• 渐渐黑了,又下起

    The skies grew dark and it began to rain.


  • 好像

    The rain seemed to have set in for the day.


  • 老是阴沉沉的,下着

    It's always dull and raining.


  • 气预报说还会再下两,然后星期二太阳就会出来。

    The weather report says it will be rainy for two more days, and then the sun will come out on Tuesday.


  • 接下来的180里,无论晴,戴尔都穿着不同的服装出现在那里。

    For the next 180 school days, rain or shine, Dale appeared there in a different costume.


  • 代诗人杜牧在一首著名的诗中这样描述这一:“清明时节纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”

    A famous poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu describes the day: "Rains fall heavily as Qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go."


  • 一边日出一边无常四月

    April weather, rain and shine both together.


  • ,又下着, 路更难走

    On top of it being dark, it rained, which made the going even tougher.


  • 洪水期间一共下了40

    It rained for 40 days during the flood.


  • 还下着不过我们不断地跳着舞,享受其中每一分钟

    It was cold and raining, but we danced away and enjoyed every minute of it.


  • 有一,下着很大,已经过了晚饭时间了,妈妈却还没有回来

    One day, there was a pouring rain. Her mother did not come back after supper time.


  • 于是回过头去查阅的日记,结果发现我给当留的批语十分空虚的一”,那下了点儿,也出什么大事

    When I looked that day up in my diary I found that I had noted it down as "a very empty day" when it rained and nothing much happened.


  • 不时醒来间隙祈望第二的早晨还能看见继续着,我们胡同里,水漫沐浴水池的一级台阶

    And in the wakeful intervals I pray that the morning may see the rain continue, our lane under water, and the bathing platform of the tank submerged to the last step.


  • 因为英格兰变幻莫测,所以很难预测连续内的气状况,就是说比赛可能因为而取消增加不确定性。

    As the weather in England is seldom predictable for five days in a row this also means that the match may be abandoned or inconclusive because of 'rain stop play'.


  • 下着男孩车里看到一对老人前面慢慢地

    On a rainy day, the boy saw from his car an old couple walking slowly in front.


  • 一月五月是少的前季风时期,孔布山谷平均每有一笼罩厚厚的棕色烟云下。

    In the rainless pre-monsoon months between January and May, about one day in five saw the Khumbu valley blanketed in a dense brown cloud.


  • 如果路滑,如果冰雪地,可以将人们处于受伤的危险之中,”

    If it’s slippery, if it’s icy, you can’t get people exposed to injuries, ” he said.


  • 已经连续下了了。

    The rain has lasted (for) two days.


  • 昭然行径犹如于光烈日底下人们出借却在积云将要人把伞还去。

    They are notorious for lending people umbrellas when the sun is shining and asking for them back when rain starts to fall.


  • 显然停车场的一道裂缝淋了整整而且停车场服务人员把我的车窗关上。

    Apparently my car was parked under a leak in the garage and it had rained for five straight days - and the garage attendants had left my car window open.


  • 显然停车场的一道裂缝淋了整整而且停车场服务人员把我的车窗关上。

    Apparently my car was parked under a leak in the garage and it had rained for five straight days -and the garage attendants had left my car window open.


  • 下了整整通向停车场台阶想象得要湿滑得多。

    It had been a rainy day and the steps leading to the car park were wetter than I realised.


  • 妻子在旁边照片,这时不合时令地下起了,给这意外的一幕增添了小小的戏剧性

    His wife took pictures of their holiday adventure while unseasonal rain added a little damp drama of its own.


  • 刚刚下过,街面还有湿

    It had just rained and the streets were wet.


  • 星期二的时候,北京晚上10点钟左右就开始下起第二早些时候就停阳光明媚。

    Heavy rain pelted Beijing from around 10 PM on Tuesday, ending what had earlier been a sunny day.


  • 第二开始上涨了。

    The next day the rain continued, and the water began to rise.


  • 这的一点也上个星期下了第一整整下了,第一次下

    The weather isn't too bad here. , it only rained twice last week, The first time it rained for three days and the second time for four days.


  • 这的一点也上个星期下了第一整整下了,第一次下

    The weather isn't too bad here., it only rained twice last week, The first time it rained for three days and the second time for four days.


  • 葬礼第二举行,这不好,下起了崇拜者朋友便纷纷挤灵车

    The funeral took place the next day. A good party of his admirers and friends got into the hearse with the coffin, for the day was wet and nasty.


  • 葬礼第二举行,这不好,下起了崇拜者朋友便纷纷挤灵车

    The funeral took place the next day. A good party of his admirers and friends got into the hearse with the coffin, for the day was wet and nasty.


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