• 分钟走廊撞见了克特勒。

    He ran into Krettner in the corridor a few minutes later.


  • 连绵10英里已经到达安克东面海岸上。

    Oil has come ashore on a ten mile stretch to the east of Anchorage.


  • 阿瑟·C.克拉克喜欢引用朋友同事科幻作家·布拉德伯里的话。

    Arthur C. Clarke likes to quote his friend and fellow SF writer Ray Bradbury.


  • 莫里森太太先令梅德洛克太太先生那儿给了我一些

    Mrs. Morrison gave me five shillings and Mrs. Medlock gave me some money from Mr. Craven.


  • 影片中这位警长正在追逐一个来自德克萨肯纳的卡车强盗,从德克萨斯到乔治亚一直追了600英里一路上暴跳如,但格里森表演来没有过份夸张,只是让人物内心那种猛烈的挫败感溢于言表,他的这种演绎手法太恰如其分了,想想看,看着别人怒火攻心,而自己却置身事外,真够滑稽的。

    He’s chasing the Bandit from Texarkana, TX, 600 miles to Georgia, and he is PISSED the whole way! Gleason is not over the top in this performance.


  • 加利福尼·戴维斯分校戈里·克拉克认为原因在于欧洲社会本性

    Gregory Clark, of the University of California, Davis, thinks the answers lie in the nature of European societies.


  • 安德·里奥学会·迪诺沟通送给了本类似于自传东西,里面讲述了岁起发生事。

    Andrenio, after learning to communicate with Critilo, gives him a highly elaborate autobiography of his soul from the age of three days or so.


  • 事实上就像戈里·克拉克的《告别施舍》里所说那样:实际工资增加了利率基本没有地租费几乎保持了不变。

    Indeed, as Gregory Clark shows in a Farewell to Alms, real wages increased, interest rates stayed nearly constant, and rents on land also stayed almost unchanged.


  • 过去30年里这样的经历不止一次地发生身上,”迈克··德里克写道

    "I've done it more than once over the past 30 years," writes Mike Frederick.


  • 里文能克朋友,他自己就经历这种威胁

    Mr. Oprea, a friend of Mr. Litvinenko's, has experienced the threat up close.


  • 拥有不冻港城市阿克冰岛第二居民聚居地,人口仅次于首都克雅未克,它就坐落这个峡湾细长末端

    The ice-free port city of Akureyri lies near the fjord's narrow tip, and is Iceland's second largest population center after the capital, Reykjavik.


  • 有传闻称,《百孤独》作者加西亚·马尔克斯戈里·拉巴萨说,英文翻译自己西班牙原著更好

    Gabriel Garcia Marquez allegedly told Gregory Rabassa that his English translation ofOne Hundred Years of Solitude was better than the Spanish original.


  • 的真名其实里卡多•伊泽克森•多斯·桑托斯·特,但是却有一个全世界都耳熟能详昵称卡卡

    His real name is Ricardo Izecson DOS Santos Leite, but he is known to the world by his catchy nickname: Kaka.


  • 无线电波因此需要超大望远镜,”21世纪扩展型VLA (EVLA)的研究者里克

    "Radio waves are very long and so you need very large telescopes," said Rick Perley, who is working on the 21st century Expanded VLA, or EVLA.


  • 莫莉恩-窦德的小别墅里挤满了演艺圈的人——拉里-戴维斯,,乔治-卢卡斯-哈维德,甚至汤姆-汉克斯-阿弗莱克想进去都得费点劲儿。

    Maureen Dowd's townhouse so jammed with stars -- Larry David, George Lucas, Ron Howard -- that even Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck have trouble getting in.


  • 对于诺克斯索莱奇托来说,他们监狱里已经渡过时光,谈不上所谓的公正;对一家来说,他们至今仍然知道盖德是否参与了谋杀,如果不是,那么究竟是杀害了梅迪思,对于他们一家也还谈不上公正。

    Not for Knox and Sollecito, who've spent four years in jail, nor Meredith Kercher's family who still don't know if Rudy Guede had an accomplice or not, and if so, who it might have been.


  • 兰提里手术六月一巴黎城郊·泰伊亨利·蒙多医院完成

    Lantieri said the procedure was carried out June 27 at the Henri Mondor hospital in the Paris suburb of Creteil.


  • 把摇篮里孩子放在自忆旁边然后开始她的第一本人物传记关于玛莉·渥斯顿克·福特【4】的一生

    Instead, with her new baby in a basket beside her, she began work on her first biography, a life of Mary Wollstonecraft.


  • 十二月份,公司位于沃里克顿(Graydon in Warwickshire )工厂裁员600人,占公司员工总数的三分之一

    The company cut 600 jobs, one-third of its workforce, at its plant at Graydon in Warwickshire in December.


  • 然而还有第二种而且险恶解释一种形成怀疑商人》(Merchants ofDoubt)主题的解释。该书作者是美国学者内奥米·奥斯克斯里克·康韦布鲁姆斯伯里出版社于八月出版

    However, there is a second, more sinister explanation, one that forms the focus of Merchants of Doubt, by US academics Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, which is to be published this month by Bloomsbury.


  • 大卫·里斯,47岁,演过最有角色《哈利·波特》系列电影里的斯·卢平;尔,34岁电视剧《灵指神探中扮演查克

    Thewlis, 47, is best known for his role in the 'Harry Potter' series as Remus Lupin; Friel, 34, played Chuck on TV series' Pushing Daisies. '.


  • 伍尔芙说丽蒂茜娅是摩尔·弗兰德斯(Moll Flanders)萨克女儿安妮·里奇(Anne Ritchie)的混合体,一评价相当中肯。

    Woolf described her as a cross between Moll Flanders and Thackeray's daughter Anne Ritchie, which comes quite close.


  • 20世纪90年代一直生产厚底木屐巴黎制鞋罗伯特·克哲里(RobertClergerie)相信由于流行动态可持续性它们正在经历次新生。

    Robert Clergerie, the Parisian shoemaker who has been producing them since the 1990s, believes they are enjoying a renaissance, thanks to the sustainable fashion movement.


  • 2006年10月火箭队超级明星西·麦克格和克莉兰达·哈里丝结婚夫妻对公众大方便之门

    When Rockets star Tracy McGrady wed CleRenda Harris in October 2006, the couple embraced the publicity.


  • 所大学克·戈里在校园里发表演说

    The university refused to let Dick Gregory speak on campus.


  • 马克斯·里博乐队中,阿克—一个身材魁伟打击乐手。这个面色冷酷威奎人很节奏感

    One of the burly percussionists that accompanied the Max Rebo Band, Ak-rev is a grim-faced Weequay with a sense of rhythm.


  • 亚伯拉罕米琼恩同时其他幸存者包括标志性人物像里克支持卡尔格伦

    Battle as Tyreese, Abraham and Michonne, whilst being supported by fellow survivors including iconic characters like Rick, Carl and Glenn.


  • 这些砂囊有时藏有完全光滑的珍贵石头有人称之为特龙珠。

    These gizzards are sometimes home to neatly polished precious stones that some call Krayt dragon pearl.


  • 的真名里卡多·伊泽克森·多斯·桑托斯·特,但是却有一个全世界都耳熟能详昵称卡卡

    His real name is Ricardo Izecson DOS Santos Leite but he is known to the world by his catchy nickname: Kaka.


  • 冰岛杂志》称,约翰内松对阿克中学生发表了番傲慢言论

    Jóhannesson made the saucy comments to a groupof high school students in the town of Akureyri, according to Iceland magazine.


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