• 考虑要约实现提供者巴西电信股东收购价格可能会上升到123亿雷布尔

    The total price tag for the takeover may rise to 12.3 billion reais, taking into consideration an offer for Brasil Telecom's minority shareholders, Oi Chief Executive Luiz Eduardo Falco said.


  • 不是布尔不是巴格达八月以来,这一切发生墨西哥北部蒙特

    All this has happened since August not in Kabul or Baghdad but in Monterrey in northern Mexico (see article).


  • 罗慕洛谋杀双胞胎兄弟摩斯,亲弟布尔,不都是为了创建谋杀吗,为了创建城市人类文明

    What was Romulus' murder of Remus or Cain's murder of Abel,? But the kind of murder that founded, at the basis of the founding of cities and civilizations?


  • 整整一个星期,街道到处是打鼓摇旗贝西克塔斯球迷,这个球队赢得土耳其超级联赛击败来自伊斯坦布尔对手内巴切加拉塔萨

    All week the streets have been full of drum-banging, flag-waving fans of Besiktas, who have just won the Turkish football league, beating their big rivals from the city, Fenerbahce and Galatasaray.


  • 约翰·贷款经纪公司·布尔由于贷方寻求增加他们利润购房者得到抵押贷款利率正在上涨

    Ray Boulger of mortgage broker John Charcol said mortgage rates available to property buyers were going up as lenders sought to fatten their margins.


  • 国会议员布尔·贝罗成员,但她不相信这次和以往不同

    Parliamentarian Mabel Rebello, one of the new members, is not convinced that this time will be all that much different.


  • 一个甚至防守型球员大满贯比赛上输给了李娜,汉图娃,布尔科娃,小

    A more defensive player than even Murray, she was out-powered by li, Daniela Hantuchova, Dominika Cibulkova and Serena Williams at the majors.


  • 今年夏天,苏格兰打进世界杯但是安迪·认为英格兰现身南非有助于实现梦想——布尔顿摘下大满贯

    Scotland are not at the World Cup this summer but Andy Murray believes England's presence in South Africa could help him achieve his dream of winning a first grand slam title, at Wimbledon.


  • 布尔酒店上次受到重大攻击2008年,当时武装分子进了市中心豪华酒店,打死8

    The last major attack on a Kabul hotel was in 2008, when militants stormed the luxury Serena Hotel in the center of the city, killing eight people in a coordinated assault.


  • 伊拉克石油部长沙赫·斯塔尼(Hussain al - Shahristani)等高层石油官员计划周二伊斯坦布尔会见石油公司管理人士届时将对预计拍卖部分油田进行路演。

    Iraqi oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani and other top oil officials plan to meet executives on Tuesday in Istanbul, for a road show of the fields expected to be part of the auction.


  • 洛奇唯一一部同时出现在亨特布尔·十佳名单上的电影。

    "Rocky" is the only film to make both Hunt's and Galbraith's 10-best lists.


  • Perry1936年赢得了布尔顿网球公开赛,并且是最后一个这里获得胜利的英国。 之后打破决赛深深的映入了许多球员心里,Tim Henman 等。

    Mr. Perry won Wimbledon in 1936, the last British man to win there, a drought that has worn heavily on the psyche of players such as Mr. Murray, Tim Henman and others before them.


  • 布尔说,这种职能结构职能团体结合起来的方式称作矩阵(matrix)”,此类尝试多数以失败告终最近还出版有关矩阵式组织的书。

    Such attempts to combine a functional structure with cross-functional groups, called amatrix”, have mostly failed, says Mr Galbraith, who recently published a book on matrix organisations.


  • 纽特·玩弄布尔为乐,用人民悲惨命运来嘲弄

    Nute Gunray delighted in toying with Bibble, taunting him about the dire state of the Naboo populace.


  • 英国商务大臣文斯·布尔英国内政大臣•梅16谴责现行产假过时呆板和带有性别歧视的”。

    Business Secretary Vince Cable and Home Secretary Theresa May condemned on 16th that Britain's existing maternity leave rules as "old-fashioned, inflexible and gender-biased".


  • ·卡弗特是人人都喜爱任命为上尉,而布尔·温德,那个沼泽地捕猎手的儿子(他本人是小农),则被中尉了。

    Raiford Calvert was made first lieutenant, because everybody liked Raif, and Abel Wynder, son of a swamp trapper, himself a small farmer, was elected second lieutenant.


  • 但犹太区居民后来听到消息,那三十万同胞其实送去特·布尔毒气室成立犹太战团zob于是准备反抗

    When word reached the ghetto that the destination was actually the gas Chambers at Treblinka, the newly formed Jewish Fighting Organization ZOB prepared for resistance.


  • 但犹太区居民后来听到消息,那三十万同胞其实送去特·布尔毒气室成立犹太战团zob于是准备反抗

    When word reached the ghetto that the destination was actually the gas Chambers at Treblinka, the newly formed Jewish Fighting Organization ZOB prepared for resistance.


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