• 雄性的马来熊长得雌性大。牠们长着短短的毛发适应东南亚热带雨林气候

    Males grow larger than the females do and they have short hair to suit their climate of the tropical rain forests of southeast Asia.


  • 厄瓜多尔本身就是气候极其多样的国家,安第斯山地气候滨海气候雨林气候岛屿气候应有尽有。

    Ecuador itself boasts so many climates from the Andes7 to the coast to the rainforest to the islands.


  • 通过观察来自世界研究中心16个不同气候变化模式科学家把对雨林威胁归结因全球变暖所致的干旱森林火灾

    The scientists calculated the threat to rainforests from drought or forest fires as the world warms by looking at 16 different climate change models from research centres around the world.


  • 农场失利大型企业工厂化农业-而后者在连接我们盘中餐气候变化雨林破坏无形链条扮演的是杀手角色,”

    "Small farms are losing out to big business factory farming - the killer link in a hidden chain that connects the food on our plates to climate change and rainforest destruction," he said.


  • 西方纳税人需要亚马逊雨林控制他们的气候

    Western taxpayers need the Amazon rainforest to control their climate.


  • 亚马逊砍伐树木、采矿、农种植作物牛肉生产导致全球气候系统重要稳定器——亚马逊雨林的破坏。

    The Amazon: The razing of the Amazonian rainforest, a key stabiliser of the globalclimate system, by logging, mining, crop planting and beef production.


  • 巴西环保组织提出每年付给一笔现金留下那片雨林帮助应对气候变化

    A Brazilian environmental group is offering him a yearly cash payment to leave his forest standing to help combat climate change.


  • 创纪录干旱20052010年袭击亚马逊热带雨林由于气候类型随着全球变暖正变得愈加干旱,研究者这种极端的干旱一直进行着严密观察

    Record droughts hit the Amazon's rain forests in 2005 and 2010. With climate models projecting more drying with global warming, researchers are keeping close watch for such extreme droughts.


  • 国家北部热带气候拥有雨林草原沙漠组成植被

    The northern part of the country, with a tropical climate, has a vegetation consisting of rainforest, woodland, grassland and desert.


  • 亚利桑那大学在研究沙漠植物变化水文效应雨林动态可变气候环境中的植物。

    The University of Arizona is also studying the hydrological effects of desert vegetation changes, and the rainforest dynamics of carbon, oxygen and vegetation in a variable-climate setting.


  • 科学家正是因为额外暴饮暴食导致了全球气候的变暖,现在南北极冰层正在消融水平面正在升高,热带雨林正在消失。

    The scientists say providing extra grub for them to guzzle adds to carbon emissions that heat up the world, melting polar ice caps, raising sea levels and killing rain forests.


  • 森林因提供的多方面产品,在很多方面都有着重大作用,西方纳税人需要亚马逊热带雨林帮助控制气候变暖巴西人需要雨林河流长流水,让水力发电机能发电,亚马逊流域的豆农需要雨林带来足够的降水。

    Western taxpayers need the Amazon rainforest to control their climate. Brazil needs it to help feed its rivers and generate hydro-power.


  • 森林环境气候变化紧密相连,热带雨林中的树木植物都储存大量——它们作为二氧化碳被释放空气

    And here's the climate connection. Rainforest trees and plants store massive amounts of carbon - keeping it from getting into the air as carbon dioxide.


  • 即使是气候变化带来最小幅度温度升高可能使亚马逊热带雨林遭受灾难性破坏

    The Amazonian rainforest is likely to suffer catastrophic damage even with the lowest temperature rises forecast under climate change.


  • 全球气候谈判提议排放温室气体国家支付给雨林国家一笔款项,帮助他们保护雨林

    Proposals in the global climate negotiations would allow countries to offset some of their greenhouse-gas emissions by paying rain-forest nations to preserve their trees.


  • 亚马逊河流域的热带雨林规模如此整个地球气候的影响力也毋庸置疑,一旦遭受严重破坏,我们每个人都会受到严重的影响。

    The Amazon rainforest is so big and so powerful a piece of the overall climate picture that its destruction will affect everyone.


  • 但是很快地人们的注意力热带雨林转向了其它方面气候变化有机农业等等。现在亚马逊雨林消失速度几乎又回到了上世纪八十年代

    But attention soon shifted away from the rainforest to issues like climate change and organic agriculture, and now the Amazon is disappearing at about the same rate it was in the 1980s.


  • 科学家调查污染气候变化他们称之为海洋热带雨林影响

    The scientists investigated the effect of pollution and climate change on what they called the rainforests of the ocean.


  • 雨林世界环境巨大的影响因为他们可以阳光吸收热量调节气候

    Rainforests have a great effect on the world environment because they can take in heat from the sun and adjust the climate.


  • 木林需要气温较高、湿度较大的温带气候红木柚木乌木硬木生长赤道附近热带雨林里。

    The hardwoods need a temperate climate, with moister, warmer weather. Tropical hardwoods, such as mahogany, teak, and ebony, grow in the rain forests near the equator.


  • 不管怎样,我们青蛙已经成为新的重要标志。我们的青蛙全世界热带雨林标志抵抗气候变化活动的标志,”

    "However our frog has come to symbolise something new. Our frog is a symbol for the world's rainforests, a symbol of action against climate change," he said.


  • 冷杉林(针叶林)、热带雨林常绿阔叶林寒温带、热带和亚热带气候顶极群落

    Dark taiga, tropical rain forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest are climax of area of cold temperate, tropic and subtropics.


  • 海南岛终年气候宜人,四季鸟语花香矿物动植物资源丰富热带雨林红树林为中国少有森林类型

    Hainan Island year-round pleasant weather, seasonal flowers, mineral, animal and plant resources. Tropical rainforests and mangroves of the rare forest types in China.


  • 至少一个地方——这里潮湿气候是出了的,由此诞生出了真正雨林

    At least I live in the right place, famous for its damp weather and spawning its own genuine rainforest.


  • 以纯胶林、胶茶人工林旷地为对照,分析了人工雨林的小气候效应。

    Microclimatic factors including solar radiation, temperature, humidity, and wind and so on in artificial rainforest were studied.


  • 以纯胶林、胶茶人工林旷地为对照,分析了人工雨林的小气候效应。

    Microclimatic factors including solar radiation, temperature, humidity, and wind and so on in artificial rainforest were studied.


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