• 这种零热量的茶饮料很多方面都有益:可以增进心脏健康,预防多种癌症坚固骨骼牙齿可以修护肌肤

    Available in myriad varieties, the calorie-free brew promotes heart health, staves off several types of cancer, strengthens bones and teeth, and protects the skin.


  • 我们几乎三分之二每周一次快餐,而且我们每天25%的热量来自

    Nearly two thirds of us grab fast food once a week, and we get almost 25% of our daily calories from snacks.


  • 三分之二每周一次快餐,我们每天摄入热量25%来自

    Nearly two-thirds of us grab fast food once a week, and we get almost 25% of our daily calories from snacks.


  • 因此这里大于的,q2is,greater,than,zero。,也大于,也大于,and,minus,q1,is,greater,than,zero,热量流向,是朝这个方向

    So here, q2 The work is greater than zero, q1 that is heat is flowing this way.


  • 大厅走走,沿着大楼圈,给朋友个电话,一首舒缓一点伸展运动一点含高蛋白热量在100200卡的

    Walk down the hall or around the block, call a friend, listen to a calming piece of music, do some stretching exercises, or eat a high-protein 100 - to 200-calorie snack.


  • 购买包装好的最好查看比较一下营养标签尤其是热量脂肪糖类含量因为一些营养说明可能误导我们

    It would be wise to read and compare the nutritional labels when purchasing prepackaged snacks, especially the energy, fat and sugar content, because some nutrition claims may be misleading.


  • 美国调查发现消费者认为有机食品——尤其是——较少热量

    The American research found consumers tend to assume that organic foodsparticularly snackscontain fewer calories.


  • 罗卜可以让吃饱,但是热量十分注意体重跑步好的

    Carrots fill you up but are low in calories, making them a great snack for runners who are watching their weight.


  • 白天,那里温度可以达到因为包裹火星大气层极为稀薄,热量又会辐射宇宙中。

    Daytime temperatures may reach above freezing, but because the planet is blanketed by the mere wisp of an atmosphere, the heat radiates back into space.


  • 跑步一个好处就是可以日常饮食避免常常其他热量

    One of the benefits of running is that you can get away with eating sweets and other high-calorie snacks in your diet every so often.


  • 尽管有助于健康减肥,但如果注意的话它们成为多余热量来源

    Although snacks can contribute to a healthy diet, they can also be a source of excess calories if you aren't careful.


  • 100卡路里更少可以纳入日常热量目标

    Opt for snacks of 100 calories or less to stay within your daily calorie goal.


  • 绝对(460华师摄氏度完全不存在热量状态;所有物质变得惰性而且这样温度下它们也无法发生化学反应

    Absolute zero (- 460 degrees F) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature.


  • 但是太多带给你热量好的感觉之前检查应该什么来代替下次心情不好要吃东西。

    But before you load up on the snacks that brings the calories along with the feel-goods, check out what should you be eating instead the next time you are hit with a case of the blues.


  • 男性相比工作压力迫使女性饮用更多咖啡食用更多的高热量降低运动量以及增加吸烟量等不良生活习惯。 但面对同样的工作压力,男性与女性的情况却大有不同。

    The stress of their jobs makes women more likely than men to drink too much coffee, eat high-calorie snacks and take less exercise than their male counterparts.


  • 如果需要热量的话,Williams建议一些碳水化合物类食。

    If you're in need of energy, she recommends a snack made with unrefined carbohydrates.


  • 保持这个压力此时能量消耗很小热量产生,无运动

    And keep this pressure, then the energy consumption is small, no heat generation, no components movement.


  • 这项研究没有确切说明摄入是什么可是大约提供了碳水化合物热量四分之一,日需脂肪的20% 和日需蛋白质14%。

    The study doesn't show exactly what the snackers ate, though snacks provided about a quarter of their daily carbohydrates and calories, 20% of their daily fat, and 14% of their daily protein.


  • 当然如果喜欢那种口味,健康之名巧克力并无不妥,只是忘了其他中匀相等大卡热量来。

    It isn't unreasonable to eat chocolate for health reasons if you enjoy the taste, he adds, but make sure to cut a snack of equivalent calories from your diet.


  • 这种组合含有脂肪蛋白质番茄富含抗氧化剂。不仅可以解决饥饿,而且热量。 。

    This combination contains fat and protein, and tomatoes are packed with antioxidants. A filling snack, low in calories.


  • 一项新的研究显示摄入帮助年龄在65岁65岁以上的老人获得足够热量

    Snacking may help people aged 65 and older get enough calories, a new study shows.


  • 冷却水流动传热直接影响柴油机冷却效率高温负荷、整机的热量分配能量利用

    Cooling-water flow and heat transfer directly influences the cooling efficiency of diesel engine, thermal load of high temperature components, heat distribution of engine and energy utilization.


  • 假如太阳放射热量地球温度几乎就会下降绝对

    If the sun did not give off heat the temperature of the earth would fall almost to absolute zero.


  • 午餐所提供热量占了日常所需热量中的158卡路里,是每天的正餐中提供能量最多的一餐。

    Eating out for lunch adds 158 calories to daily intake, making it the largest caloric difference of any meal or snack.


  • 研究显示人们总会认为有机食品尤其是比一般的含有更少热量所以就的多

    A study has shown that people tend to assume that organic foods - particularly snacks - contain fewer calories that their conventionally-produced counterparts, so buy and eat more.


  • 首先就是减少这些一般都含有很高热量,很容易引起狗狗的发胖

    The first is to cut back on treats and snacks. These are generally high in calories and may contribute to weight gain.


  • 削减热量甜点洋芋片饼干蛋糕全脂冰淇淋

    Cut back on high calorie snack foods and desserts like chips, cookies, cakes, and full-fat ice cream.


  • 热传导理论基础研究药剂次阿累尼乌斯定律发生热分解时,所产生的热量对电火工品(EED)三维热分布的影响。

    Based on the theory of 3 dimension heat transfer, the influence of heat created by priming decomposing according to the zeroth Arrhenius law on the temperature field in EED was researched.


  • 他们饮食不规律,经常下午或者深夜吃很多热量

    They have erratic eating habits and indulge in too much late-afternoon or late-night high-fat snacking.


  • 他们饮食不规律,经常下午或者深夜吃很多热量

    They have erratic eating habits and indulge in too much late-afternoon or late-night high-fat snacking.


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