• 方法根据工作实践,分析住院药房拆药品管理使用现状。

    Methods the current situation of management and dispensing of dismounted oral medicine in the inpatient dispensary of our hospital was analyzed.


  • 供规则”初稿中最核心的内容认为沉默权提出”。

    The raising of remaining silent is regarded as the heart of the draft of the rule of zeroing the accused statement .


  • 规则最终目的遏制刑讯逼供沉默权不是达到一目的的唯一途径

    The final aim of zero oral statement rules is to contain the action of extorting a confession by torture, however, fight to silence is not the only way to achieve this aim.


  • 所以如果厨房橱柜里的食物突然,男人们恐怕也会经不住诱惑上一

    So if the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food, it's no wonder blokes are tempted to tuck in as well.


  • 运营商不像餐厅业主,却可以无限量成本提供虚拟食物-只要短信只占那么一小的话。

    But the carriers, unlike the cafeteria owners, can provide unlimited quantities of "food" at virtually no cost to themselves - so long as it is served in bite-sized portions.


  • 2006年出汽车部件总额达到了100亿美元,比去年增长了22%。

    Total shipments of vehicles and parts reached US$10bn in 2006, up by 22% year on year.


  • 整个帽子仅0.045千克,差不多相当于重量。

    The headgear weighs just 1.6 ounces, about as much as a pocketful of change.


  • 发现家里新式电话通过振动工作,就如同讲话者扬声器。Les取下两个烧烤

    Having discovered that the mouth piece in his family's new telephone worked by vibration, as did the speaker in their radio, Les carted both components to the barbeque stand.


  • 许多网上售商都名人照片和商品摆在一起,不过对于StyleSpot来说,红毯照片他们杀手

    Many online retailers include celebrity photos in their offerings, but for StyleSpot, red-carpet photos are the core.


  • 结合试制,进行缩模具结构设计对模具的工作原理、模具主要相互关系及其作用做了详细的论述。

    Integrated with the trial-produce of the part, the article discusses the structure design, the operating principle, the interrelation and functions of the main parts of the die.


  • 如果觉得自己完成了其中条,或者几乎作为,那就吸一气,再加把劲吧。

    If you feel like you've only done a few things, or none, take a deep breath and try harder.


  • 电影院排泄,一个嘉年华会,一个星期天露天市场很多餐馆充满在这个海边目的地那里少做随便你。

    A movie theatre retail outlets a carnival a Sunday open-air market and many restaurants fill this coastal destination where you can do as much as you like or as little as you like.


  • 奖励自己食。

    Treat yourself to a snack.


  • 栗子作为秋季一直以来很受欢迎。师傅把的栗子放到一巨大的砂糖一起翻炒。

    For this ever-popular autumn snack, chefs fry chestnuts (which are cut open) in an enormous wok filled with black sand and granulated sugar.


  • 注意发动机后面丢失了机身蒙皮已中国机械师设计百叶窗式散热的蒙皮来替代了。使得3372号‘’战在下面的照片中非常容易区分

    Note the missing fuselage panels behind the cowling which were replaced by louvered panels of Chinese design and which distinguished Zero 3372 in subsequent photographs.


  • 通常老大爷,长年累月地站块一米见方地方,摇着一大锅,锅里盛满了细细的黑色沙粒星的栗子

    Usually, it's an old man standing at a place about one square meter large, keeping stirring in a big iron pot full of chestnuts and black sands.


  • 单端接电阻lc梯形网络实现过程中要弄清楚主要问题之一就是极点移除网络传输关系

    One of the main problems in the realization of resistive terminated LC ladder networks is the relations of pole removal to the transfer function zeros.


  • 中午吃饭前,不离正餐时候肚子早就了,还有空余地方呀!

    Before lunch, snacks nothing to dinner when the stomach has long been full of snacks Cypriots, which have spare places you!


  • 所以如果厨房橱柜里的食物突然,男人们恐怕也会经不住诱惑上一

    So if the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food it's no wonder blokes are tempted to tuck in as well.


  • 磨削工艺过程能够克服上述缺点而且各项精度方面达到成品技术要求满足生产需要

    Using once counter bore grinding technology can overcome these weakness, and its accuracy is able to achieve technical request of finished product and satisfy productive needs.


  • 此外,在收敛压力边界条件时,构造了较易收敛的减缩修正方法

    Furthermore, a reduction correction method is built to promote convergence to boundary condition of exit pressure.


  • 来到四十五百老汇大街交叉那间售店书刊柜台前看看陈列品也可散散心。

    It was a momentary diversion to stand in front of the book counter in the drugstore at Forty-fifth street and Broadway and look at the books.


  • 这种生产电视节目的公司伦敦遍布于国王交叉草山。

    The companies that produce and export television formats are scattered around London, in odd places like King's Cross and Primrose Hill.


  • 重音常常忽略很多英语学习者难以说一地道英语原因之一。

    In the natural and fluent English, the zero stress is more common than the other two, but the zero stress of the content words is often overlooked.


  • 改进设计M—827止直径测量能够直接测量加工实际加工尺寸偏差提高件加工质量

    After modified design, the M-827 measuring rule used to measure step diameter can measure the actual dimension deviation of machined parts directly and quality of the parts is improved too.


  • 菜市百货是北京最大黄金珠宝售商中秋前夕,售卖用作收藏装饰月饼成为该商场的传统

    The selling of gold mooncake as collectors' items or decorations before the Mid-Autumn Day has become a tradition at Caishikou Department Store, the largest local gold and jewelry retailer.


  • 菜市百货是北京最大黄金珠宝售商中秋前夕,售卖用作收藏装饰月饼成为该商场的传统

    The selling of gold mooncake as collectors' items or decorations before the Mid-Autumn Day has become a tradition at Caishikou Department Store, the largest local gold and jewelry retailer.


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