• •吉建议,即便在家工作,也应该办公室上班一样,找人帮忙照顾孩子。

    La Gioia recommends lining up babysitting help just as if you were going out to an office.


  • 或许吧马基弗利不会建议君王依赖这种策略

    Perhaps, but Machiavelli would not have advised his prince to rely upon it.


  • 只是道德怎样源自于而且甚至,需要个道德败坏情境另一个例子,马基维利你们建议清楚。

    This is simply another example of how moral goodness grows out of and even requires a context of moral evil. Machiavelli's advice to you is clear.


  • 乔治亚理工学院计算机交换系罗纳德·金对此提出了一个建议,而这个建议缓解人们部分忧虑

    Ronald Arkin of the Georgia Institute of Technology's School of Interactive Computing has a suggestion that might ease some of these concerns.


  • 孔肯热流行期间建议着装时要尽量减少可遭白天叮咬媒介叮咬暴露皮肤

    For protection during outbreaks of chikungunya, clothing which minimizes skin exposure to the day-biting vectors is advised.


  • JacksonEngland建议,应该关心板块交界处一样关心内陆地区方面的研究阿尔卑斯-喜马拉地震带上的1000万平方公里的地域开始。

    Jackson and England call for the study of inland faults to be given the same priority as boundary faults, starting with the 10 million square kilometers 3.86 million sq.


  • 机构批准该药物上市其他官员告诉顾问团他们当时不确定文迪风险有多大寻求专家顾问团的建议

    Other officials in the division that approves drugs for sale told the panel they were unsure how risky Avandia was and were seeking the panel's advice.


  • 只是道德怎样源自于而且甚至需要个道德败坏情境另一个例子马基维利你们建议清楚。

    This is simply another example of how moral goodness grows out of and even requires a context of moral evil. Machiavelli's advice to you is clear.


  • 度假酒店紧随这个充满活力岛屿变化,引领潮流,为游客奉上小岛最优的服务。 牡丽酒店的管理团队关注每位游客的期望建议,酒店内有一位客户关系经理以满足每项需求

    Le Murraya's management team is responsive to the wishes and suggestions of each and every guest, and has appointed a Guest Relations Officer at the hotel to cater for your every need.


  • 如果愿意分享更多个人观点,或者博客有任何意见建议在此留言谢谢

    If you like to share more your opinion, or any suggestion for Yalan Blog, please leave a message here. Thanks!


  • Iowa州共和党参议员CharlesGrassley称,2006年2FDA一位主管内部备忘录中建议更改文迪标签随后机构否决。

    A supervisor who signed off on a February 2006 internal FDA memo suggesting such a label change for Avandia was rebuked by the agency, according to Senator Charles Grassley, Republican of Iowa.


  • 医院疑其艾滋病患者考虑手术难度大、风险建议医院治疗

    Hospital for suspected AIDS patients, surgery is difficult to consider the high risks, it is recommended to Xiangya Hospital for treatment.


  • 正如福斯特所说,“当马基维利君王论》收集材料时候一个急需建议强盗男孩正在中亚的高原飞奔。”

    Forster put it, "at the time that Machiavelli was collecting materials for 'the Prince', a robber boy, sorely in need of advice, was scuttling over the highlands of Central Asia."


  • 他们建议文迪最新标签包括危险信息FDA他们将继续关注这一事件

    They did recommend Avandia's label be updated to include information on that risk. The FDA said it was continuing its review of the issue.


  • 大多数美国食品药物管理局专家建议有争议治疗糖尿病文迪”(商品名:文迪

    The majority of advisers to the Food and Drug Administration are recommending the controversial diabetes drug of Avandia stay on the market.


  • 女儿使用美赞臣的时候厉害,于是医生建议我们

    My daughter was spitting up constantly using Enfamil, so the Dr. Switched her to Similac. My son, on the other hand, did really well on Enfamil Lipil (it's supposed to be more like breast milk) ·.


  • 女儿使用美赞臣的时候厉害,于是医生建议我们

    My daughter was spitting up constantly using Enfamil, so the Dr. Switched her to Similac. My son, on the other hand, did really well on Enfamil Lipil (it's supposed to be more like breast milk) ·.


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