• 我们产品时尚设计实用性强于一体的各类中高级产品

    Our products are featured as stylish designs, practical use of all kinds of medium and top grade fashion.


  • 狮城大厦集时尚店铺美食饮品于一身,并拥有一个大型影院

    Plaza Singapura houses a mix of lifestyle stores, food and beverage outlets and a huge Cineplex.


  • 丰富了现代商务休闲服饰文化内涵时尚优雅个性一身演绎出新商务男性的追求

    Enriched the cultural content of modern business recreational dress, it gathered vogue, grace, character in the whole body, will deduce a new business male to pursue.


  • 底线尽管挑剔控制,发现缤特力975是舒适适应,一个伟大的功能时尚耳机优秀的通话质量

    The bottom line: Despite its finicky controls, the Plantronics Discovery 975 is a stylish headset with a comfortable fit, a great feature set, and excellent call quality.


  • 但是FanPier地区一个例外,这里曾经波士顿南部海滨工业区随着工业逐渐衰退而慢慢改造成集时尚艺术餐饮一体的中心

    But that is essentially the story with Fan Pier, a former industrial blight on the South Boston waterfront being transformed, albeit slowly, into a hub of fashion, art and dining.


  • Kindle Fire的用户可以观赏里约大冒险》,翻看纽约客》时尚先生》,并且亚马逊服务器上连上他们音乐

    Kindle Fire owners can watch the film Rio, scroll through magazines such as the New Yorker or Esquire, and access their music collection on Amazon's servers.


  • 2011年4月导演演员身份于一身MatildaBrown出席电影《雷神索尔悉尼首映式,脖子上的格纹围巾时尚

    Actress-director Matilda Brown's large plaid scarf looks hip at the premiere of "Thor" in Sydney in April 2011.


  • 这款镶饰章徽标皮带品质时尚于一身。

    Quality and style are embedded into THS belt with signature crest logo belt buckle.


  • 朋克教母”、“时装女巫”、“叛逆天后”等封号于一身维维安·韦斯特伍德一直另类、极端前卫震撼时尚

    Mother of punk, fashion witch, heaven's queen of rebellion, these names converge to Vivienne Westwood who always astounds the fashion community with abnormality, extremeness, avantgarde.


  • 时尚典雅彰显品位观赏价值收藏价值使用价值一体从而成为各界人士的上上之

    Elegant fashion, demonstrated grade, set ornamental value, collectors value and value in one, thus becoming the people on the choice.


  • 本书古老文化注入时尚娱乐元素,知识、趣味娱乐为一体,使读者学到为我所用的日常知识,缓解工作所带来的压力

    This book injects fashionable and entertaining factors into the old culture. It not only provides readers with knowledge of daily life, but also can relief the working pressure.


  • 视频显示加加身着'乳胶修女装备了诸位玫瑰经念珠吞下似乎包括麦当娜著名影片参考就像一个祷告时尚

    The video also shows Gaga dressed in a latex nuns' outfit, suggestively swallowing a set of rosary beads, and appears to include references to Madonna's famous videos for Like A Prayer and Vogue.


  • 时尚迷人,散发青春校园气息的钥匙扣现代魅力动感活力于一身。

    Young and preppy, this stylish key ring is synonymous with modern, sporty style.


  • 则是设计开发生产销售一体专业化时尚休闲品牌生产商营销商、外贸进出口

    Is the collection design, the development, the production, the sale in a bodys specialized fashionable leisure brand producer and marketing business, the foreign trade importer-exporter.


  • 以赏心悦目时装图片专业意见文字内容,图文并茂活现特定主题时尚风格时装知识美誉于一身。

    Illustrate the fashion style through vibrant pictures and professional writing. It is a combination of fashion information and aestheticism.


  • 爱特丝i -TEX代表健康舒适床上用品品牌,是设计产品开发市场为一体的时尚先锋。

    I-TEX is a bedding brand that is synonymous with sleeping healthy. It is involved in the design, product development, marketing and retailing of I-TEX bedding products ladies' fashion apparel.


  • 广州时尚服饰有限公司时尚坐落美丽时尚之都广州,一家以低成本质量主导、时尚女装系列配套设计开发生产销售于一体服饰公司。

    ShiShanHui located in the beautiful fashion - Guangzhou, is a low-cost high-quality-oriented, fashion women's series for the support, design, development, production and sales of the apparel company.


  • 写真消费有着丰富心理蕴涵:体现了女性虚荣心理、追求时尚心理百变女神审美幻想

    The consumption of photo album has rich psychological implication which embodies female vanity and female fashion-seeking psychology and aesthetic fantasy of changing beauty.


  • 广州市铭淇皮具有限公司一家产品研发市场开拓生产制造销售为一体的时尚手袋企业

    Guangzhou Mingqi Bag Co., Ltd. is a fashionable enterprise that mainly deals with product research and development, market development, manufacturing and selling.


  • 院落一家餐饮娱乐休闲于一体,以鱼为主题时尚活动场所

    The courtyard is a set of dining, entertainment, leisure, fish-themed fashion event venues.


  • 本案购物娱乐时尚休闲文化多功能为一身城市活力中心座城市最引以为豪标志物

    The project is an urban business center integrated with multiple functions such as shopping, entertainment, fashion, recreation cultures, etc, and it's also a landmark building of Leting County;


  • 一家餐饮娱乐休闲一体主题时尚活动场所

    The courtyard is one to gather meal drink , entertainment , lie fallow in an integral whole, take fish as the subject fad exercise lieu.


  • 我们总公司一直有一句工作格言就是引领时尚潮流制定行业标准

    We set Shing Corporation has been a working motto is: lead the fashion trend of development of industry standards!


  • 则是设计开发生产销售一体专业化时尚休闲品牌生产商营销商、外贸进出口

    Is the collection design the development the production the sale in a bodys specialized fashionable leisure brand producer and marketing business the foreign trade importer-exporter.


  • 酒店拥有209风格迥异的客房,高级豪华房、行政房、套房,设计豪华舒适,现代时尚、简洁明快于一体。

    The hotel has 209 rooms in different styles, including superior rooms, deluxe rooms, executive rooms and suites.


  • 全新精品酒店,融合了时尚风格精髓追求时尚顾客提供前卫设计与奢华享受一身的好去处。

    So by Sofitel: a new kind of boutique hotel, with style and soul, reconciling design and pleasure for trend conscious consumers.


  • 产品机电一体化,性能优越品质保证安全可靠结构紧凑,外观时尚安装方便价格合理

    The products compound all electromechanical features in one, excellent function and quality guarantee, safety and reliability, solid structure, fashion look, easy installation and rational pricing.


  • 双气度非凡不锈钢扣,现代风格时尚元素于一身。

    This sophisticated pair of stainless steel cuff links is synonymous with modernity and style.


  • 双气度非凡不锈钢扣,现代风格时尚元素于一身。

    This sophisticated pair of stainless steel cuff links is synonymous with modernity and style.


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