

    From the discussion on such aspects as demand contents, demand intensity, demand function, it is clarified the effects of market requirements on design.


  • 研究发现年轻的文化程度警员成长需求强度高于年长和文化程度低的警员。

    It was also found that the younger and better-educated the policemen were, the higher their growth need strength (GNS) was.


  • 滑雪技能水平与其社会人口统计特点交叉影响着潜在滑雪旅游者市场需求强度以及旅游决策

    The skiing demand intensity and travel decision-making are largely determined by the potential travelers' skiing skills and their sociological characteristics.


  • 通过模型分析发现影响公司持续成长因素表现公司型深度品牌信用度品类需求强度

    Through model analysis shows that the factors that affect the performance of the company continued to grow as the company's brand depth, brand credit degree and category demand intensity coefficient.


  • 通过定量分析 ,首次构造了顾客价值数学表达式 ,并以此基础 ,探讨了市场需求产品设计及商品化的联系 ,建立了需求强度模型

    This paper presents the design and simulation of a multi-layer fuzzy logic traffic signal controller for an isolated intersection based on traffic demand intensity.


  • 整个地区前景仍然不明朗经济复苏强度在很大程度上取决于主要出口市场需求

    The overall regional outlook remains uncertain and the strength of the recovery will largely depend on demand from key export markets.


  • 这样做为了评估标志着假日购物季节开始一天消费需求强度

    The idea is to assess the strength of consumer demand on the day that marks the start of the holiday shopping season.


  • 系统强度连接移动系泊系统,PTDS配备了多任务传感器能够满足各种监视需求

    Attached by a high-strength tether to a mobile mooring system, PTDS is equipped with multi-mission sensors that can address a variety of surveillance needs.


  • 伸缩性是指系统能够容易适应使用强度容量大小需求缓急较高要求。

    Scalability pertains to the capability of a system to adapt readily to a greater or lesser intensity of use, volume, or demand.


  • 也许观念疾速减肥必需进行强度活动磨炼,其实需求

    Perhaps in your idea of rapid weight loss must be high intensity activity exercise, do not need.


  • 基本上这些需求钢管材料,都具有足够强度韧性良好焊接能力以及腐蚀介质

    Basically, those steel pipe materials which, with adequately high strength, show sufficient toughness, good welding behaviour and resistance to corrosive media are in demand.


  • 纯钛种植体生物相容性质轻强度广泛应用于临床,成功满足患者生理功能需求

    Titanium implants have been used widely in hospitals because of the fine biocompatibility, light weight, high strength etc. which meet successfully the patients physiologic demand.


  • 通过货运强度人均出行次数两个特征变量进行运输需求预测,这种间接预测方法更能把握预测本质与结果的合理性。

    In this paper, transportation demand is forecasted with characteristic variables about the intensity of freight transport and per capita going number.


  • 为了满足结构用钢市场需求本钢成功地开发了具有较高性能结构用金高强度Q 460c热轧钢板

    In order to fulfil the requirement of steel market for structure, BXSTEEL developed Q460C low alloyed high strength hot-rolling plate for structure with higher capability successfully.


  • 汽车零件刹车油路分岐零件,高强度需求零件。

    Automobile parts: brake fluid distribution parts, high strength requirement parts.


  • 植物造景建设现代园林主要手段了解植物光照强度需求又是植物造景得以成功的重要保证。

    Landscaping with plants is a main approach to the construction of modern urban space. Success is based mainly on understanding the intensity of sunlight that the plants demand.


  • 较长的本地环路需求某种形式放大机制维持信号强度

    Longer loop lengths require some form of ampli? Cation in order to maintain signal strength.


  • 我们区域分组两个不同设置分别调节颜色强度适应我们一张图片灯光品质需求

    We grouped area lights in two different sets, to be able to adjust color and intensity separately to fit our needs in terms of quantity and color of light per image.


  • 基于传统汽车制动动力学分析考虑混合动力汽车特殊需求提出了电池SOC汽车制动强度为判断依据的混合动力再生制动控制策略

    Base on the analysis of tradition vehicle braking dynamics, considering the need of HEV, proposed regenerative braking force distribution strategy according to battery SOC and vehicle severity.


  • 采用模压成型产品结构完美强度、品种多、满足各类房屋需求

    Adopted mould type forming for perfect product structure, and with high intension and various kinds of products, which can satisfy different requirements for houses.


  • 工作强度要求;他婚姻情感要求;增长氧气需求

    The heavy demands of her job; the emotional demands of his marriage; an increased oxygen demand.


  • 概率地震需求分析主要工作获得不同震动强度水平下结构地震需求概率分布

    The main work of probabilistic seismic demand analysis is to obtain the probabilistic distribution of structural seismic demand at different intensity of ground motions.


  • 铝基非合金研究近些年得到了重视,这缘于人们对强度密度材料需求

    The research of Al-based amorphous alloy is regarded in recent years because of the demand in high strength-low density materials.


  • 本发明提供全氟离子交换能够同时满足机械强度离子交换容量需求并且稳定性好。

    The perfluorinated ion exchange resin provided by the invention can simultaneously satisfy the requirements of mechanical strength and ion exchange volume and has favourable thermostability.


  • 本发明提供全氟离子交换能够同时满足机械强度离子交换容量需求并且稳定性好。

    The perfluorinated ion exchange resin provided by the invention can simultaneously satisfy the requirements of mechanical strength and ion exchange volume and has favourable thermostability.


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